For the proposal of the three generations, Bofeng Shuimen tangled for a while but agreed, if he can collect a little more information, then he will have more confidence in dealing with Obito in the future.

"Let the people of the Hyuga clan go back first, Obito got the eyes, it should not be in the village." The third generation suddenly thought that the people of the Hyuga family were still walking outside.

"For Obito and that mysterious wooden ninja, their reconnaissance ability is a little insufficient." Wave Feng Mizumon said that so many things happened in Konoha, and the Hyuga clan had only seen Obito once.

"It must be because Obito knows Hinata too well, and sometimes Space Hitomi Technique." The three generations said a fair word.

Although it is said to Obito, it is the same with Uchiha Taki, who will calculate Hinata's movements before each action, and if possible, he will let the miracle be detected by you.

In this case, unless it was really bad luck, or it could be discovered by Hinata, it was definitely his own problem.

"That's right, Kakashi." Watergate suddenly remembered: "After you recover from your injuries, try to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique, so that you will also have a certain ability to counter the time-space pupil technique with soil in the future." "

Space-Time Hitomi..." Kakashi was suddenly awakened by Watergate, as if he had used the Space-Time Hitomi Technique when fighting Obito.

"The pupil technique with the soil seems to be called Kamui..."

"You opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?"

Attracted by the second voice, everyone looked at the door of the operating room in unison, and at this time, Fugaku had just returned from taking his eyes, and when he heard what Kakashi had just said, he blurted out a direct question.

Miyo asked, "Fugaku, what did you mean by that sentence just now?"

Fugaku didn't answer him, but said, "Let Kakashi transplant the eye first, I'll have people call the water stop, and then explain it together when Kakashi is transplanted."

After giving his eyes to the doctor, Fugaku did not answer the questions of the others, but sat in the chair in the aisle with a straight face and quietly thought.

Kakashi was able to turn on Kamui, he had already prepared in his heart, after all, now he just didn't realize how to turn it on, and Chakra wasn't enough.

But originally Fugaku expected that Kakashi could really open his eyes, and that was a long time later, but he didn't expect that he could actually open the kaleidoscope chakra eye so quickly.

Now Fugaku's mood, even he himself is a little unclear, shock, jealousy, excitement, anger, joy and other messy emotions, may account for a little.

"I'm really old." Fugaku, who had been silent for a long time, let out a sigh of emotion.

And the three generations who did not deal with him immediately understood the meaning of Fugaku's words after being slightly stunned, but he shared Fugaku's point of view.

So he echoed, "But this also shows that there are people in Konoha." "

Obito, Shui and today's Kakashi, the talent shown by these geniuses who have not even reached the age of ten is truly shocking.

However, this also increased the jealousy in the hearts of the three generations, and among these three guys, two Uchiha and the other half Uchiha gave people the feeling that Uchiha should be naturally powerful.

Even now there are fans like Uchiha Shin in the future at the bottom of Konoha.

It's just that Uchiha Shin is aimed at Uchiha Itachi alone, and those fans are aimed at the entire Uchiha family.

Mu Qiang is a very common psychology, especially in the ninja world, where strong people can decide everything and arbitrarily rewrite the rules, Mu Qiang has more people.

The only good news that is not good news is that Obito did not stay in Uchiha, but became a rebel.

Soon, Shisui was led by someone else to the outside of Kakashi's operating room.

After saluting the Feng Shui Gate and the others in turn, Stop Shui quietly waited for the next instructions.

"Stop the water, Kakashi knows the name of his left eye."

Fugaku's simple words let Shisui know the purpose of calling themselves this time.

Just as he was about to explain, Fugaku interrupted, "Let's wait until Kakashi comes out of the operating room." "

Is Kakashi-senpai in the operating room?" Shisui was still looking for a way to restore his kaleidoscope chakra eye vision in the clan field, so he had no idea what was happening here in Kakashi.

The last time he and Obito fought for control of the Nine Tails, his pupil power was consumed very much, so after the battle, he clearly noticed that his eyesight had decreased.

"Let me explain." The three generations took the initiative to speak, and stopping the water was the person he had to woo, so he also showed a lot more enthusiasm than others.


On the other hand, after finding something to solve Izanami's illusion, Kuro begins to investigate the kaleidoscope hidden in the shadows.

However, his action did not lead to a miracle of your bad luck, in addition to not meeting the trigger condition, there is another important point.

He investigated the wrong person!

Since Shisui did not hide his eyes during the battle against the Nine Tails, his current kaleidoscope reputation can be said to have spread throughout Uchiha and the big families of Konoha.

When Hei Jue was collecting things, he heard countless people discussing the matter of stopping water and bringing earth eyes.

In this way, he was directly deflected, so that the water stop is that kaleidoscope, so he who went all the way to investigate the stop water naturally will not cause a miracle to your attack.

But he didn't continue to investigate, and now the important thing is to help Obito lift the illusion, so he just left Bai Jue, and then went back to find Obito with confidence.

He believes that since "stopping water" has a pursuit of eternal kaleidoscope, then he can definitely seduce him.

And the "water stop" he thought also changed his eyes back at this time, and began to inject luck into the two divine powers.

The path that Uchiha Taki is now taking has not been walked by previous people, and even he does not know whether he can succeed.

So now he does not blindly fuse the eternal kaleidoscope, but constantly increases his luck and adds chips to his goals.

If possible, he would actually prefer to experiment with others a few times before implementing it on himself.

But unless the eyes are transplanted into the eyes of other creatures first, they will not be preserved for so long.

Kamui is not like other gods, it is a space-time type, and Uchiha Taki does not dare to transplant it to other animals casually.

So in other words, he can't experiment with others first, and he can only gamble on his own.

After a while, Uchiha Taki stopped the lucky infusion and began to recover Chakra, a boring process he repeated for hours.

If it weren't for the two transplants of intercolumn cells, he would have become blind long ago.

On the other side, a shadow doppelganger put down the transliteration seal scroll in his hand and began to pick up what the body had just done, continuing to improve Kamui's luck.

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