Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 613: Devout follower of the evil **** Fei Duan

"There is a cult organization in Tang Country called the Cult of the Evil God. A few years ago, they conducted an experiment on immortality. The person who underwent the experiment was named Fei Duan, who was originally a ninja from Tang Ninja Village."

On the way to Tango Country, Jue was giving Orochimaru and the red sand scorpion Hidan the information about popular science, "After the experiment was successful, Hidan successfully obtained the immortal body, and then he killed all the members of the Cult of the Cthulhu, and after that He disappeared without a trace, although there have been rumors that he was killing wantonly, but until recently, no one has actually discovered his whereabouts, which is within the territory of Tang Kingdom."

Orochimaru's eyes glowed slightly: "Immortality? Is this true?"

His original intention of going into the sea to do human experiments was to study immortality!

Jue smiled and said: "According to the collected information, I am afraid it is."

"Interesting." Orochimaru narrowed his golden vertical pupils, feeling the urge to grab Hiduan and dissect him!

"One more thing, Hiduan is not a character who will be obedient." Jue smiled, "Get ready for a big fight."

Scorpion snorted coldly, a little dissatisfied.

Jue's ability to collect information is indeed very powerful, but he has no combat power at all, and Orochimaru, the defeated general, is useless except to psychicize a few snakes to scare people. In the end, it is up to him to subdue Hidan this time!

‘But after this mission, I can finally separate from that **** Orochimaru. ’ Thinking of this, Xie’s mood improved again, ‘I hope Fei Duan won’t let me down. '

A few days later, Orochimaru and his party came to Tang Country!

The Kingdom of Tang is located in the northeast of the Kingdom of Fire. The land area is long and narrow, like a bone, and another small country lies between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder.

"Yunokuni's hot springs are very famous, Orochimaru, Scorpion, should we try it?" Jue suddenly asked.

Orochimaru walked in front, frowning slowly: This guy is a little strange, obviously the same voice, but the tone is like two people.

Sometimes gloomy and cold, sometimes lively and casual.

Orochimaru looked back at the yin and yang face, and said with a smile: "Forget about the hot springs, we are not here for vacation this time."

"Is that so? What a disappointment." Absolutely dissatisfied.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slightly, and sneered from the bottom of his heart: Sure enough, this guy can't treat him as a person!

"Jeez, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and find Fei Duan, I can't wait to see my future companion." Scorpion said.

Orochimaru chuckled: "You can't find your companions hiding in the puppet."

"What do you know! Puppets are art!" Scorpion said disdainfully.

The three of them made a noise all the way to a deep dense forest. At this time, it was already dark, and the bright moon was hanging high, exuding a gentle silver light.

"It's here."

Take a step forward and lead the way, "Come with me."

Orochimaru looked left and right, but from the wide sleeves, poisonous snakes fell down and quickly disappeared along the dense grass.

And Xie, still hiding in Feiliuhu, followed unhurriedly.

Soon, the three of them came to the center of the dense forest, where there was a fairly spacious flat land covered by weeds, and it was even more quiet under the moonlight.

"Is this the place?"

Orochimaru's pupils shrank slightly, and suddenly got up and jumped away.


A three-segment scythe suddenly fell from the sky, hitting the ground with the afterimage of Orochimaru.


The mud was splashed everywhere, the weeds were flying, and a burst of crazy laughter resounded through the night forest: "Gahahahahahaha..."


A young man with gray back hair frantically waved a three-section scythe, attacking Scorpion and Jue.

The huge **** three-segment scythe whistled and hummed in the night, and the angle was tricky, forcing the scorpion to back away again and again.

As for Jue, this guy has already escaped into the ground and is watching the show from the sidelines.


The tail spike behind Fei Liuhu suddenly exploded, instantly holding the huge three-section scythe.

"You... are Fei Duan?" Scorpion's voice came from Fei Liuhu, "What a rough guy."

Fei Duan snorted, "Looking at you, it doesn't look like you're passing by here. Could it be that you're here to catch me?"

"No, we're here to recruit you into Akatsuki," Xie said.

"Xiao? What the hell." Fei Duan said loudly, "Come and fight with me first!"

Fei Duan tapped his toes and approached quickly, then swung the three-section scythe and slashed fiercely.

"You bastard...you don't understand human language!" Xie manipulated Fei Liuhu to retreat quickly.

"Whoa whoa whoa..."

Fei Duan kept yelling, his eyes glowed, and the three-stage scythe attacked even more urgently.

Fei Liuhu's tail stab and Poison Needle Qianben counterattacked frantically.

Orochimaru also squirted out ninjutsu in the seal seal next to him: "Wind escape-big breakthrough!"


The wind howled, and the speed of the poisonous needle Qianben increased by three points in the wind, shooting fiercely at Fei Duan like a bullet.

Fei Duan seemed to be stupefied with fright, he didn't dodge or dodge, he held the three-section scythe upside down and let the strong wind hit his face, his body penetrated into his body.

Orochimaru and Scorpion couldn't help but startled when they saw this scene.

The poisonous needles made by Xie have strange poisons. Some needle poisons cause paralysis, some slow down, and some cause severe pain. If ordinary people are hit by a wave, they will definitely die.

As for Fei Duan, he just stood there in such a grandiose manner, welcoming Qian Ben Poisonous Needle.

"it hurts!"

Fei Duan was instantly tied into a hedgehog by Qian Ben, bleeding all over his body, he roared in pain, then jumped up into the sky and swung the three-section scythe, fiercely slashing at Fei Liuhu!

Scorpion hurriedly avoided the scythe.

"Does your poison not work on him?" Orochimaru frowned.

"Your wind escape is also powerless." Xie didn't budge.

Orochimaru pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth. Indeed, ordinary ninjas couldn't stop the wind escape-big breakthrough he just performed, but Hiduan turned a blind eye to it~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ It can be seen that his body is indeed immortal!

"Hey, you guys are pretty good! It would be great to sacrifice to evil gods!" Fei Duan pulled off Qianben's body one by one and threw them on the ground. Although he winked in pain, he did ignore Qianben's plot. pain.

"Then, have you considered our proposal just now, Hi Duan." Scorpion asked.

Fei Duan stuck out his tongue and licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, and laughed maniacally: "For me, as long as I can kill to my heart's content, I don't care about other things! So, I don't care about Xiao Xiao."

"Join Akatsuki, you can still kill to your heart's content." Orochimaru persuaded.

"No, as a devout believer of evil gods, I will kill according to my own will, and work tirelessly to offer sacrifices for the gods!" Fei Duan danced and fell into narcissism, "From the past to the present, from the present to the future , until the end of time, I..."

"It's so long-winded." Scorpion's voice was a little irritated.

The corner of Fei Duan's mouth twitched, and he stared at Fei Liuhu condescendingly: "What did you say?!"

"I'm not here to listen to your crooked religious theories." Scorpion said dissatisfied.

"Huh? You bastard, did you just say crooked ways?" Fei Duan was furious.

"I'm telling the truth, isn't it?" Scorpion felt that he hated this guy a little bit.


Fei Duan looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, but his voice was unspeakably cold, "How dare you call my cult of evil spirits crooked, this is an unforgivable felony!"

Fei Duan looked solemnly, "Master Evil God, witness for me, I will immediately send that stupid person to hell, and personally let him go to you to repent!"

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