Outside Konoha, a very comfortable autumn breeze blew through, and a slightly yellowed tree began to be blown off, and a few leaves fell on Uchiha's head.

I saw that he patted the fallen leaves on his head, continued to turn the weeds and dirt next to the root system, installed the detonator and the bag containing the poison, and then gently covered it.

After making these preparations, he got up and looked around, and quickly chose a place to continue the work he had just done.

If there is anything different from before, it is that he changed the type of poison.

If it was just a poison, the blackness of the thousand-year-old goblin was likely to directly solve the poison, so for insurance, he prepared a total of more than a dozen.

"Everything is ready, only Brother Tuzi is owed." A moment later, Uchiha Taki patted the dirt on his body and prepared to go back to his camp.

Suddenly, he frowned and flashed into the greenery, as if no one had ever been here.

A few seconds later, four figures flashed past the tree and headed in the other direction.

After they left for a while, the green plants made a swish sound, and Uchiha Taki slowly came out of it.

He has encountered this situation many times during this time, and was even discovered by the guys of the Hyuga clan once.

Fortunately, he used illusion to control it in time, and then healed them after being attacked by bad luck, otherwise this lurking would be in vain.

After that time, Uchiha Taki also became more and more cautious.

However, although the body is hard hiding outside, the shadow avatar in the Uchiha clan has a bad time.

The Uchiha family, who are under house arrest, have nothing to do but exercise their strength.

However, when exercising, injuries are inevitable.

It just so happens that there is now an extra guy in the Uchiha clan who can heal ninjutsu, so Uchiha Taki has become their royal doctor.

After Bofeng Shuimen knew about this, he directly entrusted this incident to Uchiha Taki as an A-level task.

Don't think that it is very casual A grade, although healing the wound is simple, but it can't hold up many people, and it will take more than a month.

Originally, it was just like this, although he was a little tired, but with his body that re-transplanted the intercolumn cells, it was not a difficult task that people could not bear.

But the body can carry it, but the spirit cannot. To ask why, don't forget that Itachi also has to learn medical ninjutsu, and what could be more appropriate?

There are many of them, but they are not serious, and they are most suitable for training newcomers.

The longer Itachi stayed by his side, the darker Uchiha Taki's face became, but in the eyes of others, it was all tired during the treatment.

"Taki, if you're tired, take a break."

"It's okay, it's okay." Uchiha Taki reluctantly lifted the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Itachi: "Brother Taki, if you want to be tired, let me come, I can still handle this simple bandaging." "

After this period of getting along, Uchiha Taki has become an existence of the same level as Shisui in the mouth of Itachi, of course, it is only in the mouth.

"Oh, that's okay. I went to rest first, and I was called out when I couldn't handle it. "

The good news is that Itachi won't be here for long, after all, his purpose in learning medical ninjutsu is ultimately for Uchiha Mikoto and Sasuke, and everyone else is just a tool person to practice.

"You said how long this Konoha will lock us up, it's been almost a month." While waiting for treatment, a Uchiha man said.

"I see that they just want to deal with our clan, so they found an inexplicable reason, have you heard any kaleidoscope in the clan for so long?" Another Uchiha said approvingly

, "Hey, don't say bad things about Naruto-sama here!" Hearing their conversation, the ferret stopped.

"Oh? I almost forgot that the weasel is a good friend of Shuishui, Shuishui can get privileges, and you don't get it, is it necessary to maintain it for him? "

Brother Shuishui joined the Dark Department with dignity, this is not a privilege!" The ferret looked a little angry.

"Okay, okay, weasel, go back and take care of your mother, let me come here."

Uchiha Taki, who had not gone far away, heard the topic discussed by the others, and knew that Itachi would definitely not be able to hold back and argue with them, so he hurried back to stop them arguing.

"Brother Taki? Don't you go to rest? Itachi said with concern.

"No need, you hurry back to take care of your mother." Uchiha Taki directly pushed Itachi to get him out of here.

However, the complaint of several of them is not only the scene just now, but the situation of the entire Uchiha family.

Even if there was Fugaku to appease, and there were forbidden techniques to divert attention, as time passed, ordinary clansmen gradually became more and more dissatisfied.

After all, you say that it is understandable that there are suspects, but in order to find a suspect, it is necessary to lock up hundreds of them without problems for more than a month?

Who can stand this.

A few of them are already good just to complain a few words.

That is, Itachi insisted on coming out to learn medical ninjutsu, like his father Fugaku, he honestly nestled at home and couldn't come out.

After all, he can't say that as long as he is locked up for more than a month, he will be able to return to normal by then, so wouldn't it reveal when Jiu Xinnai will give birth?

It can only be said that the ferret is still too young.

Inside the Hokage office in the Hokage Building, Miyo and Watergate are discussing the affairs of the Uchiha clan.

Three generations: "How much longer?" Wait any longer, I'm afraid Uchiha really can't bear it. "

Uchiha is getting more and more irritable now, and even has several minor conflicts with the roots.

However, in order to prevent the expansion of the matter, the three generations did not arrest those Uchiha people, but only let Fugaku manage it on their behalf.

It's not that the three generations don't want to deal with them, and he usually wants Uchiha to cause trouble.

But now all personal emotions and hatred have to be sidelined, and Jiu Xinnai's birth is one of the top priorities.

"The medical ninja said that it was probably a few days." Bofeng Shuimen also seemed a little nervous, not because of Uchiha, but because he was about to have his first child.

"Will the ninja in charge of the guard be selected by then?"

"Almost chosen." Watergate nodded and said, "I want Kakashi to witness the birth of a new life as a way to bring him out of his pain."

Then Watergate paused for a moment and continued: "In addition, I want to stop the water together, his kaleidoscopic chakra eye can effectively suppress the violent movement of the Nine Tails. "

Stop the water? Aren't you afraid that he took the opportunity to control the Nine Tails? Sandai said in surprise.

"Third generation of adults, didn't you trust Shuishui very much before? He also specially helped him get the privilege of entering and leaving the Uchiha clan. Watergate asked strangely.

"It's different." The third generation took off the pipe and said seriously: "This time it's the Nine Tails!" We can't afford the kaleidoscope plus nine-tails combination! "

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