After Obito's renegade identity and what he had done was announced, it caused an uproar as expected by Konoha's high-level officials.

Even not only Konoha, but several other countries are also on high alert.

It was comparable to the time and space pupil technique of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, so they had to deal with it carefully.

However, their performance is a bit small compared to Konoha.

After being completely angered by the three generations, Fugaku changed his previous balance and directly began to fully support the hawks, which made the voice of the hawks, who had the advantage themselves, overwhelm the doves in all aspects.

And now Uchiha is still the powerful family that rules the guards.

Under the intentional or unintentional hint of Fugaku and Uchiha, they held back for a long time, and were under house arrest for more than a month, and the Uchiha tribe began to frantically find trouble with the ape flying clan.

As long as a little thing happens, he will be caught by Uchiha and locked up in prison for a while.

What if you resist arrest? That's even better, there is a direct reason to do it to you!

Although the Sarutobi clan is not weak, and even surpasses Uchiha in the number of ninjas, it can't stand the quality being crushed by Uchiha, how can it stop this personal vendetta.

And although the Uchiha tribe has a series of shortcomings such as bad temper, no one in sight, and bad mouth, their bad brain is not among the shortcomings of most of them. You

can say they're too strict about what they're doing, but you can't say they're bending the law for personal gain.

But being too strict can't be used to blame Uchiha, because Fugaku's attitude at the top is to continue to guard against Obito and the hidden Mudu master, as well as the big snake pill who may have snatched his eyes.

The reason for disgusting Fugaku for the third generation is exactly the same, you guard against Obito, actually disgusting Uchiha, I guard against the big snake pill, and actually disgust the ape flying family.

And the Uchiha family is only for the ape flying family, and even relaxed the standards for others.

Because Obito was born in Uchiha, this made them lose a little confidence in facing other people.

But what are you afraid of against three generations? Obito is a rebel, but the big snake pill is not a traitor?

In this case, it is not good for the three generations to let the roots stop Uchiha, because once they do, it is to use the roots to protect their own family.

This is a forbidden area that the regiment did not dare to touch when it was in power.

Those who can justifiably use a department of real power to do things for their own family can only do so if each ministry is composed of the Uchiha clan.

Who let the second generation say clearly at the beginning, to hand over the Ministry of Guards to Uchiha.

And Fugaku also brought up the old matter again, and pulled out the position of elder who was originally temporarily replaced by Bofeng Shuimen and Mito Menyan, and turned Xiaochun.

This set of combos made the three generations of old injuries who were still hospitalized recur, and when listening to the report of his subordinates, a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

And this time, Fugaku has completely made up his mind to oppose the three generations, even if the three generations of Tobo Feng Shuimen go to make peace, they are rejected by Fugaku on the spot.

With the attraction of the position of elder, coupled with the fact that the three generations are really ugly, this time Uchiha's targeting of other families has no intention of stopping it at all.

All they guard against is that Kakashi's eyes can't be taken away by the Uchiha clan, and as for Uchiha targeting Sarutobi? They wish they both were defeated.

However, although these did hit the pain point of the ape flying sun, they did not break him, and this kind of scene was also experienced occasionally when he seized power.

All the way to... Sarutobi Asma was severely injured by Uchiha and captured.

Although Asma at this time is still very rebellious and does not like his father, after all, he is the youngest son of three generations.

From the back when he asked Asma to serve as Inuga Butterfly's guide, he knew that he still had great expectations for his son.

And Asma's matter is indeed an unexpected gain for Uchiha.

Asma, who had been away all along, heard about her mother's death and rushed back to Konoha, wanting to question what happened to the three generations and why they didn't protect their wives.

However, this kind of person who stays away for a long time and then returns to Konoha, except for the dark part and the root, which belong to the fourth and third generation direct departments, everyone else will be investigated by the Ministry of Guards.

Asma, as a guardian Shinobi, definitely does not belong to the Dark or Root Division, so the Uchiha clan will review it according to the custom.

But Asma, although he is not used to three generations, but after all these years as a son of three generations, when has he been investigated with such a stubble and questioning tone.

In addition, because of the news of his mother's death, Asma, who was already uncomfortable, not only did not cooperate but also directly scolded Uchiha, who was in charge of the audit.

Can Uchiha, who was originally secretly instructed to find the stubble of the ape flying family, endure?

Just as they were about to take Asma back to prison for examination, Asma on fire took the lead in attacking them.

And the result is naturally that Asma, a guy who has not reached the upper endurance, was seriously injured by the people of the Uchiha clan, and this is still the case that he has stopped.

This made these Uchiha panic, and quickly found Uchiha Taki to help with treatment, and then went to ask Fugaku what to do.

"Are you sure Asma didn't cooperate and moved first?" Even being brainwashed by the mountain clan is also this answer? Fugaku asked, staring at them.

These people looked at each other for a while, then gritted their teeth and said: "We confirm that I dare to swear with my life!"

"Well, since what you said is okay, then we are reasonable, don't be afraid." I'll go see what's going on over there in Taki first. Fugaku waved his hand, signaling that they were not worried.

Moments later, Fugaku arrives at Asma's cell, where Uchiha Taki is treating him.

"Taki, how is the situation, are you sure that you will be cured?" When Fugaku asked, he didn't look like he had just put on a confident face.

If he was alive, but if he died, he was not sure who would save from the revenge of three generations.

Even serious ones may really trigger a civil war, and who knows if the three generations who have lost their wives and children can remain sane.

"It's not a big problem, I've saved his life, he will wake up after a while, and if he recovers, he needs to lie down for a month or two." Uchiha Taki did not answer right away, but said only after completing the treatment.

In fact, with his current Yang Shun Chakra, it is not a big problem to directly cure Asma, but who let this bearded uncle marry the beautiful woman of Sunset Red in the future.

Lie down you!

Fugaku was visibly relieved to hear this, as long as he didn't die, he would not only be sure to keep those members of the Guard Department, but he would even benefit from it!

"Then trouble you to take care of him during this time, he can't die now, I will go to the Hokage Building and come to an A-level mission for this treatment." Fugaku ordered.

"No problem, this kind of thing is easy." Uchiha Taki was also curious about what happened next, after all, this is Asma! So he agreed with his mouth, even if there is no task, it is not a big problem.

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