It's just that Uchiha Taki who looked at them was uncomfortable, looking like he wanted to complain but couldn't say anything.

They didn't know what the situation of the weasel would be, but they knew, but they didn't expect that the younger brother was cultivated step by step in front of his eyes.

The uncomfortable Uchiha Taki simply said goodbye to their family, and quickly left the scene without waiting for them to respond.

Uchiha Mikoto asked strangely, "What's wrong with him?"

Fugaku didn't know either, so he casually mentioned the possibility: "Maybe something is important." "His attention is now on his wife and his soon-to-be-born child, and he doesn't have the energy to pay attention to others.

In the afternoon, the director of the hospital came to the Hokage office and told Bofeng Shuimon about Fugaku.

"Is Fugaku's child about to be born? Yes, I agreed, just follow the normal redemption process. "Hakaze Mizumon is also happy for Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha.

At the same time, their thoughts also reminded Hakafeng Shuimen, and he wondered if he or Jiu Shinna should also learn medical ninjutsu, after all, Naruto was about to be born.

Although you can entrust medical ninjas, you can rest assured that your children will be taken care of by yourself.

After getting the approval of Bofeng Shuimen, the dean returned to the hospital and sent someone to inform Uchiha Taki.

"Taki, the dean said that the matter you asked him this morning has been approved by Naruto-sama, and you will handle it yourself." A nurse passed the word to Uchiha Taki.

It's just that Uchiha Taki was a little confused after hearing it, what kind of stuff will I deal with myself? Do you want me to teach the weasel? Are you kidding.

So Uchiha Taki darkened and said thank you to the nurse who brought the message, but this aroused her curiosity.

"Taki, what is the situation with you? Isn't Naruto-sama happy that he agreed to your request?

But she immediately realized that there was something wrong with saying this: "I didn't mean to inquire about your mission, so I don't need to say anything that is inconvenient to say."

"Nothing, I thought of something else."

"Oooh, I'll just say it."

However, although he was unhappy with the arrangement of the dean and Bofeng Shuimen this time, he still had to inform Fugaku and Itachi.

So Uchiha Taki dropped the work at hand and walked towards the ward they were in.

She didn't ask anyone, because from the moment Uchiha Mikoto entered the hospital, she was always with her in the form of a stand-in that you couldn't see.

A few minutes later, Uchiha Taki came outside the ward and knocked on the door, then pushed the door open and walked in.

"Taki? The weasel thing has been replied to? Fugaku asked after seeing that it was him.

"Yes." Uchiha Taki nodded and said, "Naruto-sama has already agreed, am I sending those medical ninjutsu materials from my room to your house?"

Itachi: "Don't bother, I can go and get it."

Uchiha Mikoto: "Yes, Itachi can also ask Taki to guide him then, but I heard in this hospital that you are a genius in medical ninjutsu." "

Don't! Uchiha Taki immediately said after hearing this: "It's really unfortunate, my mission in the hospital for the past two days is about to end, and I am ready to take over the mission out of the village at that time."

Mikoto Uchiha: "Why did you suddenly have to leave the village, was it unhappy to stay in the hospital?"

Uchiha Taki: "It's just that I've been a little bored after staying in Konoha for so long, so I'm ready to take on a task and go out to change my mood."

Just as Fugaku was about to persuade him, Uchiha Mikoto suddenly let out a scream.

Uchiha Taki, who already had good medical knowledge, immediately judged that she was going to give birth, so he said to the other two: "Don't worry, this is going to give birth, I'll go to the doctor who delivered the baby, you are here to take care of it."

"You're in trouble." Itachi and Fugaku said in unison.

Uchiha Taki left the ward and flew to find the doctor in charge of delivering the baby.

Although the hospital had a lot of traffic, Uchiha Taki didn't hit anyone, everyone just felt a black figure flash by, and when they turned to look for it, only his distant back was there.

This is also one of the gains of Uchiha Taki during this time, his current speed and flexibility are not bad even for the upper water.

After notifying the doctor who delivered the baby, Uchiha Taki handed over the handover and returned to his home in the clan land early to collect the medical knowledge given by the three generations.

What he said to Itachi in the ward before was not all a push, and the time for the task he received in the hospital this time was indeed approaching, because it was originally calculated when he pinched Uchiha Mikoto to get pregnant.

After packing the books, he did not send them to Fugaku's house, although as the patriarch, he still had servants to manage him even when the family was not at home.

But in case of losing one or two of these books that are crucial and cannot be passed around casually, the responsibility will still be borne by Uchiha Taki, so he is ready to pack them first and then hand them directly to Itachi himself.

On the side of Konoha Hospital, Fugaku sat outside the ward listening to his wife's screams, and the sweat on his head rolled down.

Even though he had already experienced it once, he still couldn't calm down at this time.

And the weasel is even more anxious, without his usual steadiness in the tribal land and school, the whole body is like ants crawling, and he can't calm down at all.

"You settle down, sit down!" Fugaku ordered, feeling that half of the beads of sweat on his head had been shaken by the weasel.

"But, Father-sama..." Itachi obviously wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Fugaku, "No! When you were born, your mother came over like this, believe your mother! "

“...... Understood, my lord! "It turns out that when he was born, did he make his mother so painful, and the weasel clenched his fists.

In an orturous wait, the door of the delivery room was finally opened: "Congratulations to Fugaku-sama for the safety of mother and son, this time it is another boy."

"Yes, thank you Doctor." After Fugaku stood up, he realized that he was a little cold, he looked out the window, but saw pitch black: "It turns out... It's been so long...

?" the ferret on the other side couldn't wait to ask, "Can I go in to see my mother and brother now?"

"Of course, let's go inside." The doctor replied with a smile that she had seen this scene many times.

After receiving approval, the ferret immediately ran into the delivery room. After Fugaku thanked the doctor again, he also followed in.

"It's a younger brother, his name is Sasuke, right?" Itachi asked towards Fugaku.

"That's right, this is the name I prepared for your younger brother, this is also the name of the third generation of fathers, I hope Sasuke will deserve this name in the future." Fugaku did not go to see Sasuke for the first time, but came to his wife's side.

Uchiha Mikoto perked up and said in a hoarse voice, "Bring Sasuke and let me see it too."

"Drop it, let me come!" Seeing that Itachi was going to pick Sasuke up, Fugaku was startled, is this kid so daring.

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