"I'm afraid they won't be able to learn." The third generation sighed with emotion, in front of the big enemy of "Obito", he did not have the usual calculations, but just said a cool word.

After all, the powerful ninjutsu of the Flying Thunder God Technique, he has been hungry for a long time.

Although he is known as Dr. Ninjutsu in the original work, no technique is impressive.

Not to mention those blood succession boundaries or blood succession elimination ninjutsu, the impression of the third-generation art is not as profound as the battle system of the Lei Dun Chakra mode and the second-generation Water Shadow.

Unlike those guys who eat all over the world with one move, the three generations give people the feeling of being broad but not refined, except for the ghoul sealing this kind of homing, there is no powerful signature technique.

Of course, these remarks are only for the strong people at the shadow level or above, and for ordinary people, the "unsophisticated" of three generations is already a height that they can't reach with all their lives.

"I hope it works." Bofeng Shuimen did not refute the words of the three generations, the art of flying thunder god is indeed difficult to learn, he is just trying, there is no guarantee that it can be achieved.

This time, "Obito" took Kakashi away in front of him, which really gave him a big shock.

It also made him understand that if he alone could counter Obito, he would fall into eternal passivity, and now he was "Obito" in the dark, which was indeed troublesome.

If he could also have a few more helpers in the shadows, it would be much easier to deal with Obito.

After getting Kakashi's eye, Uchiha Taki did not choose to fuse immediately, but carved his Flying Thunder God Technique in corners of Konoha that were not easy to find.

He chose to complete this eye fusion outside, and now it was obviously not the time to go out to do the mission, so the Flying Thunder God Technique inside Konoha was particularly important.

Although Obito's two eyes are very capable, Uchiha Taki is very much eager to keep his abilities.

But Shenwei's ability did not belong to him, and he wasn't sure if he could let his eyes fuse towards Shenwei, after all, there was no precedent before this.

In case the last remaining ability is his own, then he can only return through the Flying Thunder God Technique.

However, Uchiha Taki will still do his best to preserve Kamui's ability.

Just like the weakness of the dragon, miracles in your doom defense, there are also blind spots.

That is, for the super-wide AOE aimed at everyone, doom will not attack the other side.

It was as if Nagato used Shinra Tensei against Uchiha Taki himself to try to kill Uchiha Taki, it would not be a big problem, and Doom would kill him directly.

But if he is targeting the entire Konoha release with the intention of causing Konoha to feel pain, then the miracle is that your ability will stop.

In the same way, it can also be concluded that the human pillar force unleashed the tailed beast jade against the enemy village, or the super large-scale ninjutsu jointly released by many ninjas, or the Madara Celestial Shock Star.

They don't have Uchiha Taki in concept, they just want to defeat the enemy, then this is a blind spot that belongs to the miracle of you.

Therefore, the virtual transformation of Kamui can effectively increase the survival probability of Uchiha Taki's body.

And the Kamui space can not only be used to increase mobility, but also can be used as a secret storage space, so many benefits, Uchiha Taki has no reason not to leave it.

"Come on, the enemy has not been found, how can you give up, youth is to burn now." Kai encouraged the people of the Hyuga clan from the side.

"Shut up, you idiot." The person from the Hyuga family also spoke unceremoniously.

After saying a word back, he sat on the stone on the side and rubbed his eyes, although they did not become blind if they used more like kaleidoscope chakra eyes, but the dryness caused by long-term use of eyes could not be avoided.

Since Uchiha Taki has been hiding in the Kamui space, the people of the Hyuga family naturally found nothing.

After the end of the war, none of the movements that Uchiha made in Konoha were discovered by Hinata, especially the next few times when he was specially approved to use white eyes in Konoha, and still got nothing.

This made the people of the Hyuga clan accumulate a lot of pressure, after all, more than 90% of their glory was brought to them by white eyes.

Under this pressure, almost every Hinata family is looking for it against the pain of dry eyes, and as a result, this guy Kai actually says that their youth is not burning enough? Almost him off.

However, this is only the reason why the Hyuga clan told them, and although this part does account for a large reason, there is another important point.

The Hyuga family wants the position of elder! Therefore, they do not want to let go of the opportunity to make a contribution.

Now that the Uchiha clan is staring at three generations, the position of elder who originally belonged to Turning Koharu will definitely not last long, and they want to make indisputable merits during this period to obtain the position of elder.

And in peacetime, the greatest contribution they can make is to find the soil.

But they definitely won't find it now, and after Uchiha Taki put down his shadow doppelganger at home, he left Konoha with Kamui.

On the other side, due to the injuries of the three generations, the speed of Hakaze Shuimen and the others to the hospital was not very fast, and they arrived at the hospital almost when Uchiha Taki left Konoha.

Seeing a few of them, the staff of Konoha Hospital immediately greeted them.

"Where is Kakashi?" Watergate asked her first.

"A few adults come with me." The staff simply led the way for them and she was arranged to do this.

Seeing the few remaining bigwigs in Konoha walking together, on the way to Kakashi's ward, no unknown guys came out to get in the way.

"A few adults wait a bit, I'll go in and confirm Kakashi's situation." The crowd walked outside an operating room, and the staff said to the three generations.

"Is Kakashi seriously injured?" Watergate pulled her and asked.

The staff said in embarrassment: "If it is only to be cured, it is very easy." But in that case, Kakashi will be missing an eye forever, so we are now thinking about what to do.

Watergate heard it and asked, "What did Kakashi think himself?" Or is he not awake yet?

"It shouldn't be yet, and when we sent it to the hospital for examination, we found that Kakashi had been injected with a lot of anesthetics." The staff thought for a moment and replied.

"Then I won't bother you, please wake Kakashi as soon as possible." Watergate said politely.

"What are your plans for Kakashi's left eye?" After waiting for the staff to enter the operating room, Miyo asked.

Watergate shook his head, "I don't know now, wait for Kakashi to wake up and make his own decision, I will support him no matter what."

"Then I'll go back to treatment first, and when Kakashi wakes up, let someone notify me." After speaking, the three generations walked towards the ward where they were before.

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