After the Bofeng Shui Gate came out of the Uchiha tribe, he happened to see the three generations who came with the roots, so he took the initiative to greet them.

"Watergate, what happened?" While asking, the three generations also glanced at the Uchiha clan, hoping that something happened to Uchiha, and then the wave feng shui gate went to suppress it.

In this way, he can use this to separate the relationship between Bofeng Shuimen and Fugaku.

"Konoha has infiltrated a ninja who is good at time and space ninjutsu, as well as a wooden ninja who is very similar to the last time he framed the Nintai brothers." Bofeng Shuimen replied.

"Space-time ninjutsu?!" The three generations exclaimed and looked at the wave feng shui gate.

Watergate knew what he meant, shook his head and said, "It's not the Flying Thunder God Technique, but it's more than the Flying Thunder God Technique... Uncanny?

"Weird? Is there anything I can do? Miyo asked.

If it was something else, he would definitely act directly with the roots, but against a ninja who uses time and space ninjutsu, then he also has to refer to the advice of Wave Feng Shuimen, after all, the art industry has a specialty.

"Let's go and find it with the people of the Hyuga clan, don't be impulsive after you find it, and notify me immediately." Bo Feng Shuimen said helplessly.

Even if he had just hit Obito, he still felt that he was very difficult, and ordinary ninjas could not defeat him.

It's just that their search this time can only be abruptly fruitless, and after Obito was hit by the wave feng shui gate once, they immediately left Konoha and did not return.

In a cave covered by a waterfall, Obito and Black and White are resting inside.

"In fact, Bofeng Shuimen was just a surprise this time, and after you have experience this time, you won't do it again next time." Hei Jue comforted.

But what he said also makes sense, Shenwei Void can last for a total of about a few minutes, before it was just that he was too careless, so he canceled the Void, but now that he knows, Wave Feng Shuimen will not be able to deal with him with the Flying Thunder God Second Stage in the future.

With the price of one injury, in exchange for a powerful offensive means of Bofeng Shuimen, no matter how you think about it, you don't lose anything.

What's more, this injury recovered after a few seconds, and Obito just lost face. After all, fundamentally, Shenwei is still better than Flying Thunder God.

"What about the suspected kaleidoscope writing wheel eye? Now that he has been discovered by Bofeng Shuimen, he must be preparing for us and continue to probe?

"Go check with Kakashi first, it's okay if you can't find it, don't forget that the Nine-Tails are Madara's psychic beasts." As long as you learn Madara to leave you an inheritance, even a kaleidoscope of two-eyed chakra eyes won't be able to steal control of the Nine Tails.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Obito said dissatisfied.

"I said that you will study seriously?" Hei Jue's reply was also very reasonable, as if he didn't hide the soil at all.

But he also did have confidence, after all, since Obito became familiar with the kaleidoscope ability, he had also become more and more inflated, and he had not cultivated much about the many assets Madara left him.

Obito was choked by him like this, remembering that his attitude was indeed a little problematic before, and it was difficult to say anything for a while.

So he changed the topic and said, "Then when will Jiu Xinnai be produced, how do we confirm?" Bofeng Shuimen should be prepared.

"You don't have to worry about this, Bai and I will handle it, don't forget that we exist to collect intelligence." Hei Jue said confidently.

On the other side, the people of Konoha, who were struggling to bring fruitless soil, gathered again at the Hokage Building to begin a meeting.

First of all, Hinata Hinata, who summarized the intelligence collected by the clansmen, and then slightly simplified it to report to everyone present.

"So, that wooden ninja moves through trees and dirt?" Miyo asked.

"At the moment, it seems that this is true, but it is not ruled out that there are other ways." Hinata replied.

"I didn't understand a little before, isn't Mu Dun the blood of our Konoha? Why did he target Konoha? A passerby with strong strength and a certain status asked. (Actually, it's too lazy to choose a name)

His question is also the problem of many people present, according to Mu Dun's status, if Mu Dun is awakened, there is no need to betray Konoha at all.

"It's possible that it's not Konoha." At this time, a faint voice came, which woke everyone up.

"This time... It seems to have been found in the Uchiha clan..."

"Uchiha again?"

Everyone present looked at Fugaku in unison, they knew a little about Senju and Uchiha's grudge, they wanted to see what the Fugaku patriarch thought about this matter.

"If it's against Uchiha, why did the space-time ninja go to the room of the Book of Seals to alarm us?" The opening of the wave feng shui gate relieved Fugaku.

It's just that Fuyue's face still shows a tangled look.

The third generation felt a little strange, and couldn't help but ask, "Fugaku, what's wrong with you?"

Fugaku took a long breath: "Everyone, I want to say something next, don't be afraid." Everyone

: "We are the strongest ninja of Konoha, how can we be afraid, you just say it."

Fugaku: "Before, when Watergate hit the Mask Man with a spiral pill... From the hole in the mask, I saw the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!

Fugaku struggled for a long time, and finally said this matter.

No way, this situation is like a rebellion in your own ninja village, if you don't say it, this rebellion will only blame your village.

"Kaleidoscope Sharingan!" Miyo and Mito Menyan immediately bounced up from his chair when he heard this.

"Are you sure you're not mistaken?" Miyo asked.

"That's right, you can't talk nonsense about this, how sure are you?" Mito Menitis added.

In private, others secretly asked the person next to them: "What is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?"

Another person also whispered: "I don't know." A

guy standing next to the Uchiha clan asked Shuishui, "Shuishui, what is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?" Stop the water? But

the water stopped as if nothing had been heard.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that the guard department was slaughtered.

At that time, people thought that only a person of the speed of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow or Bofeng Shuimen could do it, but he knew in his heart that the owner of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye could also do it.

And now, Uchiha Fugaku's words obviously confirmed this, everyone in the guard department was killed by that guy!

Thinking of this, I shuddered all over my body, and I almost couldn't hold it back, and opened the Sharingan eye.

Fugaku's side heard the questioning of the two, and Yin Yang replied strangely: "Could it be that the two of you know more about Sharingan than me, the Uchiha Patriarch?" "

The decision he made with great difficulty, and someone actually came to question whether he was wrong, can this be tolerated?

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