When Fugaku learned that Asma's life was saved, he did not hide the incident, but let it spread naturally.

Without the Uchiha clan hiding it, Asma's serious injuries and capture were like a fighter dropping a bombshell, which spread directly throughout Konoha.

What is Fugaku going to do, is he going to completely tear his face with the ape flying clan? This is the common thought of those who hear the news.

This heavy news even shocked the wave of feng shuimen, and before it was just pressing the bottom line to find fault, but now beating Asma into a serious injury is not an ordinary incident.

However, Asma's real situation is not as miserable as others think, Fugaku is planning to go against the three generations, so naturally he will not deliberately abuse him.

After being cured by Uchiha Taki, Asma, who woke up, began to curse at Uchiha in the Guard Department.

"He will leave it to you, and he will call me when something happens." Uchiha Taki said to the members of the Guard Department.

Then he put on his earplugs to find a place to rest and began to close his eyes.

However, this is only what others think, and in fact he is adapting to the Kamui Sharingan that has just been transplanted into his eyes.

Bofeng Shuimen looked strange when he was taken to the cell by Fugaku, and he was almost ready to use force to forcibly stop Sandai and Fugaku, but he heard Asma's angry scolding from far away.

Although there is still a weak coughing sound, it is completely inconsistent with the serious injury that comes out! Is it worthy of my mental construction before I came!

"Asma-kun... Asma... Asma! Watergate shouted three times before Asma paused and spat at everyone in the guards.

However, Uchiha Taki believes that Fugaku's coughing is the main force, and if it were not for the quiet of everyone in the guard department, it is estimated that Asma would still be ignoring the spray.

"Are you... Shidai Hokage? Asma had never seen Bofeng Shuimen before, but he only heard that his father had abdicated, and he still recognized it when he saw Bofeng Shuimen's red and white robe.

"Hey! Since you are Hokage, you should have come to take me out!" Asma said excitedly.

"Whether to take you out or not, wait until I confirm what the situation was at that time." Bofeng Shuimen did not immediately agree, if it was really Asma's mistake, he would not go out of his way to favor it.

But as mentioned before, this harvest is a bonus, the security department is the Asma who investigates according to the custom, even if it is a little heavier, it is a small problem.

And Asma not only did not cooperate with the investigation, but also took the initiative to attack the members of the Guard Department, if it was replaced by an ordinary person, it could only be said that the death was deserved.

And until now, Asma has not realized the seriousness of the problem, and believes that the Ministry of Security is deliberately finding fault.

Who let the previous three generations protect him too well, plus others always make it convenient for him in various ways because he is the son of the third generation, and he has not been in Konoha some time ago.

With the blessing of this triple debuff, Asma did this kind of behavior similar to losing his mind, after all, he had never encountered this kind of thing when he was growing up.

This made the heads of the interrogators of their Bofeng Shui Men listen to are big, what humanoid self-detonation truck.

Those Uchiha members who didn't have much city capital, their faces turned red when they heard Asma's self-detonation behavior, and even a few people even took a bite of themselves to hold back their laughter.

But Asma just hasn't experienced it, not really has a bad brain.

So when he saw the expressions of Bofeng Shuimen and the others around him, he quickly realized that it was not the security department that had a problem, but his own problem.

So he asked cautiously, "Is it... These are normal things? Bofeng

Shuimen replied helplessly: "It's very normal, too many things have happened in Konoha recently, and the review of the Ministry of Guards is indeed stricter than before, and the three generations have also agreed to it." "

Bofeng Shuimen still gave Asma a little face when he said this, even when the audit is not strict, he can't take the initiative to take action against the personnel of the security department.

"So this time, you made a pretty serious mistake!" Bofeng Shuimen made the final decision for this incident.

Asma opened his mouth, he still believed Bofeng Shuimen's words.

He was silent for a while before he said, "Naruto-sama, since it's my fault, then you should follow the normal rules, but I want to know how my mother died, I heard that you are also the party concerned, right?" "

What Asma hates the most is being arranged by three generations and given privileges, so when he knew that he had made a mistake, he admitted it without hesitation.

“... Alas, this thing ... Fugaku give us two a little personal space, and I'll talk to Asma about his mother. "

To say that in this incident, the most sorry thing for Bofeng Shuimen is the dead Lake Biwa.

Fugaku signaled the people around him to retreat, and then went outside to wait.

Uchiha Taki also retreated with them, but left a miracle in the room for you to find out about information.

However, when they just went out, they saw the menacing three generations and others, and even Uchiha Taki could smell the familiar smell of medicine and disinfectant water, and it seemed that he had just come out of the hospital not long ago.

He was followed by Mito Menyan, as well as Root's diehard loyalists, as if he was about to officially go to war with Uchiha.

"Fugaku, it's too much." The tone of the three generations sounded very flat, but everyone present could feel the majestic anger and killing intent from it.

But it didn't have any effect on Fugaku, and he replied as if he didn't care: "The Ministry of Guards acts according to the rules, but I don't know what is excessive." "

Even if he really fights, he is not afraid, the three generations not only played all the hole cards when dealing with the Nine Tails, but also suffered a lot of injuries, but they were in their peak state, and there were hole cards that the three generations did not know.

Coupled with Asma's self-detonation just like confession, the truth is on his side.

Reason plus strength himself is not lacking, then he does not need to give face to the three generations.

"Three generations of adults, please calm down." Just as the two sides were about to fight, Bofeng Shuimen came out of the cell in time.

"Watergate?" After the third generation saw the wave feng shui gate, his expression was also a little relaxed, to be honest, he didn't want to start a war with Uchiha now.

Stop Shui has not completely favored his side, and once he fights, he is likely to lose.

And judging from the expression on Bofeng Shuimen's face, Asma's matter should not be as serious as it was reported.

Fugaku's attitude here is also similar to that of the three generations, he wants to rely on this opportunity to get Kakashi's chakra eye back, rather than really start a war with the three generations.

Someone came out to give the steps down, then he also happily followed the steps to give the water gate a face.

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