Soon, Bai Jue and Kuro Jue, who began their investigation, found the note jar that Uchiha Taki had tied to the tree next to him.

"Take the soil and look at it, I found something." Bai Jue took the jar and asked Obito for merit.

"I took the people here, and I hope to make a deal with you one day." Obito read the note Uchiha Taki had left him word by word.

Hei Jue: "Does this guy know your identity?" Is there any written on it what to trade, or other information?

Obito said with a scowl on his face: "No, there are only so many on it, have you found any other clues?" "

The grave was violently opened, and I checked the spells on it and found that every position in it had been destroyed, including the ones that were still underground."

Obito: "You directly said the result, I don't understand these, they are all destroyed, what can it say?"

Hei Jue knew that Obito was not smart, so he explained: "If it is only violently broken, then the buried spell mark cannot be affected, Obito, do you remember how we sent Rin to the grave in the first place?"

Obito recalled for a moment and muttered, "I remember that you first made the shell of the tomb, and at the same time carved the magic in the tomb, and then I penetrated it with divine power and sent Rin inside."

Hei Jue: "That's right, although this possibility is very low, this guy who stole Lin is likely to have the same ability as you!" Only in this way can I destroy my technique!

Obito was stunned for a moment and retorted: "That doesn't make sense, since he can take it away quietly, why do he destroy the tomb?"

"Maybe he wanted to make a deal with you, but you probably couldn't find the wooden jar hanging from the tree next to it, so he destroyed the tomb?" Black Jeopardy raises a possibility.

Then he added: "It is also possible that his ability is not convenient for you and cannot bring people, so he first destroys the technique, and then destroys the tomb."

"That means that the other party may also be the owner of the kaleidoscope chakra eye?" Obito asked.

"Very likely!" Although the ninja world entered the ninja village era, ninjutsu changed with each passing day, even the thousand-year-old goblin black could not understand it all.

However, even if it cannot be ruled out that someone has developed an incredible new technique, he still prefers to believe that it is a kaleidoscope ability.

"So what to do? If he is from Konoha, how will we deal with Wave Feng Shuimen then? Obito asked with a frown.

"Don't worry, since he said he wanted to make a deal with you, he may be a member of the hawks. Besides, he hasn't written his name yet, and it's possible that he doesn't even know you're alive. Hei Jue said slowly.

"What do you mean, he took Rin away, isn't it clear who Obito's identity?" Bai Jue also interjected.

Hei Jue shook his head: "One of you is the party, and the other often stays by the party's side, so you have this idea." There is more than one person that Lin can think of. "

Kakashi!" Bai Jue and Obito said in unison.

Kuro Jue showed a teachable expression: "That's right, Kakashi is a genius of Konoha, and he also inherited Obito's left eye, which is very heavy in the eyes of others, this guy may want to make a deal with Kakashi." "

This can't be blamed on Hei Jue wanting to be crooked, after all, he handled all kinds of things after Obito fake his death very well.

It can be said that all the traces left in the ninja world after Obito fake his death have been erased, and he never believes that anyone can find Obito fake his death.

And the performance in the original work was not exposed until the late stage, and no one discovered Obito's identity in the early stage.

After all, Kuro definitely wanted to break his little head, and he couldn't imagine that the ninja world had one more hanger who had read the script.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it is the reason why Uchiha Taki increases his lucky points from time to time.

"So what should be done? I won't let go of the guy who defiled Lynn's body. Obito said angrily.

"Go Konoha!" Kuro said firmly: "Obito, where do you go to Kakashi to find out what information there is, and Shiro and I will confirm if Uchiha of Konoha has a hidden kaleidoscope chakra eye!"

"What if it doesn't?" Obito asked, he still didn't know much about Kakashi.

"If not, come back to join us." Kuro Jue saw his thoughts: "After all, we opened the jar with the note, and it is quite possible that Kakashi did not know what happened. "

This is also a good thing for Kurojie, and he doesn't want Obito to be completely blackened, and then take Kakashi's eyes back, Obito is too strong, it will not be easy to control."

Time was fleeting, and Obito and his group quickly arrived in Konoha by relying on the Space-Time Pupil Technique and the Ephemera Technique.

"How's it going?" Obito asked as he sang at the black and white that emerged from the tree trunk.

"Kakashi is not in Konoha now, probably on a mission in the dark part, I left a white doppelganger to continue the investigation." Kuroki and Obito talked about the intelligence he had gathered.

"Uchiha's side, most of the people are in Konoha, only one guy named Uchiha Taki has gone out on a mission, are you going to investigate him?" Bai Jue added.

"No need, Taki that guy I know, he is only nine years old now, and his family died very early, and there are few friends, how can he open the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye." Obito vetoed.

Good, the correct answer is ruled out in the first place.

Hei Jue also nodded, he still knew a little about Uchiha, when Cheng Uchiha Taki's parents died in battle, Bai Jue also followed Madara's order to investigate.

It turned out that he didn't even open his eyes, gave up attention at that time, and later showed a hook of jade on the battlefield, which is even more impossible.

After all, there is no way to hide a few gouyu in the eyes of the writing wheel, not that people with three gouyu can only open one gouyu.

And during this time, Uchiha Taki was not stimulated, and it was even more impossible to open the kaleidoscope chakra eye.

"Obito has a point, I feel that the most likely is Uchiha Fugaku, who has too many opportunities to open on the battlefield.

The second is Uchiha Shisui, he is a very emotional person, and he opened Sangou Yu very early, he also needs to confirm.

Finally, Uchiha Ninta! "

Ning Tai? Didn't you confirm last time that he was no longer turned on? Bai Jue asked in surprise.

At the beginning, he had faced Ning Tai and Gangwu head-on, and his memory of them was still very deep.

Obito also looked at Kurojue, wanting to see what he thought.

"After all, Uchiha Ninta is the guy who we all thought there was hope to open, although it feels unlikely, but I still have to confirm it." Kuro didn't have any special opinions, just said it out of caution.

There are so many people in the Uchiha clan, if they confirm the past one by one, they will have to confirm until the year of the monkey, and only the most likely few people can be selected to confirm.

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