The news of Sasuke's birth also reached the ears of Konoha's high-ranking officials the next day.

"Is Fugaku's child already born, Aoba, help me prepare a gift, and let me know when Fugaku is convenient to meet guests." Wave Feng Shui Gate ordered to the mountain city Aoba of the Shadow Guard.

"Yes, Naruto-sama, then I'll go and prepare first." Aoba Yamashiro leaves the Hokage Building to prepare gifts.

A similar scene happened to the patriarchs of other families, including three generations.

After all, Fugaku named the child Sasuke, and he couldn't say it if he didn't express it.

But by the time Fugaku was able to meet people, it had been a week.

At this time, Uchiha Taki also completed his mission at Konoha Hospital, and although he was retained by the director and other companions, he refused them because he did not want to tutor Itachi.

During this time, the Uchiha tribe land, because of the reasons for coming to congratulate one after another, was much more lively than usual.

Uchiha Taki took the opportunity to pick a free time and go to Fugaku's house to deliver information to Itachi.

Armed with the scroll containing the books, Uchiha Taki came to Fugaku's door and began to knock.

It was obvious that it was not Mikoto Uchiha who opened the door this time, but a servant of the Fugaku family.

"Sorry, the patriarch is meeting guests now, so it's not convenient to meet others." The servant had said this countless times, and he blurted it out directly after seeing Uchiha Taki.

"I'm here to find Itachi, you let him come out and collect something." Uchiha Taki explained.

"Young Master Itachi? You wait a minute. The servant hurriedly ran into the courtyard, the matter of the weasel was the first time he had encountered recently, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

A moment later, the servant ran over and said, "Patriarch, please come in." Hearing

the servant's words, Uchiha Taki couldn't help but withhold one? What's wrong with this? You won't still want to persuade me, will you?

With a puzzled mood, Uchiha Taki followed the servant to the place where Fugaku had seen the guest before. But here I met an unexpected person, Bofeng Shuimen!

After seeing Uchiha Taki come in, Bofeng Shuimon took the lead in greeting: "It's been a long time, Taki, during this time, I heard from the dean that your medical ninjutsu has improved greatly, and you are about to catch up with those ninjas who specialize in medical ninjutsu."

"It's Lord Dean, I still have a lot to learn." Uchiha Taki said modestly.

In fact, he has learned almost the medical ninjutsu of these guys.

If you want to continue climbing to the top of the mountain of medical ninjutsu, you must either go to Tsunade to learn or start researching it yourself.

"I heard Fugaku say that you plan to go to take a task and go out of the village to change your mood?" Watergate asked.

"Is there a plan, what's the problem?" Uchiha Taki didn't understand why Bofeng Shuimen suddenly mentioned this matter, was it to help Fugaku persuade him together?

"The dark department has a mission this time that requires someone with excellent medical ninjutsu to follow the action, do you want to think about it?"

Bofeng Shuimen also loves talent this time, and wants to test whether Uchiha Taki can join the dark department through this mission, otherwise he directly orders to ask for someone from Konoha Hospital.

It's just that since he said these words, Uchiha Taki's right eyelid began to beat rapidly, which made the alarm bell in his heart also begin to ring.

Both of his eyes represent luck, and the right eyelid jumping here is not just a blepharospasm, but a real reminder that something bad can happen to him.

So he found a reason and said, "Sorry, Naruto-sama, the mission in the dark part is still too difficult for me, I want to do a little easier task."

"Well, since Taki you don't want to, then I can only find someone else." Bofeng Shuimen said with a slight disappointment.

Seeing that the matter of Bofeng Shuimen was finished, Fugaku opened his mouth with a displeased look and asked, "Taki, what did you come to find Itachi this time?"

He could see that this was Bo Fengshuimen's intention to recruit him into the dark department, which was originally a good opportunity for Uchiha to enter the dark department, but he didn't expect that this kid refused, and he naturally didn't have a good face.

However, Uchiha Taki did not see that who let Fugaku's usual face be unpleasant.

"The medical ninjutsu and related knowledge I said last time are here, and I'm here to send this." Uchiha Taki took out the storage scroll.

"Leave it to me then." Fugaku said that he had forgotten about this during this time, and if it weren't for Uchiha Taki coming to the door today, I'm afraid he wouldn't have remembered.

When Uchiha Taki heard this, he handed the scroll directly to him, after all, this was exchanged for Fugaku's merits at the beginning.

Moreover, Bo Feng Shuimen himself is here, and he did not stop it, which means that there is no problem.

After leaving Fugaku's house, Uchiha Taki left the miracle at Fugaku's house.

He was still quite interested in what Bofeng Shuimen just said, after all, it was something that could make his right eyelid jump.

It's a pity that Bofeng Shuimen came to Fugaku's house this time just to congratulate Sasuke on his birth, not to discuss with Fugaku.

When he left, he also left with the Flying Thunder God Technique, and he didn't know where to go, and Uchiha Taki, who had no choice, could only let the miracle go to the Hokage office to watch.

And this vigilance made Uchiha Taki notice a little problem.

Although the content of the mission is still not clear, there is only one person in the dark part that receives the order, there is a silver-white hair, and in the dark mask, the left eye is still blocked.

Kiki Kakashi!

After seeing him, Uchiha Taki had a hunch that there was not a problem with this mission, but that Kakashi had a problem here.

"It shouldn't attract Brother Tuzi, fortunately I refused."

On Brother Tuzi's side, he was angrily questioning Hei Jue at the border of the Fire Country, and he was about to start a fight if he didn't agree with each other.

Combined with his surroundings, it's easy to guess why he's angry, because this is the Nohara Rin cemetery that was messed up by Uchiha Taki.

"Didn't you say that your techniques are very stable and will never fail, and you will definitely know once someone breaks them?" Then why don't you tell me that Rin's grave was destroyed by someone else like this! "

Obito's eyes are not only the pupil's chakra eyes, but the entire eye is bloodshot, becoming almost red like the chakra eyes.

And Kuro never had time to wipe the spit that sprayed on his face when he questioned him, he himself was confused, why the tomb was destroyed, he didn't know.

But the truth had already happened, and he did not excuse himself: "Obito, I'm sorry for this, I really didn't realize that this place was destroyed." But don't worry, let me investigate what the situation is first.

"You'd better give me a satisfactory answer." Obito threatened.

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