What kind of stuff? I was still thinking about how to grab the eye, and it ended up automatically coming to the door? Lucky ex?

Or is it because his right eye is now Shenwei, so his own one is jealous and specially shows his sense of existence?

But now that he has mastered the art of flying thunder god, it is actually not a big problem whether Shenwei will send it to the door by himself, anyway, it can be easily obtained.

Speaking of the Flying Thunder God Art, the process of mastering this time can also be said to be smooth and scary.

Uchiha Taki, who has read it countless times before, has long been familiar with various points.

Now that Shenwei has come, he has made up for his mastery of space, and using the Flying Thunder God Technique is as simple as breathing.

In the Fugaku office of the Ministry of Security, everyone had different attitudes towards the three generations' proposals.

Wave Feng Shuimen agreed very much with this, and Uchiha Taki's previous performance left a relatively good impression on him.

And Mito Menyan knew that the general trend was gone, so he also sided with the third generation and supported his plan.

But Fugaku's side did not agree much, this is not aimed at Uchiha Taki, but from the actual consideration, after all, Fugaku himself has opened a kaleidoscope chakra eye and knows the power contained in it.

So he hesitantly asked, "If it's him, can he exert the power of the kaleidoscope chakra eye?" He was also a single jade writing wheel eye before?

Fugaku's question really asked everyone present.

The three generations did not expect this stubble, after all, he does not understand the king, he will not know more about the Sharingan than Uchiha, when he picks people, he just picks people who are more friendly to his side.

Uchiha Taki's side slowly typed another one: "? "

What about a roller coaster? I'm not done yet, and you just say I can't?

Forget it, do it yourself. Uchiha Taki wrapped his face in a wooden dun to reveal only one eye of Kamui, and then used Kamui to take himself away and go to find Kakashi.

The third generation still doesn't want to give up, in his perception, Uchiha Taki's friendliness to his side is second only to Shisui, it's a pity to give up like this.

"But how do you know if you haven't tried it, why don't you let Taki try it first?"

Fugaku replied coldly, "Then what if you damage your eyes in multiple transplants?" "

If before he didn't agree to the Uchiha Taki transplant because he could use the kaleidoscope Sharingan with maximum efficiency, now he is starting to target three generations.

Although it is not clear why the third generation must let Taki come to transplant, but what the third generation wants to do, he can only destroy it.

On the other side, Kakashi here. In order to prevent bringing soil to rob the left eye of the divine power, the three generations can be said to have set up a lot of precautions.

Unless there are four generations around, Kakashi's side has at least dozens of Kami-Shinobi guarding here.

Even the three generations specially asked for Hyuga from Hinata's house to provide reconnaissance support.

Although the Hyuga family supported Uchiha in the matter of the eye, they were still able to carry it in the face of important things.

Obito is so strong with only one eye, so what if he retrieves the eye on Kakashi's body? They didn't want to face the Nine-Tails again.

But these people, including the three generations who made these arrangements, have not faced the Obito at that time, and even if there is a relay from Watergate, they do not know the strength of Shenwei.

In addition to the powerful ability to be immune to attacks, Shenwei's stealth ability is also not to be underestimated.

Compared to the Flying Thunder God who needs to be thrown, Shenwei is not only quieter, but also will not be detected by white eyes.

At this time, Kakashi was trying to urge Chakra to rush to his left eye, and he was still trying his best to turn on Kamui, but to no avail.

Now he can't even keep up with the consumption of Kamui's Chakra, and he wants to run without understanding the road, which must only be the result of failure.

However, this is good news for Uchiha Taki, because it means that Kakashi does not have much Chakra to resist his next illusion.

"Kakashi, you take a break first, fighting too much is not good for your body." One of the ninjas at the root said with concern.

After the roots are now controlled by three generations, they have a lot more human touch than in the Tuanzang period.

In addition, the third generation did not want Kakashi and the Uchiha clan to get too close, and specially instructed the ninja who was protecting here to be gentle with Kakashi, and it was best to let him lean towards his side.

"Thank you seniors for your concern, but I can still persevere." Kakashi replied flatly, then continued to urge Chakra to rush to the Sharingan.

"Oops." Kakashi thought to himself in his heart, and then fainted after losing strength.

The root ninja on the side skillfully caught him, this was not the first time Kakashi had practiced to a coma, and after knowing that Obito was still alive, he pushed himself to the limit almost every day.

"I'll take him back, and you guys be careful not to let people get close." The ninja who caught Kakashi said, he was ready to send Kakashi back to the room.

"There is no need to trouble you, hand Kakashi over to me, I can spare your lives." At this time, Uchiha Taki slowly came out of the divine power space on the side and said to everyone.

"Uchiha Obito!" Another ninja in charge of the guard let out a loud roar and tried to reduce Uchiha Taki's special attack, but to no avail.

Just kidding, it was actually this guy's lover who died at the hands of the Nine Tails, so he specifically asked for this opportunity in the hope of revenge.

However, he did not rush up regardless of those people before, and if he could endure, his brain would naturally not be worse there, of course, he could distinguish the gap in strength between the two sides.

"It's daytime now, how can I dream." Another root ninja taunted.

"Alas, you don't cherish the opportunity." Uchiha Taki shook his head and sighed.

These well-trained Shinobi are ready to notify others to support as soon as possible.

However, when they first started to move, Uchiha Taki directly killed the guy who tried to send a signal flare, and the guy's whole person was directly kicked out of his upper body.

"So fast!"

These people began to break out in a cold sweat, and the speed and strength of Uchiha Taki just now were not in the information provided by Wave Feng Shuimen.

"I can give you another chance, don't try to resist, your speed is too slow."

Said so, but his own native eyes under Uchiha Taki's mask began to inflict bad luck on these people.

Even the miracle is that you also begin to touch these people's ninja bags, causing them to fall into the torrent of calamity.

Of course, Uchiha Taki specifically chose who was far away from Kakashi, but he didn't want Kakashi to be affected to death.

This time, Uchiha Taki did not let the miracle act separately from you and yourself, there is the Flying Thunder God, the miracle is that you can't keep an eye on those few people in Fugaku's office, and there is no point in continuing to stay there.

"What a joke, how could we possibly teach your companion this traitor!" One of the ninjas scolded angrily.

But from the hand he touched the ninja bag, he knew that he was only emboldening himself in this way.

Uchiha Taki whispered a preview: "Boom! "

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