Uchiha Taki didn't go on a mission this time to ambush Obito, he used miracles before to see the state of Kushina when she was pregnant, which is much smaller than Uchiha Mikoto.

According to the production date of Uchiha Mikoto, it will be almost three months before Naruto is born.

When he finishes this mission, stay in Konoha for a while, and then go out again.

On Brother Tuzi's side, Obito asked, "How do you test whether they have opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?" What if it alarms the wave feng shui gate? "

When Hei Jue heard Obito's words, he also began to make trouble, if the kaleidoscope powerhouse wanted to deliberately hide, it was really difficult to find out.

"Hmm... Let's go find Kakashi first, let Obito go first to find out if there are any clues, if not, I will think of other ways. "

Originally, Kuro definitely wanted to split up, but since Kakashi is not in Konoha now, he can only go to Kakashi first, and he doesn't have the strength to force out the kaleidoscope chakra eye without Obito.

"Haku, did you find where Kakashi is?" Kuro asked.

"I haven't come back yet, do you want to check on the Uchiha family first?" Bai Jue replied.

Hei Jue: "No, this may scare the grass and snakes."

"Then you investigate first, find Kakashi and call me." The space around Obito began to distort, sucking his body into his eyes.

Hei Jue and Bai Jue did not obstruct, although Obito did not say where he went, but without thinking about it, he knew that he must have gone to the cemetery to find Lin.

Kakashi couldn't find out where he was going for a while, and according to the investigation of Haku's doppelganger, he had been away from Konoha for almost a day. This kind of time is enough for a powerful ninja to run all the way.

So Hei Jue sneaked into the Uchiha family to find out the situation, although there was no way to test, he could still use daily monitoring to find a little clue.

The first choice he chose was Fuyue, and Ning Tai really had little hope in his opinion, unless he asked Bai Jue to stimulate it again, after all, in Ning Tai's opinion, Bai Jue was the real murderer behind the scenes.

After all, the age of Shuishui is too young, and the probability of Fuyue is relatively greater.

After all, now that his mind is full of Sasuke and Uchiha Mikoto, Kuro believes that he can force Fugaku's true strength no matter which one he does.

So he blended into the trees and headed in the direction of Fugaku's house, while also asking about Bai Jue Jiu Shinai in his mind.

It happened to be Konoha once, so I definitely have to check it out.

After all, that is the most promising opportunity to kill the wave feng shui gate, once missed, the wave feng shui gate wants to run, no one can stop him, this is the power of time and space ninjutsu.

In the original work, Obito and Black and White were so well prepared that they failed to kill him, and in the end, they were martyred together because of Jiu Xinnai's death, which is really a bit ironic.

This is also the confidence that Uchiha Taki dared to let Obito find out that Rin's body had been stolen and leave a note there.

Because no matter what, Bofeng Shuimen is a person who must be killed with soil, otherwise his divine power will be suppressed by Watergate, and he will feel constrained in everything he does at that time.

On the other side, Uchiha Taki put away a white corpse with a strange face.

Although neither Obito nor Kuro said they were going to investigate Uchiha Taki, before the order to stop the investigation reached the white doppelganger, he was killed by the miracle of you.

“...... Brother Tuzi won't find me wrong. "Against this white absolute, Uchiha Taki also has a little headache.

It doesn't matter if he leads the soil to investigate him, I am afraid that he will not come after being attacked by a little bad luck.

"Alas, forget it, didn't I steal Lin's body in the first place to attract him over."

Although this incident was also caused by the theft of Rin's body, how to say it, Uchiha Taki believed that as long as Toko learned that Rin's body was here, he would definitely cross everything to come to him.

"But... There is a white absolute next to me, which means that there is at least one Obito and a black jue, which should be in Konoha! After

judging this result, Uchiha Taki immediately changed his plan.

Assemble a shadow doppelganger and let him handle the mission, while he himself returns to Konoha and uses a miracle to investigate what is going on.

Back on the periphery of Konoha, Uchiha Taki found a dense forest with tall trees, and used the wooden escape to create a giant tree that required more than a dozen people to hold hands to encircle.

Although it is large, it is not particularly conspicuous in this dense forest.

The inside was hollowed out by him with a wooden escape, and at the top of the trunk, leaving a tree hole that could only accommodate minors.

This is the camp he prepared for himself, and the middle two points can also be said to be a secret base. Until he gets the eye with soil, he should come here often.

A single rocking chair made of rattan is built out of wood, and Uchiha Taki lies comfortably on it to let the miracle go back to Konoha to check on the situation.

The first place to explore was naturally Konoha Cemetery, and if he brought soil, he would definitely come to this place.

“...... Is this guy so easy to guess? A moment later, Uchiha Taki complained, not expecting to directly discover the target the first time.

At this time, in front of Nohara Rin's tombstone, a man in the image of a prime-aged man was staring at the tombstone obsessively.

"Why is your disguise so outrageous, the image of a man who has nothing to do with Rin Nohara, looking at her tombstone like this, everyone will feel that there is a problem." Uchiha Taki, who observes the soil through the miracle, complains.

"If this is seen by Kakashi or Wave Feng Shuimen, you can find the problem at a glance, how did Kurojie teach you? It's just like a pig... Uchiha Taki couldn't stop complaining at all.

"Phew, phew... Uchiha Taki, who had spat out a lot of words in one breath, paused slightly to catch his breath, when an idea suddenly flashed through his mind.

Although Obito and Taki had met before, they had dealt with each other since crossing over, but they had not met officially.

In this case, whether it can trigger a miracle attack on you, even Uchiha Taki himself is not sure.

So he decided to let the miracle turn into an entity for you and dangle in front of Obito, without the need to attack him, just arouse curiosity.

If it was a state of not being able to control the doom before, Uchiha Taki would definitely not dare to do so, because it was very likely to startle the grass.

Although Obito's brain is not enough, it is likely that the black will notice the problem.

But now he can completely let Doom mark Obito first, then not trigger, and then attack him when needed.

Just do what you say, Uchiha Taki first let the miracle go some distance away from Obito.

If it's too close, the miracle of materialization can't shake off Obito, and if you substitute, the big snake pill that suddenly disappears, even Obito's brain will detect that there is a problem.

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