A blinding white light flashed on the sea south of Konoha, followed by a violent explosion.

The explosion set off a huge wave that completely engulfed an uninhabited island not far away.

Just now, it was the bow and arrow that Uchiha Taki shot through Susa, and for ordinary people, even ordinary strong people, that move can be used as their housekeeping move.

But for Uchiha Taki, he was still a little unsatisfied. His purpose is to become a large tube wood to obtain immortality, and this power is obviously not enough for those big tube wood people.

So he condensed the bow and arrow again, and the attack method of the bow and arrow after becoming an eternal kaleidoscope also changed a little.

This time instead of firing towards the sea, he raised Susanoo's right hand high and aimed at the sky, released the bowstring with his left hand, and the white arrow wrapped around the same white flame, flying quickly towards the sky with a sound barrier.

In an instant, the arrow had passed through the layers of clouds to a height that no one could touch.

After coming to the sky, the arrow seemed to lose power and did not continue to fly up. Instead, there was a violent vibration, and then it exploded in the air, turning into hundreds of white fireballs and smashing down towards the sea.

"Hey, that's amazing."

Uchiha Taki looked at the white light above his head, which shone brighter than the midday sun, and sucked his body into the Kamui space.

However, Uchiha Taki can see through the miracle outside that the sky did not fall like a meteor swarm like an exploding arrow as he thought.

Instead, several of the fireballs ignited the clouds, connecting all the other fireballs into an overwhelming sea of fire and pouring towards the sea.

Just by looking at it, you can feel the strong feeling of suffocation.

A few seconds later, the huge sea of fire in the sky hit the surface of the sea, and the location of the hundreds of fireballs first burst out of the pillar of fire, and then from the pillar of fire, a large amount of steam spewed out.

Although the process and principle are different, on the outside, it looks like hundreds of small nuclear bombs exploding.

"But why can clouds ignite, but not seawater?"

Looking at the sea that gradually calmed down after casting the water escape, Uchiha Taki complained.

But he didn't dwell too much about this matter, after all, the world has Chakra, and what happened to more unscientific things.

After the outbreak just now, Uchiha Taki probably has a number in his heart, and now although he alone is still not as good as the dirt spot in the later stage, but with the miracle on you, he should be able to win steadily.

However, Uchiha Taki made such a big movement here, even if he used water to prevent the waves from hitting the fishing villages along the coast, but the white light in the sky like the sun falling into the world was not hidden.

The ninjas on the southern coast of the Land of Fire, everyone was on high alert, and the scrolls recording this event were sent towards Konoha Village in batches.

However, the speed at which they sent information was not as fast as the speed of Uchiha Taki returning to the village, and after turning into an eternal kaleidoscope, their mobility was several times stronger than the original Kamui.


Returning to Miyo's side, after being blown up with blood and debris of stones and bones, he sent someone to suppress the matter and asked people to investigate Konoha Hospital.

The third generation is called a doctor of ninjutsu, not only to say that he has mastered ninjutsu, but he also has a very deep understanding of other people's ninjutsu.

When the human body exploded, he immediately thought of the Blood Dragon Eye, the pupil family that was beaten by Uchiha.

So he immediately dispatched the root to control all these insiders.

But he did not notify Bofeng Shuimen, not even Mito Menyan, because in his opinion, this belongs to the "family ugly", so he chose not to publicize it.

It wasn't until a few days later that Hakafu Shuimon came to him and asked if he could attend the funeral of the person who died in Konoha some time ago.

To explain a little here, because after the night of the Nine Tails, many people, including the three generations, were lying in the hospital, so it was only now that preparations for a collective funeral were held.

And Bofeng Shuimen today is to see how the three generations are recovering now.

It's just that the moment Bofeng Shui Gate just stepped into the door, he was obviously stunned when he saw the three generations.

This made the very keen three generations immediately perceived, so he asked: "What's wrong Watergate?" "

Your nose... How did it come to be like this? Watergate asked a little embarrassed, but also with a little curiosity.

"Nose?" The third generation felt a little inexplicable, and then reached out and touched his nose.

But what he touched was not a round, soft flesh feel, and then a very hard and angular stone nose. The

three generations suddenly trembled in their hearts, and then took the mirror next to him and looked at it, and the nose on his face had completely become the same as the stone on the child of the ape flying bow willow.

"Nothing, just failed to do the experiment."

I don't know what kind of psychology, the three generations did not ask for help from Bofeng Shuimen.

It may be that asking for help from the apprentice's grandchildren makes him feel that he can't pull his face, or it may be that he is dissatisfied with him sitting in the position of Hokage.

But in short, the three generations suppressed the fear in their hearts and did not tell Bofeng Shuimen about it.

"Speaking of Watergate, did you come here this time?" Miyo asked rhetorically.

"I'm here to ask if you're free lately, and the people who were injured in the Nine-Tails War are almost fine, so I plan to hold a funeral in the near future."

"It turns out that this ah, although it is not complete, but the problem of attending the funeral is not very big, as long as it is not out for a long time."

After giving the wave wind water gate back perfunctory, the third generation called to the members of the root: "Now immediately use all the resources of the root to find out where Tsunade is, and let her return to Konoha immediately after finding it."

Hearing the order, the root looked embarrassed, and said in embarrassment: "Third generation-sama, we can't order Tsunade-sama at all, and we don't have the strength to forcibly bring her back."

The three generations stopped: "I know, but this time you told her that if she doesn't come back, she will be Konoha's S-class rebel!" "

“... Be. The root ninja who received the order replied bitterly.

It's okay to characterize Tsunade as a rebel.

There are two rebels in the three Shinobi, don't the three generations know how much this will affect themselves, not to mention that now is still the time to go head-to-head with Uchiha.

Because of Kakashi's eye robbery before, Asma is still locked up in Uchiha's prison and has not come out.

Although this is partly due to Asma's rebellion and his unwillingness to come out, this does make the three generations passive.

However, the root ninja did not ask much, not only obeying, this kind of obvious thing, he can see, three generations can not see.

Since the three generations made this decision, it means that if Tsunade does not return, it will lead to more serious consequences.

"Alas." The root ninja sighed, he was an old man who had followed three generations from the dark to the root, and this was the first time he felt that the three generations were gone.

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