"Is there only blood stains with soil on the scene?" Nara Shikahisa asked the key point.

If there is only a blood stain with soil, then the "Great Snake Pill" is too terrifying, and the time and space ninjutsu with soil and the ability to manipulate the Nine Tails are well understood by everyone present.

Even if it is poisoned, the strange time and space ability is still not to be underestimated.

"Because I was still poisoned at that time, I just collected a little bit casually and came back." Watergate shook his head, then added, "I'll ask people to bring back all the bloodstained soil." But

when Watergate finished instructing the others, he returned to find that everyone was caught in an eerie quiet atmosphere.

And Watergate thought for a while, and understood why they were silent, and this matter also gave him a headache. So he also sat back in his seat quietly, waiting for others to speak first.

There is only one thing that can make these people not want to speak, the kaleidoscope chakra eye in Kakashi's eyes!

Originally, the Uchiha clan had already acquiesced that Kakashi could have it, but now it is different.

It's a kaleidoscope! There are not many of the entire Uchiha, and on the bright side, only Shuishui is unique.

Even if the Uchiha clan in the room now didn't say anything, when Obito's identity was announced, Kakashi's eyes naturally became the focus of everyone's gaze.

"But it doesn't matter who it is." Uchiha Taki, who let the miracle you follow, complained.

His body was under anesthesia at this time, and after undergoing surgery on the shadow avatar, he began to transplant the kaleidoscope with soil, and the three-hook jade that was used to cast Izanami before was dug up and thrown aside.

Kamuiga miracle to you, this is Uchiha Taki's confidence in daring to reveal Obito's identity.

And after the transplant is successful, if the next plan can also be successful, then the probability that he will get Kakashi's left eye this time is 99% humble.

At Konoha Hospital, after everyone was silent for a while, a violent debate, or quarrel, began as if they had been simulated countless times in their minds before.

The people led by the Uchiha clan strongly demanded that Kakashi return the eye, and made a big fuss about Obito being alive and Kakashi not being able to use the kaleidoscope.

Supporting them is another Hao clan of Konoha, Hinata!

This time, Uchiha did not promise heavy benefits, and he did not even discuss it privately, but for the people of the Hyuga clan, who see blood stains extremely important, it is absolutely intolerable for outsiders to possess blood stains that do not belong to them.

Aona was far away in the mist and there was no way, and now that Kakashi was in front of them, they absolutely had to firmly support the return of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Otherwise, what if there was a Hyuga clan with a brain problem that day and gave his eyes to others?

At that time, there is Uchiha's case in front, and the Konoha high-level uses this as an excuse, they will definitely not turn their eyes, so they must suppress this seed.

And the people led by the three generations were also not to be outdone, on the grounds that the Uchiha clan would regret what they had promised, and Obito became a rebel.

It's just that the reason for this comparison with the Uchiha family is a little weaker.

After all, the credit of stopping the water this time is obvious to all, and the other Uchiha also honestly stayed in the clan to be monitored.

Although there are complaints, this is normal, and it is uncomfortable to put anyone under house arrest for a month, and if there are no complaints, people will wonder if they are holding back something.

But even so, the Uchiha family is only on par with the three generations, because there are many people on the side of the three generations.

Pig Deer Butterfly, Oil Girl, and other small and medium-sized families that originally belonged to the Hokage faction were all on their side.

No way, Obito's eyes this time are too terrifying.

The time and space ninjutsu that can compete with the wave feng shui gate, or even win by a small margin, and the powerful illusion technique that can snatch the water stop and two eyes with one eye is too scary.

They didn't know Madara left behind, so they gave all the credit to Obito's eyes.

If he gave his eyes to the Uchiha hawks, Konoha would be in big trouble.

Moreover, there were many relatives and friends present who died in last night's war, and they did not dare to vent to the Watergate couple, so they all turned their fingers on Uchiha.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the Wave Feng Shuimen couple, Kakashi himself, and Shisui have not expressed much opinion, so now a state similar to the confrontation between the two armies has formed.

"Watergate, Kakashi, what do you guys think?" Miyo asked.

When Fugaku heard this, he immediately turned his attention.

Bofeng Shuimen smiled bitterly and said, "This matter, let me discuss it with Kakashi in private later, let's discuss other things first." Everyone

also understood that this kind of thing could not be explained in a moment.

Even if Uchiha and the others do not fight now, the situation will be the same after the identity of Obito Rebel Shinobi is announced, and it will even be more violent than now, and this time it is not something that can be suppressed by convincing Fugaku.

So everyone agreed with Bofeng Shuimen's proposal, but the three generations added: "Even so, the protection of Kakashi cannot be left behind now, maybe Obito or Orochimaru will also come back to grab it." As

soon as the words of the third generation came out, Fugaku's last trace of affection and admiration for him was gone.

In these words, the word does not mention Uchiha, but the whole body is Yuchiha between the lines.

He has been scolded by the clansmen for so long, resisting the pressure to let Jiu Xinnai wait for labor at ease, and get this treatment?

But he had no reason to object, and it did prevent soil to some extent.

It's just that a hint of crimson color flashed in his eyes.


A little backwards, Obito, who was saved by Kurojie, stopped wailing, but instead of waking up, he fell into the illusion of Izanami.

And Izanami's illusion, if you want to explain, is roughly the same as the boss hit by the Golden Experience Requiem. (It's just rough, you can go to the encyclopedia, I won't copy it to make up the word count.)

So Emperor Kono Uchiha Takida?

"Obito, what is the situation, I have healed all his injuries for him, why haven't I woken up yet?" Shiro asked incomprehensibly.

"Izanami!" Black is black... Sorry, his face was originally dark, but he looked more gloomy than usual.

"Izanami? What is that? What does it have to do with Izanagi? Bai Jue asked again.

But this time Hei never answered, he was careless, this Nine Tails incident is completely the kaleidoscope hidden in the secret to bring the set under the soil.

As the one who drives the undercurrents of the ninja world, for the first time, I felt what it was like to be yin by a guy hiding in the shadows.

"You continue to take care of Obito, don't let him die, I'll go out." Hei Jue ordered towards Bai Jue.

In the end, Izanami is still not as absolute as the Golden Experience Requiem, and as the old goblin of the big tube, Kuro still has a way to crack it.

Even if Obito loses the kaleidoscope, he can still use it as a wooden ninja who is much stronger than Yamato, and Kuro will never give up on him so simply.

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