In Konoha Hospital, which smells of disinfectant water, Uchiha Taki completes the treatment of patients.

At this time, a woman who looked to be twenty or thirty years old said, "Is Taki-kun quick to master medical ninjutsu, it won't be long before he can surpass us old people." "

It's not 'us', Una-senpai, you're still very young." The person who spoke to Uchiha Taki was the same medical ninja he met not long after he crossed over.

"Okay, okay, don't praise me, the patriarch of your family has come to you." Although I don't say it, the smile on the corner of my mouth can't be hidden.

Fugaku Uchiha? Why did he come to himself? It can't be to help Mikoto Uchiha deliver the baby.

The atmosphere of the ninja world is still very feudal, and there will be no male doctors in the type of obstetrics and gynecology, even if the medical skills are good.

"Where is he?"

"It's in the lobby on the first floor, you can see it when you go down."

"Thank you, Sister Yuna, then this patient will trouble you to help me deal with it."

Uchiha Taki went to the bathroom to clean up before going down to the lobby on the first floor.

Although there was a lot of traffic in the hall, he still saw Fugaku at a glance.

For no other reason, Fugaku's paralyzed face and the power of being a minister and patriarch made it so that no one near him dared to approach except Itachi.

Uchiha Taki walked towards them, and there were a few passers-by around who was so bold, but when they saw the Uchiha clan emblem on his body, they all put on a look like this.


"Sit." Fugaku pointed to the spot next to him and motioned for Uchiha Taki to sit down.

"The last time you came to me, how is it now?" After Uchiha Taki sat down, Fugaku asked.

Uchiha Taki was obviously stunned when he saw the Itachi next to him, this question should have been thought of by Fugaku temporarily, which is why he showed this expression.

"I just sent a senior to ask, and I left directly without retaining it after I refused, maybe I invited it casually last time." Uchiha Taki sorted out the wording and said.

"Well, I see. This time, the main thing is that the weasel wants to ask you if you can teach him some medical knowledge. Fugaku stated the purpose of calling him here.

Itachi added on the side, "Just some basic knowledge, Sasuke is about to be born, I want to learn a little about it to take care of him." "

If that's all, it shouldn't be fine." Uchiha Taki said uncertainly, and then added: "I'll ask the people in the hospital later."

"Just ask if you can learn complete medical knowledge and ninjutsu, you can exchange my battle merits for Itachi." Fugaku spoke.

Since his son wants to learn, he must learn the best. However, he still warned Itachi: "I won't stop you if you learn medical ninjutsu, but your usual courses can't be left behind."

"Thank you, Father." The ferret said in surprise, originally he just wanted to learn a little related knowledge, but he didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to get a complete medical knowledge teaching.

After all, Uchiha Taki can be regarded as relying on trading with three generations to obtain medical ninjutsu knowledge, and if it is exchanged for ordinary people, it will take a lot of battle merit.

However, these are not as exaggerated as Fuyue's battle achievements, but at most they are fractions. The battle merits that the head of a clan can accumulate is very exaggerated.

However, Uchiha Taki on the other side was not so happy, he knew that Fugaku's request had a high probability of success.

But at that time, he didn't want to be asked to teach Uchiha Itachi, wasting his time not to say, maybe Itachi would drag him and Shisui to discuss all kinds of messes between the village and the family.

However, he was also curious, if he taught Itachi medical ninjutsu now, would he still look seriously ill in the future? Will he even raise a butcher's knife to his clan in the future?

With this tangled mood, Uchiha Taki got up to bid farewell to Fugaku.

Coming to the dean's office on the top floor, Uchiha Taki repeated what had just happened to the dean.

The dean pondered for a moment: "It should be possible, I will go to Naruto-sama in the afternoon to ask, and I will notify you when there is a result."

"Then trouble the dean." Uchiha Taki said politely.

"It's nothing, it's just working normally, it's very rare for Uchiha to be a medical ninja, I didn't expect to see two." The dean said with a hearty smile.

Then she asked, "Taki how did you stay in the hospital during this time?" Do you want to stay in the hospital and work? She

really wanted to keep Uchiha Taki, and the powerful yang power brought by the intercolumn cells and Uchiha Taki's innate ability to manipulate Chakra precision made her feel that the nine-year-old guy in front of her was an incredible genius.

And he does not have the arrogance of Uchiha, and he is humble to every colleague in the hospital, which makes Dean Ye love talent.

"Forget about this, I also thought this way before, but I have already promised four generations of adults to continue to be a mission ninja, so there is no need to change it." Uchiha Taki found a reason to perfunctory.

He will legally leave Konoha through the mission later, how can he stay as a full-time doctor.

"I can help you talk to Naruto-sama about this in the afternoon, I'm sure he will agree." The dean advised.

"I have already promised, I don't want to break my word." Uchiha Taki shook his head.

"So be it, if you regret it, you can come to me at any time, I still have a lot of say in Konoha Hospital until Tsunade-sama returns." The dean said with a sigh.

It's just that when she mentioned Tsunade's right to speak, her eyes were not jealous, but full of longing.

This made Uchiha Taki in the office smell a wafting fragrance of lilies, I didn't expect that your thick-eyed dean actually had this hobby!

Although I know you have no hope, I support you to pursue your dreams, because I am good at this!

However, this kind of thing obviously cannot be said directly, so he gave the dean an encouraging look, and then left.

It's just that the dean is a little puzzled: "What is the situation in this kid's eyes just now, disgusting me as the dean?" "

Well, Uchiha Taki's encouragement is completely unconveyed.

Back in the lobby on the first floor, Fugaku and Itachi have not left yet, to be precise, they will be staying in the hospital during this time.

Because Mikoto Uchiha is about to give birth, they will definitely be by their side as family members.

At this time, they were supporting Mikoto Uchiha, and it seemed that she had just finished checking her body.

Uchiha Taki stepped forward and repeated the conversation he had just had with the dean.

"I didn't expect Itachi to learn medical ninjutsu as well, so my brother or sister will ask you to take care of it." Mikoto Uchiha said, rubbing Itachi's head.

"Well, leave it to me, my lord mother, I will take care of my brother or sister." Itachi said with a serious face.

Uchiha Mikoto also responded with a smile: "It seems that the little guy in the belly has a good brother." "

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