Uchiha Taki, who left Konoha, didn't go too far, because he might have to return to Konoha next to replenish the information of the fusion chakra.

If he didn't know where Madara was hiding, he would want to go to the place where Madara was hiding before, after all, no one knew better than Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

But it's a pity that both times Bai Jue was killed by his miracle for you, and Tuzi Ge fell into the illusion of Izanami and couldn't break free, and Hei Jue he had never seen before, so he could only think about Madara's inheritance.

But what he didn't know now was that Hei Jue was very close to him at this time, and Hei Jue came to Konoha again!

It's just that he is hiding deep underground now, not being discovered by the people of the Hyuga family.

The noise above the ground also made Hei Jue grit his teeth, others thought that he was taking the soil to recycle his eyes, only he knew that this was the kaleidoscope hidden in the depths and was ready to become an eternal kaleidoscope.

"It's better not to let me know who you really are, or I'll spread your name throughout the ninja world to see if you can still hide in the shadows!" Hei Jue said viciously.

Then when Uchiha Taki was pointed at by Chifu, Kuro came to the door again to deceive, mislead, and cooperate, which is what he has been doing for thousands of years.

It's just that he doesn't know where Uchiha Taki learned about the opening conditions of the eternal kaleidoscope, could it be that Madara left some clues? Otherwise, he would have no reason to grab Obito's eyes. Hei Jue thought secretly in his heart.

When the probes of the white eyes decreased, he began to investigate Uchiha and Konoha, and of course, it was also necessary to help Obito prepare some of the necessary things to solve the illusion.

The hidden kaleidoscope powerhouse he wants to collude with, and he doesn't want to give up if he can use the soil of Mu Duan.

After a long time, the effect of the anesthetic began to fail, and the tingling pain in his left eye made Kakashi wake up from his slumber.

"Obito!" Kakashi recalled what had happened before, and just remembered to get up, only to find his body immobilized.

"Your eyes are still bleeding now, it's best not to move." A cold voice stopped Kakashi's movements, and then she added, "Hmm... Change it, it's not the eyes that bleed, your chakra eyes have already been gouged out. "

Here it is?"

"Konoha Hospital, you were thrown with soil at the place where Kai trained, and then sent here by Kai." The attending physician explained the current situation.

Then she continued, "Since you're awake, I'll go and inform Naruto-sama that there is something you need to decide. "

Make a decision?" Before Kakashi could come to his senses, he saw her walk out of the operating room.

After Hafeng Shuimen came in, he first explained to Kakashi what had just been sent, and then came to ask for his opinion.

“... What do I think? Kakashi said with difficulty.

Seeing Kakashi's entanglement, Fugaku also added: "If you are used to writing chakra, I can give you a three-hook jade." "

The reason why Fugaku's attitude is different from before is because now after facing the three generations and the faction, it really puts a lot of pressure on him, even if the Uchiha family has the advantage now.

But the name of man, the shadow of the tree. The accumulation and experience of three generations ago does not allow him to be careless.

Therefore, it has become very necessary to win over others, not to mention that this person is still a disciple of Bofeng Shuimen, and he is currently the second youngest Shangren. (Now the water stop with the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has been specially approved as a shinobi.)


sound of the operating room door being pushed open temporarily drew everyone's attention.

When Miyo and Mito Menyan received the news of Kakashi's awakening, he rushed here from his hospital room.

"Three generations of adults, you are here, I just finished explaining to Kakashi what just happened." Bofeng Shuimen greeted.

"Then it seems that we came just right, so Kakashi, have you made a decision?" The three generations politely asked.

Kakashi didn't answer, it was clear that he hadn't finished digesting the news of the Wave Feng Shuimen, and was still thinking about what to choose in his mind.

For the Sharingan itself, he was not as eager as Danzo and Orochimaru, after all, he had experienced the huge Chakra consumption brought by the Sharingan.

But his current way of fighting is built by relying on the Sharingan, and his ace move, Chidori, has very high requirements for dynamic vision, which ordinary eyes simply cannot meet.

Once he chooses to give up the Sharingan, it is equivalent to abandoning the fighting method he has cultivated during this time, otherwise he can only pick up his father's sword art again.

Although it is said that Kikiryu's swordsmanship has reached the top, it is not necessarily worse than the kaleidoscope stronger, but for Kakashi, who is in a hurry to find Obito, it is obviously a little unacceptable to practice again.

After clarifying his thoughts, he asked Fugaku, "I hope to transplant another Sharingan!" The

third generation, who hadn't heard Fugaku speak just now, was about to help Kakashi say something nice when he saw Fugaku nodding.

"I know, I'll go get it now."

It wasn't until Fugaku left the operating room that the three generations came back to their senses: "He just did?"

"You mean Fugaku?" He had just promised Kakashi that if he got used to Sharingan, he could give him one. Bo Feng Shuimen explained.

"What!" The third generation and Mito Menyan were shocked, I didn't expect that your thick-eyed Fugaku would also buy people's hearts!

This is not good news for them, abandoning the arrogant Uchiha, although hard power will not change much, but soft power will definitely rise a lot.

During the time that Fugaku was taking his eyes, Kakashi, who was empty, also began to talk about what he had just experienced.

Since the others were killed by Uchiha Taki and Kakashi didn't have much time to wake up, Watergate and the others didn't learn anything useful except for a skilled Uchiha throwing technique.

As for Uchiha throwing? This news is not much different from whether it is or not.

Although at the level of upper Shinobi, Uchiha throwing is a very strong killing technique.

But for people at the level of Bofeng Shuimen and the third generation, it may be better than the bitterness thrown by children.

Whether it is the Flying Thunder God of Watergate or the large-scale ninjutsu of the three generations, they can ignore these shurikens.

"Watergate... Do you want? "Since Kakashi and the doctor are still here, the three generations did not say it explicitly.

But Watergate knew what he meant, which was to extract memories from the minds of those who protected Kakashi.

Although many of these people have no bones, there are still a few lucky ones who have preserved relatively complete corpses.

Uchiha Taki didn't go to recover these corpses, anyway, they were read, which is just exposing his teleportation technique.

Although this powerful instantaneous technique may make the water stop pot, but after becoming an eternal kaleidoscope, Uchiha Taki does not plan to continue to keep a low profile, and the suspicion of stopping the water will naturally be washed away at that time.

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