"Don't be so nervous, don't you also want three generations to die, I just follow your heart's thoughts." The miracle is that your tone is very flat and you can't hear any emotion.

But Uchiha Taki felt very uncomfortable, I don't know if it was caused by his big snake pill face, or from his confident tone.

"Although I want three generations to die, what I want is his death within my control, not a petrified or stone man who pops out of nowhere."

Uchiha Taki's tone also seemed to be very flat, but the look in his eyes showed that he didn't mind and miracle to do it.

Although the ability of doom is very powerful, it has no effect on things that do not exist in this world, and who in the entire ninja world is more suitable for this requirement than him, a traverser?

Miraculously, you also seem to see Uchiha Taki's thoughts, so he opened his mouth to defend himself: "The two of us are one, you don't have to worry about this, even if you attack me, in the end you will be hurt the same as me."

"Even if it's one, we need a master, don't we?"

Miraculous sighed at you: "Isn't it that you have been dominating, and I have been assisting you?" Otherwise, the moment the wind sacrifice leaf slapped you, her hand would have been broken. "

Moe?" Uchiha Taki was a little puzzled why Miracle suddenly mentioned her.

"She, I treated her as a Kang Sui existence for the time being, it seems that my choice is indeed right. So you should be able to feel my sincerity. "Miracle explains it again.

"So? What do you want to get? Seeing

that the miracle is about to speak, Uchiha Taki prompts in advance: "Don't say that you don't have what you want, I don't believe that an individual with wisdom doesn't have his own desires." "

An intelligent life without desire and desire will only make Uchiha Taki feel fear, so the miracle is that if you really have no desire, he will immediately do something to him!

"Don't worry, I do have my own desires. Just as you long for eternal life, I want to merge me, which is doom, with the doom of this world, and this is my desire! "

The miracle is that you first stated your wishes, and then said to Uchiha Taki: "There is no conflict between the wishes of the two of us, if I want to fuse bad luck, then I need your strength to become stronger, not to mention that we have always been one, including interests!"

Uchiha Taki sneered: "I didn't know that this so-called 'oneness' could actually kill people without me." "

That's right, in fact, this is the crux, it doesn't matter if there is individual consciousness Uchiha Taki, after all, there are so many stand-ins with individual consciousness in previous lives, and miracles have nothing to do with you.

What he cares about is that miracles are that you can kill without his knowledge, and even now he doesn't know when the miracle is when you did it.

The miracle of his own actions is clear to you, but he actually does not know his affairs, who can bear this?

Miraculously, you shook your head: "In fact, it is not to kill people without you, but the power in your subconscious exploded, directly cursing the ape flying family." "

Curse? Ape flying family? Uchiha Taki thought of something.

"That's right, just like you think, now the ape flying clan also bears the same curse as the Dongfang family, and it is also stronger than the curse of the Dongfang family."

"Oh? Expand and talk.

"The eldest son of the Dongfang family is only the eldest son, and it is still not until the child reaches a certain age to contract petrification disease." The ape flying clan does not have those restrictions, and all the males of the ape flying clan are all within the scope of the curse. "

Unlimited number?"

"That's still limited to one person, but as soon as the person who contracted the petrochemical disease dies, the petrification disease will immediately transfer to the other males of the Ape Fei clan."

"It's quite powerful." Uchiha Taki said thoughtfully, "But you still haven't explained why there is this curse and when it happened.

"When the curse appears, it is the moment you fuse the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, so I said that this is an explosion of your subconscious power."

Seeing that Uchiha Taki seemed a little unconvinced, the miracle added to you: "You can go and investigate whether it is, there must be someone among those root personnel who know." "

“... It better be so. After that, Uchiha Taki sucked himself into the Kamui space to confirm if it was like the miracle you said.

But even if it's really like the miracle you say, Uchiha Taki can't believe it all.

He had secretly made up his mind to further enhance his Yang power.

From the previous transplantation of intercolumn cells to initially control doom, to the fusion of the eternal kaleidoscope, the miracle of your abnormality.

These examples all show that the source of the power of miracles to bring you bad luck is yin, and yang dun is the best way to suppress him.

And now it is possible that there is no Chakra of Indra, and Uchiha Taki's eyes have not yet become reincarnation eyes, which was originally bad news for him, but now it has become good news.

If you open the eye of reincarnation and further increase the power of miracle in you, even Uchiha Taki cannot guarantee that he will be able to resist the torrent of calamity.

As the beneficiary of the torrent of calamity, no one knows the power of calamity better than him.

After all, he can't directly lock blood in the later stage like Dingsuke, no matter how you fight a miracle, he will be injured and will not die.


The three generations did not attend this incident, and since Uchiha Taki could notice, the spies who had originally come to Konoha to probe for intelligence naturally also discovered this matter.

Although everyone is condolently mourning on the surface, the real idea under the mask has long been to investigate the situation of the three generations.

It is not a secret that the three generations were injured and hospitalized, because at the beginning there were still full state Bofeng Shuimen and Jiu Xinnai, and the injuries of the three generations were not a certain injury, there was no need to hide it.

Even if he was later vomited blood by Uchiha Fugaku, it only aggravated the injury a little, and it was not really life-threatening.

So his absence today is not only curiosity of those spies, but also some other Konoha ninjas who do not know that the third generation has been petrified.


At this time, the room where the three generations were located, Wave Feng Shuimon, Mito Menyan, Nara Shikahisa, and the three generations of root ninjas who were responsible for guarding and protecting the petrification were gathered together, but each of them had a very ugly face.

"So, as the root of Konoha's elite department, there are actually times when you are not careful, and still make mistakes in such an important situation?" Bofeng Shuimen rarely asked the root with a scowl on his face.

Originally, he had been following these roots for three generations for a long time, and with Mito Menyan's assurance, he chose to let them protect and take care of the stone statues of the three generations.

As a result, not long after the funeral was held, the three generations were separated?

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