The red light appeared, and Uchiha Taki's back was filled with a strong light, and the powerful shock wave blew his clothes fluttering.

Although the real man would not look back at the explosion, Uchiha Taki did not stop at his original position and pretended.

Fire and Explosion!

This ninjutsu, originally developed by Obito, is now in the hands of Uchiha Taki, showing even more powerful power.

With the blessing of bad luck, the flames turned into tornadoes and fluttered towards the surviving people here.

"With soil... Is that you? Kakashi was woken up by the sound of violent explosions and screams burned by the fire, and when he saw Uchiha Taki's exposed eye, he subconsciously thought he was Obito.

"Kakashi, be careful, he's coming to grab your eyes!" The root ninja who had originally caught Kakashi took Kakashi who had lost his strength and ran towards the distance.

But how can his speed be compared to Kamui + Flying Thunder God, and Uchiha Taki, who has practiced the teleportation technique to the extreme.

However, when he tried to go over and kill the ninja, his right eyelid began to jump wildly, which made him temporarily switch to killing with a shuriken.

The useless Uchiha throwing technique did not seem rusty, and the shuriken accurately avoided Kakashi's position in the ping-pong collision, cutting through the ninja's throat, as well as the aortic artery and various key points.

"Not good!" When the ninja's blood spurted out, Uchiha Taki suddenly had an alarm bell in his heart, and immediately used the flying thunder god to leave to dodge.

At the moment he just left, the space where he had just been was violently distorted.

Kakashi's blood-stained face revealed the appearance of Kamui Sharingan.

After witnessing others die to protect himself, Kakashi mastered the power of the left eye more than ten years earlier than before.

But that's all, his previous Chakra was almost exhausted, and now Shenwei's instant opening of his eyes almost drained the last trace of Chakra in his body.

Under the self-protection of human functions, Kakashi once again passed out, and if there was really nothing left, then he would be dead.

"It's a genius." Uchiha Taki came behind him, picked him up, and swept himself and him away with Kamui.


The Sword of Ninja Love flew from a distance, but it was one step slower, and the Sword of Ninja did not hit Uchiha Taki, allowing him to successfully enter the Kamui space.

In the next second, the Wave Feng Shui Gate flashed to the location where the Sword of Patience was located, but there was no one except him.

In the Kamui space, Kakashi lay quietly on the ground, surrounded by various medical equipment.

Uchiha Taki sat on the ground next to him, tried the anesthetic, and gave Kakashi a general anesthesia. Although Kakashi has passed out, what if he wakes up in pain while waiting for surgery.

He woke up a little thing, but because of his movements, the kaleidoscope was damaged and it was a big thing! So Uchiha Taki was on the safe side, or on anesthetics.

After waiting for a while for the anesthetic to work, Uchiha Taki carefully removed his eyes, sealed them in the storage scroll, and then kindly disinfected Kakashi.

Although Shenwei Space is a natural sterile room, it is still possible to be infected when he goes out.


"Watergate, what happened?" A few minutes later, the three generations and others also rushed over, but they were not as fast as the Flying Thunder God of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, so it was a little late.

"Kakashi, he... Taken away by Obito or a large snake pill! Bo Feng Shuimen said bitterly, this time he finally understood why Obito always said that he was one step late.

This feeling of witnessing a disciple being forcibly taken away by another rebellious disciple made him a little breathless.

But he was not the only one present who was breathless, and the third generation and Fugaku also had a black eye when they heard it, and the third generation almost fainted.

His wife's funeral has not yet been done, and this kid who killed Lake Biwa brazenly broke into Konoha to rob people, which is simply unreasonable!

Fugaku was even more confused, originally Kakashi's eyes were already stable, but it turned out to be cut off halfway?

If it weren't for the fact that the current situation is not suitable, he would all point to the nose of the three generations and scold, this is what you call protection? The protection of dozens of upper Shinobi is this?

"Watergate, what now?" Mito Menyan asked towards Hafeng Mizumon, he was the one who was the least affected among the people here.

For the enemy who has mastered the ninjutsu of time and space, Wave Feng Shuimen is the most authoritative guy, and this situation must require him to make an idea.

As soon as the Bofeng Shui Gate was about to speak, he saw a green figure with hot eyes in the distance rushing towards here.

"Naruto-sama—" Matkai shouted from a distance towards the water gate.

"Kay?" Three generations and Watergate are a little unclear why this guy suddenly came to them.

"Kakashi..." Kai just said three words before stopping and gasping for air.

"What's wrong with Kakashi! Did you spot him? Watergate asked anxiously.

"I was just training when Kakashi fell from the sky and fell in front of me, and his chakra eye was gouged! His face was covered in blood, and I came to you after I took him to the hospital. Kai danced and explained the situation to everyone.

When he saw Kakashi's tragic situation just now, he was directly frightened out of the Hachimon Dun Armor, and he thought that the enemy was attacking again.

"Let's go to the hospital first to find out what is going on, Kai, you go and inform the Hyuga clan to start searching Konoha!" Bofeng Shuimen made a judgment.

"Okay, it's time to confirm Kakashi's situation. Kai, you and Ri told them that if something happened, come to the hospital immediately and inform us. The three generations added.

"Okay, Naruto-sama three generations of adults, I'm burning again! I won't let the enemy destroy Konoha! After Kai received the order, he immediately ran to find the people of the Hyuga clan.

But others are not as energetic as Kai, who gathers two kaleidoscopic chakra eyes and presses on them like a mountain.

But for Bofeng Shuimen, this is not good news.

Because Kakashi was sent back to Konoha, he said that the one who mastered the kaleidoscope now should still be Obito, and if it was Orochimaru, he would definitely not be so kind.

When the blood test at the scene came out that there was only one person with Obito, Bofeng Shuimen was really worried about Obito for a while.

But this is also not good news, "Obito" has gathered two eyes, and his danger level is much higher than before.

"Brace yourself, although he now has two kaleidoscopes, the Nine Tails are not so easy to break through the seal now." Mito Menyan comforted everyone.

"Third generation, Fugaku, I want to put Shisui in charge of investigating and tracking Obito, what do you think?" On the way to Konoha Hospital, Hakaze Shuimen consulted with the others.

"Watergate, why did you suddenly think of this." For stopping water, three generations do not have such a big opinion.

Fugaku has a similar attitude towards this, although Shisui is dovish, but after all, it is also Uchiha.

"Now that Obito's eyes have been gathered, the one who can resist his illusion technique head-on is the water stop, plus the water stopping instantaneous technique is very strong, and it can resist the time and space pupil technique of Obito to a certain extent." Bo Feng Shuimen spoke his reasons.

Then he thought for a moment before adding, "If I can, I want both Kakashi and Shisui to try to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique, so that they will have some ability to contain when facing Obito." "

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