Four Elephant Seal!

The three generations and Watergate cast a spell at the same time, dismantling the Nine Tails into the Yin Nine Tails and the Yang Nine Tails, and with the help of others, infused two types of Chakra into Naruto and Jiu Shinnai respectively.

After learning that Jiu Xinnai had a chance to live, Watergate certainly would not sacrifice his life to use the ghoul to seal it.

Under the control of the water stop, the Nine Tails could not make any decent resistance, so they were sealed into their bodies.

"Three generations of adults, you go and rest, let me come to the matter of strengthening the seal." Watergate said to the exhausted three generations.

Then he turned his head to look at Shuishui: "Stopwater is the same with you."

"Okay, thank you Naruto-sama" Stopping the water was not polite.

It was his first high-intensity use of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and it was also the first time he had used it formally in combat, and the intense tingling sensation from his eyes had made it difficult for him to stick to it.

"Then the rest of the work will trouble you, I will go to the hospital for treatment, and tomorrow I will sort out what the situation is." Three generations also did not insist.

He had broken several ribs during the battle with the Nine Tails, the worst injury he had suffered in years, even decades.

He hadn't experienced such a fierce battle since he sat in the position of Hokage, and if it weren't for the fact that Watergate hadn't appeared for a long time, he would have retreated and let others go up.

It's a pity that the water stop at this stage will not open Susano, and none of the others can withstand the attack of the Nine Tails.

On the other side, Bofeng Shuimen looked at the slow breathing of the sleeping Jiu Xinnai, and finally revealed a long-lost smile.

Although dangerous, he once again protected his wife.

Then he sent the sleeping Kushina and Naruto, who was still crying loudly, home, and went to the place where Obito and Orochimaru were just to check it out.

Bo Feng Shuimen covered his mouth and nose with a wet cloth and looked at the situation at the scene.

Mu Duan, blood stains, and the poisonous gas in the air made Bofeng Shuimen more and more frightened the more he looked at it.

He packed up the dirt with dirt stains and left quickly.

Although it is not clear whether this blood is with soil or a large snake pill, getting the blood can at least confirm the identity of one of the parties.

Especially Obito, even if Obito takes off the mask, he behaves exactly like himself. But Bofeng Shuimen still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that that person would not bring soil, even if it was only a 1 in 10,000 possibility.


And Uchiha Taki's side, after getting the Kamui Sharingan, immediately rushed back to Konoha.

Now Konoha's perception enchantment has long been tattered under the ravages of the Nine Tails, plus the overflow of the Nine Tails' energy and the bombardment of other people's ninjutsu, there is no need to worry about being discovered.

Those roots that were monitored by the Uchiha clan were also recalled by the three generations to fight together because of the Nine Tails, so he could be said to be unimpeded along the way.

The root personnel he killed before have now played a role.

Don't look at the current three generations to supplement the dark personnel, the roots have been strengthened like never before, but the gap in the total number of personnel has not changed.

Those root ninjas who were killed by Uchiha Taki and Orochimaru could not be replenished in a moment, but they were manifested in such an emergency.

The next day, Konoha summoned all the high-level officials as usual to discuss the situation last night, including the Uchiha family, who had just lifted the surveillance order.

But this time they did it not at the Hokage office, but at Konoha Hospital.

No way, there are too many people who were injured and killed in battle last night, such as Iruka's parents in Umino, Sunset True Red, these people who died in the original work, and they are still killed in battle.

"Watergate, what's wrong with you? Why don't you say a word? Jiu Xinnai sat next to Bofeng Shuimen and said by his ear.

Compared to the others, Jiu Shinnai is in the best state now, and after the Nine Tails re-entered her body, the powerful vitality and Chakra from the Uzumaki clan made her rejuvenated after only one night.

And today, as a high-ranking member of Konoha, but also as a party, she came here to participate in the discussion, similar to Kakashi, who was forcibly called over by Watergate.

"I'm waiting for something." Bo Feng Shuimen said very entangled.

The small actions of the two also attracted the attention of the three generations: "Watergate, what happened to you today, it seems that you have never spoken since the beginning." As

soon as Watergate wanted to answer, the three generations immediately said: "If it is the reason for the Nine Tails, you don't need to blame yourself, this is someone else's conspiracy." Knock

knock, there was a knock on the door outside, and before the people inside could answer, the door was pushed open: "Lord Watergate, the test results you want are out... Lord Watergate?! Before

the ninja who came to deliver the report finished speaking, a teleportation technique came to her.

"It's all here, isn't it?" Watergate asked, pointing to the report she was holding.

"Yes... Yes.

Watergate immediately took the report and turned to the last page to check the results, but when he saw the results, he looked at the previous test process repeatedly as if he couldn't believe it.

"Watergate, what's wrong with you, what is there to say, don't hold it alone." The one who spoke in this tone and Watergate was naturally Jiu Xinnai.

And the three generations, Shikahisa, Fugaku and others also agreed.

Watergate closed his eyes, lowered his arms, and said bitterly: "Last night, the kaleidoscopic ninja who attacked us... It's Obito!

"What?!" The ninja version of the male silent female tear was released in Konoha's hospital.

Kakashi was even the same as the water gate just now, and a teleportation technique came to his side, picked up the report and flipped through it.

"Could this be a mistake?"

"Does Obito have that talent?"

"Isn't he dead?"

The people around couldn't believe it at all, especially Fugaku, because Obito joined the Watergate team, he also specially went to investigate, and found that Obito's talent was completely miserable, such a person actually opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?

And Kakashi was even more excited, and directly ignored it and loudly retorted: "This is a complete miscalculation, those people in the hospital made a mistake!"

"Kakashi, calm down." Jiu Xinnai came over and helped Watergate to his place: "Watergate, you and everyone carefully talk about what happened last night."

As Watergate slowly said what happened last night, the faces of everyone present became more and more ugly, and Kakashi looked even more lost.

"Has the Great Snake Pill actually mastered the art of rebirth of dirt!" The shock in the hearts of the three generations at this time was not at all worse than when Watergate saw Obito.

It is even more than that, because the power of the art of rebirth of dirt has this value!

And in addition, Lake Biwa, who had accompanied him for many years and gave birth to two children for him, was actually killed by Obito, which also made the three generations feel extremely angry.

"Three generations of adults, is that a real resurrection technique?" Kakashi asked obsessively.

However, it was not the three generations who were in anger who answered him, but Mito Menyan: "It is not so much a resurrection technique as a blasphemous technique that turns the dead into a puppet of the spellcaster, and after the second generation teacher develops it, it is included in the Book of Seals and no one else is allowed to learn it." "

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