"Watergate, what's Asma's situation now?" The third generation is most concerned about what happened to his young son.

Bo Feng Shui's face was embarrassed: "If it is about physical condition, Asma is fine now, although he has suffered a little injury, but he is almost better after Taki's treatment."

"Just physical condition? What else happened to Asma? After hearing that their son was fine, the three generations were visibly relieved, but it was clear that Watergate meant that Asma had something else.

"That's right, Asma took the initiative to attack the members of the Guard Department under the routine investigation of the Guard Department, and he now admitted it himself." Speaking of this wave feng shui gate, I feel a headache.

If it weren't for the heavy weight of both sides involved in this matter, he wouldn't want to get involved in this matter.

"What?!" The people of the three generations were shocked and angry when they saw Fugaku's smug expression.

"It won't be controlled by the Sharingan." Mito Menyan questioned.

"Elder Mitomon, nonsense comes at a price." Fugaku said displeased, at this time, he actually thought of pouring dirty water on them Uchiha, and he really didn't make a mistake.

When I go back next time, I will arrange the Mitomon family, anyway, the three generations are targeted, and I am afraid that you will be a Mitomen family?

Bo Feng Shuimen was also a little uncomfortable after listening to it: "Whether it is controlled by the writing wheel eye, I can still tell." By saying this, Mito Menyan was completely questioning his favoritism in favor of Uchiha.

Miyo's hand stopped Mito Menyan, who still wanted to continue to say, "Then can I go see Asma now?"

Watergate looked at Fuyue, who replied triumphantly: "Of course, you can, but you can't take him out, his crime this time is not light." "

Hmph." The three generations ignored him and walked straight towards the temporary cell of the Ministry of Guards.

Uchiha Taki took the opportunity to get out, and Fugaku and Miyo were going to fight each other, and he just had to let the miracle stare at you.

And his essence is to find an opportunity to snatch Kakashi's divine power.

However, saying so, he did not go to Kakashi at the first time, but returned to his home with Kamui and turned over the scroll that he had turned a little yellowed.

What was recorded above was exactly the Flying Thunder God Technique that he had copied originally!

He wants to take advantage of this time to master the Flying Thunder God Technique to increase the success rate of the next plan, although he is also very sure that he is not as sure as the Flying Thunder God, but it is a little more.

Moreover, Flying Thunder God is really handsome!

On Asma's side, when he just saw his old father who was injured all over, he planned to talk to him properly.

But the three generations came up to accuse him, which directly inspired his rebellious character, and he had to go against you.

And his performance also convinced the three generations that this guy was indeed not controlled by illusion, and was still his stupid son.

This is both good news and bad news for him.

The good news is obvious, the son is fine, and the bad news is that his handle has fallen into the hands of Uchiha, which is still very serious.

Whether it was a low-level ninja attacking a superior ninja, or an ordinary ninja attacking a guard ninja, it was enough to make Asma peel off his skin, and it was still for his sake.

Thinking of this, the three generations who were not well began to cough violently again.

Although Asma glanced at him, she wanted to care but was embarrassed by the face.

"Alas." Miyo sighed and left the temporary cell of the Ministry of Guards, now that Asma's condition had been confirmed, all that remained was negotiation and exchange of benefits.

He had been like this for decades, even if he knew that he should not be able to save Kakashi's eye, but he also had to fight for the greatest interests of his side.

Mito Menyan looked at the apologetic look in the three generations when they came out, and knew that something was wrong.

The third generation also apologized to him as expected: "Sorry, Yan." "

Hinata, you have to think clearly!" Mito Menitis warned.

The three generations did not care about him, but said towards Bofeng Shuimen and Fugaku: "Watergate, Fugaku, let's talk."

After Fugaku brought them to his office, Miyo asked, "Watergate, what does Kakashi think about his own eyes?"

"Kakashi doesn't care about giving his eye, he just wants the transplanted person to use it." Bofeng Shuimen replied.

Although Kakashi did not fight for this eye like before, the meaning of these two times was completely different.

The first time he was in despair and wanted to commit suicide, so he didn't mind Uchiha retracting his eyes, otherwise he would be wasted.

This time, I hope that the transplanted person can use it well to stop or even capture the soil alive.

At first, when he knew that Obito was still alive, he was also reluctant to give his eyes to Uchiha.

It is not that he covets the pupil technique of time and space, but he has the belief to live, that is, to bring the soil back. (Isn't it a bit like whom?)

And the most basic requirement for bringing Obito back is obviously to have a corresponding time-space pupil or ninjutsu.

But no matter how he used it, he couldn't make a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and the upper limit was three hook jade, even if blood and tears spewed out like a spring, there was no way.

In this case, he had no choice but to give up this eye, after all, this eye is likely to limit the eye with soil.

So he made a request, that is, the transplanted person must be able to use this eye.

After Fugaku heard Watergate's relay, he was overjoyed and said, "Of course, this is no problem. "

Can such a requirement be considered a requirement? Uchiha naturally wants to use this eye back, and it can't be said that he took the eye back and offered it there.

Mito Menyan, who was only watching the audience, turned pale and had a helpless expression.

If Kakashi himself wanted to, Wave Feng Shuimen would definitely not force him.

Now the three generations have given up fighting with Uchiha, plus the Uchiha clan and the Hinata clan who fully supports Uchiha in this matter.

It can be said that there is no possibility of a reversal now, even if others join forces.

The above-mentioned four parties completely occupied more than half of Konoha's right to speak, not to mention a group of wallheads, how could an elder fight over them.

It's just that when Fugaku also thought that he was stable, the third generation said: "I also support Kakashi's conditions, and I also have a requirement that the transplanted person must go through the Hokage and several of us who are similar in position to confirm it." "

The purpose of the three generations is obvious, since they can't be stopped, then they must pick a Uchiha who has a better relationship with them.

And several of them are similar in status, that is, the four present, plus a ninja squad leader Nara Shikahisa, so that the choice is back to their side.

Fuyue raised his eyebrows, what kind of moth did these three generations want to do, so he asked tentatively: "Who do those three generations think is more suitable?" Miyo

: "I think Taki guy is good, didn't you Uchiha hope to transplant Obito's eyes to him before."

At this time, Uchiha Taki, who was experimenting with the Flying Thunder God Art at home, slowly typed one: "? "

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