After returning to the Hokage Building, he did not return to the Hokage office to give orders, but stood on the roof of the building and looked at the whole of Konoha.

A series of things that happened before were things that he was not very good at, so he basically discussed them with everyone.

But now, the opponent is likely to master the time and space ninjutsu, then Konoha can deal with him only himself!

"Naruto-sama!" A Hinata ninja ran over and shouted at him.

"Found a suspicious person? Where is it? Watergate asked.

"In... Uchiha Clan Land! The Hyuga ninja said a little tangled.

But he had heard that the guy who invaded Konoha this time was likely to have space ninjutsu sometimes.

If he could catch them in the Uchiha clan, if he escaped with time-space ninjutsu and he pounced with Hokage, the Uchiha clan would definitely take revenge on him.

"I see, I will take you to hurry with the Flying Thunder God, and you will guide the way." Bofeng Shuimen did not hesitate and planned to act immediately.

"Yes, Naruto-sama."


On the other side, Obito came out of the Shenwei space, and when he saw Obito's arrival, Hei Jue also turned out from the trunk of the tree.

"Why are you here now? What was found?

"I just saw Orochimaru, he appeared in the Konoha Cemetery and didn't know what he was doing, and when I went up to track him, I found that he had disappeared."

"Disappeared? Did you lose it? "Hei Jue feels incredible, the ability to bring soil can actually be humiliated? Even the Wave Feng Shui Gate, who was also a time-space ninjutsu user, couldn't get rid of him.

"Are you sure you read that right?"

"I don't even recognize people, not to mention I use a kaleidoscope to write wheel eyes." Obito said dissatisfied, he felt that Hei Jue looked down on him too much.

"Sorry, I just felt incredible... Be careful! The

sword of ninja passed through Obito's head, and Bofeng Shui Gate flashed in front of Obito with a puzzled look.

But fortunately, the current Obito is the one with a mask, and he still has a hood on his head, so he didn't let Bofeng Shuimen discover his true identity.

Hei Jue immediately retracted into the trunk after reminding him of the soil, even though Bofeng Shui Men used a spiral pill to smash the tree, he still couldn't find any trace of him.

"What are you?!" Bofeng Shuimen asked while guarding.

One was headshot by the Sword of Patience, but it seemed that he hadn't touched it at all. The other is like the wooden ninja who did it against Gangwu last time, but the appearance is black and white.

He couldn't think of any two people in the ninja world who met this condition.

Fugaku, who was shocked by the movement of the spiral pill just now, also rushed out of his house, saw Bofeng Shuimen and a masked man confronting, and asked: "Watergate, what is the situation?"

"I didn't expect that it was always a yellow flash that was late, and today's action is so fast." Obito taunted in a husky voice.

"Who are you? I don't seem to have you in my memory. Bofeng Shuimen frowned and stared at Obito.

Obito said as if he had seen him many times, but he really didn't know this guy who was good at time and space ninjutsu.

In other words, there should be few people in the entire ninja world, otherwise with his ability, he would have become famous all over the world.

But Obito didn't say much, but instead lowered his head slightly, his eyes avoided the sight of Bofeng Shuimen, and began to exert divine power.

The situation just now was actually a little exposed, but if he didn't say it, the anger in Obito's heart after seeing the wave feng shui gate really made him uncomfortable.

When you are a disciple, you come late every time, and when you are your enemy, you come so quickly?

However, Ha Feng Shuimen also reacted quickly, although he didn't understand why he lowered his head, but unless it was someone from Hinata's family, it would be difficult to react to places where he couldn't see once he avoided his sight.

He immediately threw a Sword of Ninja with his left hand towards Obito's blind spot, then flashed over and caught the Sword of Ninja with his left hand and slashed towards Obito, followed by the spiral pill in his right hand.

The first attack was a temptation, and he also wanted to see his face under the mask, and the second was Orochimaru's formal attack, and he planned to use this to leave Obito.

Just like the second stage of the Flying Thunder God in the original work, after Obito skillfully avoided the first attack, the second spiral pill smashed his back.

"How is that possible!?" Fugaku on the side saw this scene and felt as if he was in a world of illusion.

The location of the Wave Feng Shui Gate may not be visible, but from his point of view, he can clearly see which kaleidoscope writing wheel eyeball looks like from the hole of the mask with soil!

After knocking Obito down, the Wave Feng Shui Gate did not stop, but stabbed towards Obito's heart with the Sword of Shinobi.

Although he is curious about the identity of this mask man, as long as he kills him, he will get everything.

It's just that at this time, the surrounding green plants burst up, like a thorn in the trap, poking towards the wave feng shui gate, if he didn't avoid it, then he could only die with Obito, of course, he as a Hokage would not change one by one, so he immediately avoided it.

Of course, this is only a judgment in the mind of Bofeng Shuimen, don't forget Obito and Izanagi, if he really plans to change, it will only be him.

At the same time, Bai Jue's body also began to convey the power of Yang Dun to Obito, allowing him to recover quickly.

After the current Obito was taught such a lesson by the wave feng shui gate, he did not support it, and directly sucked himself away with divine power.

And although Bofeng Shuimen and Fuyue both planned to keep him, they were dragged down by the black and white wooden escape.

Although it didn't last long, it was enough to take the soil and slip away with divine power.

"Fugaku, immediately lead all the members of the Guard Department to cooperate with the people of the Hyuga clan and start looking for them!"

"Yes!" There is no need for Bofeng Shuimen to say, Fugaku will also do this, an unfamiliar kaleidoscope writing wheel eye can't help him slack.

The situation here was also clearly seen by Uchiha Taki outside Konoha.

Originally, he didn't know where the wave feng shui gate went, but since he smashed down a tree with a spiral pill, the miracle is immediately known to you.

Originally, he also wanted to take this opportunity to obtain the eyes of Brother Tuzi in advance, but unfortunately Brother Tuzi was not useful, and he was directly beaten stupid by Bofeng Shuimen.

If it weren't for Hei Jue's help, maybe Bo Feng Shuimen could really leave the soil this time.

But since there is no chance, Uchiha Taki should also try to stay away from the detection of white eyes.

If you are accidentally discovered, that guy is so happy that he wants to chase him down, so that he can be killed by a miracle for you.

But if, like just now, he went to inform Bofeng Shuimen, he would be in a bit of trouble.

The most important thing is that there are almost no people in the Hyuga family who are happy with their achievements, and the Zong family nests a group at home. Even if there is a separation, the caged bird is not allowed.

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