The shaking and roaring sound of the Nine Tails' appearance woke up the guys who had just fallen asleep.

"Enemy attack? Is it an enemy attack?

"What happened? Is the roar just now a psychic beast?

"Hey, who, I still have to sleep this big night."

Everyone had a different attitude when they first woke up, but as the Nine Tails let out a second roar, their attitudes gradually became uniform.

Hinata Hiashi closed the scout's eyes, and from the second roar he could already hear who this "enemy" guy was.

"You guys go and inform the others to be on guard, the Nine Tails are gone! Day difference, follow me to find three generations of adults. Hiashi commanded to the surrounding family guarding him.

"Just the two of us? No problem? "The mission of the separation family is to protect the Zong family, and Richa can't help but question this kind of action that will make the Zong family dangerous.

"Find a few more people on the road." Hiashi explained.

On the other side, the three generations who were monitoring the Uchiha clan with Shisui had already changed their faces greatly when the Nine Tails first appeared.

"Three generations of adults, what was the situation just now?" Shui Shui asked. Could it be that this is the hidden kaleidoscope?

The three generations did not answer, but scanned back and forth in the direction of the Uchiha clan land and the Nine Tails, as if hoping that the water gate would come out in time to stop the Nine Tails.

But when the Nine Tails let out a second roar, he knew that he couldn't wait any longer, this distance once the Nine Tails began to condense the Tailed Beast Jade, no one could stop it!

He and Shuishui had to go at least to the vicinity of the Nine Tails to ensure that the Nine Tails couldn't use the Tailed Beast Jade.

"Stop the water, you go with me to stop the Nine Tails, the rest of you continue to guard, come and notify me immediately if there is a problem." Miyo ordered.

"Nine Tails? Be! "Although Shisui didn't recognize it just now, as a powerful ninja, he still has a certain understanding of the tailed beast.

On the other hand, Uchiha Taki also let the miracle take action on you and began to find the location of Tokogo.

He had buried those detonation charms before, and as soon as one of them was triggered, he would immediately know the location of the soil.


Three generations: "This is... Writing wheel eyes!

Obito: "Writing wheel eyes?!" "

Shuishui and the third generation rushed to the vicinity of the Nine Tails, and when they saw the gouyu that appeared in the eyes of the Nine Tails, they suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"Stop the water, can you control the Nine Tails?" The three generations did not hesitate and immediately asked.

The only thing he can trust now is Shisui, who has always been by his side.

"I'll try!" Shuishui immediately began to act, his eyes rotated rapidly, showing the appearance of a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

"This is... Kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, what a surprise. "

Although it is already known that the water stop has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, this is the first time that three generations have seen it.

After all, he has an understanding of the kaleidoscope, but he does not dare to let the water stop open and look at him.

When the water stop turned on the kaleidoscope to try to control the Nine Tails, Obito immediately noticed it.

"That kaleidoscopic bastard is fighting to grab control of the Nine Tails, didn't you say he was the same type as me? Why is his illusion so strong. Obito asked towards Kuroje.

When the water stop began to fight, he immediately broke away from the battle with Bofeng Shuimen, and he would definitely lose the two-line battle.

"Maybe his two eyes have different abilities? Don't worry, even if it's a kaleidoscope of illusions, with the means to stay, he can't rob you. Kuro thought of a possibility, and asked Obito to concentrate on fighting for control with Shuishui.

Then he added: "Then I'll go somewhere else first, now I'm not good to expose, you alone is not a big problem, right?"

"Of course, do you think my exercise for so long was in vain?" Obito replied to him confidently.


"Huh-ha, hoo-ha." Stopping the water near the Nine Tails, he exhaled heavily, leaving two lines of sweaty blood and tears in his eyes.

"How's it going? Stop water. Sanshiro asked with concern.

"No, the other party is so strong, I am not an opponent at all." The water stopped for a while, wiping away the blood and tears.

He didn't know what kind of back hand and technique Madara had, but simply thought that dealing with it was better than his own pupil technique.

"However, that doesn't mean I'll let the Nine Tails go wild in Konoha!" Shui Shui clenched his fists and said secretly in his heart.

"Then you can only rely on strength to stop it, all the upper Shinobi go with me!" The three generations ordered towards the alarmed crowd.


Not long after Shuishui gave up the fight, Obito was about to get up to find the Wave Feng Shui Gate when a sword of ninja flew towards him and passed through his body.

"You're late again, Yellow Flash!"

Bofeng Shuimen asked solemnly, "Is there any hatred between you and me?" Last time, he wanted to ask why this masked man looked familiar to him.

"Hate? No, it's just that you're in my way. Obito said lightly, as if telling something insignificant.

Swoosh -

A sword of ninja flashed from Obito's body.

"Aren't you yet..."

Obito's words were interrupted by the explosion of the detonation charm, and then triggered by the first detonator charm, and more than a dozen explosions sounded around one after another.

The detonation charm set by Uchiha Taki here was all triggered by the Sword of Shinobu just now.

"Do you think you can defeat me like this, Bofeng Shuimen! You underestimate me too much, you these detonators are completely wooden (useless) ah, hahahahaha. "Obito brazenly provoked the wave feng shui gate.

In his opinion, the explosion that had just been triggered by the Sword of Shinobi was all Konoha's setting.

However, Wave Feng Shui Men did not respond to him, he never gave an order for Konoha's people to place the detonator trap, and the trigger just now was just a coincidence.

If he hadn't reacted quickly and hadn't flashed to the Sword of Patience just now with the Flying Thunder God Technique, then maybe he would have been seriously injured by the explosion.

Bofeng Shuimen was confused for a while, originally he and the three generations, as well as the think tank, were based on the circumstances of both sides.

But now it seems that there is obviously a third party, so that many things that originally confused him can be figured out, but some new questions have arisen.

But he didn't think much about it now, but there was a strong enemy in front of him.

After Obito taunted, he rushed towards the Bofeng Water Gate, although it was just an ordinary run, but with his strengthened physical fitness, he came to the front of the Water Gate after a few breaths.

Bofeng Shui Men did not hesitate, and once again threw the Sword of Patience towards Obito's face, and as expected, it passed through Obito's head.

"Flying Thunder God Second Stage!" The wave feng shui gate flashed behind Obito, and the blue light of his right hand lit up and condensed into a ball, and I saw his body turn the spiral pill and smash it down Obito's back.

However, this time, he did not knock Obito to the ground like the original, but passed through his body again, smashed heavily on the ground, and shook a large piece of rubble.

"Big wood, big wood, big wood. Do you think I'll make the same mistakes as last time? Bo

Feng Shuimen couldn't hit the horse away, and Obito mocked again when he saw this.

His last spiral pill was not for nothing.

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