"But..." Watergate is still entangled, if there is a kaleidoscope of suppression, the Nine Tails basically can't set off any storms.

"I know what you think, that's right, having a stop water addition can indeed prevent the Nine Tails from running away." Miyo interrupted.

Watergate did not speak, but looked at the three generations, since the three generations know the benefits of stopping the water, why should they refuse?

"But have you ever thought that even if there is no water stop, our original plan is still stable, and the benefits brought by the water stop joining are far less risky than the risk brought by him taking the opportunity to control the nine tails, we can't gamble on this one!" The last sentence of the three generations seemed to roar out.

However, the third generation immediately realized that he was a little too excited just now, so he made up for himself: "Of course, I don't have an opinion about stopping the water, just to be on the safe side."

"Those three generations of adults, how do you think the water should be arranged?" Watergate has no doubt about him, and the three generations have asked for advice.

"Let Shisui and I go to monitor the Uchiha family together, so that even if something goes wrong, I can react immediately."

"Let's watch together..." Watergate lowered his head and thought quietly, and Miyo didn't interrupt him when he saw this, but picked up his pipe and smoked it.

After a while, Watergate said: "Just do as you say, if that hidden kaleidoscope is really in the Uchiha family, then trouble you to help drag it first."

Sandai nodded: "If it appears, Shisui and I will try to drag him down." Don't worry about you there, I'll let Lake Biwa join you then. Watergate

showed a grateful look after hearing this, he and Jiu Xinnai are both the first time, and it will indeed be a lot more reassuring to let the experienced third-generation lady be there.

"By the way, Jiraiya-sensei still won't come back?" Watergate suddenly asked.

"If only he and Tsunade would come back." The three generations said helplessly.

If Jiraiya and Tsunade were all staying in Konoha, it would not be unacceptable for Shisui to control the Nine Tails, and even if something really went wrong, the three generations believed that they could be suppressed.


Shisui had a very torturous time, although the trust of the third and fourth generations allowed him to freely enter and leave the Uchiha clan land, which made him feel very happy.

But because of this, this unfair treatment also made many people in the clan dissatisfied with him.

But after all, Shuishui is not the kind of personality that will be ruthless to his own people, even if some clansmen do too much, he only slightly lectures them.

But this exacerbated the contradiction between him and ordinary Uchiha people.

For the rest of the tribe, they will only see a fellow clan with special treatment betrayed them and also do something to them.

So he basically lives in the dormitory of the dark department now, and rarely returns to the clan land, and even if he does return to the clan land, it is for the mission.

It can be said that the plan of the three generations this time is very successful.

After all, he is still a child, even if his mind is more mature than ordinary people, he will also feel aggrieved when he is accused by many people.

As long as three generations later add fire to Shisui and the other Uchiha clan, Shisui can quickly pour towards him.

Knock knock, at this time there was a knock on the door outside the dormitory, knocking on the water stop who was thinking about how to deal with the relationship with the same clan.

After Shisui got up and opened the door, he saw a guy in a white robe and a mask on his face quickly said, "Naruto-sama asked you to go to his office." With

that, he left immediately, as if something mattered.

This attitude is used to stopping the water, after all, it is the dark part, and everything is prioritized with efficiency.

A few minutes later, a voice stopped outside the door of Hokage's office: "Naruto-sama, I've arrived." "

Please come in."

"Naruto-sama, three generations of adults." Seeing the two people in the office, Shuishui saluted them separately.

"Stop the water, the surveillance of Uchiha is almost over." Watergate was the first to tell the water stop the good news.

"Really?" Shui Shui showed an excited expression, and at the same time there was a trace of doubt, could it be that he found the hidden kaleidoscope? Do you have any hope of avenging your people?

"But don't say it, this time is the most important time, you and I will stay in the Uchiha Clan Land all the time." Miyo added.

"I see, three generations of adults." Stop Shui replied excitedly to the three generations, it seems that the surveillance is really coming to an end, Stop Shui thought to himself.


Meanwhile, in the Konoha Cemetery, Kakashi is talking to Rin at her grave.

As a disciple of Watergate, Kakashi knew about Jiu Shinna several days before Shisui, so he specially took leave from the dark department today to talk to Rin and Obito.

It's just that his words are really talking to Obito, and the words that Kakashi said in front of the grave were all transmitted to Obito's ears through Hakujue.

Bai Jue: "The production date of Jiu Xinnai is tonight, with soil!"

Obito said murderously: "Ah, I know, tonight is the death of Bofeng Shuimen!" "He's been waiting for this for a long time.

Hei Jue saw that Obito was mentally prepared, and after a little relaxation, he said, "Then let's go." "


Of course, this kind of big event Uchiha Taki also learned about it for the first time.

After he learned about the arrangement between Watergate and the three generations from Miracle Yu, he immediately formed a shadow doppelganger and broke up, passing the memory to another shadow doppelganger in the clan land.

Then he will let the miracle come out for you and find the location of Jiu Xinnai.

Although I can't remember this later plot a little, but the birth of Jiu Shinnai to a baby, Uchiha remembers that she should have given birth outside Konoha.

The reason why you didn't let the miracle track Kakashi or Sarutobi Biwa Lake to determine the location is also very simple, because they were most likely teleported directly by the Wave Feng Shui Gate with the Flying Thunder God.

Uchiha Taki would not waste his luck gambling on something with such a high probability of failure.

Even if it is not found, the movement when the soil and the wave feng shui gate fight behind it will definitely not be small, and it will be good to go over when the time comes.

Waste your luck here, then there is a high probability that the eye-grabbing will fail.

Don't forget that Uchiha Taki has a good premonition of doom.

But the periphery of Konoha is so big, how can it be that you can find a miracle for a while, until nightfall, the miracle is that you did not find the delivery room prepared for Jiu Xinnai.

So Uchiha Taki could only calm down and wait in the camp for Brother Tuko to make a big move.

Inside Konoha, the windows that were originally lit have darkened one after another, and now it is time for most people to prepare for sleep.

And when the light emitted in Konoha's building went out by more than eighty percent, the beast let out a huge roar, and the nine tails appeared!

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