Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 614: Intimidation

As the most devout believer of the evil god, Fei Duan will never allow anyone to insult his belief!

He turned the three-section scythe, leaped forward, and rushed towards Fei Liuhu.

Looking at Hidan who was radiating murderous aura, Orochimaru chuckled lightly: "Very good murderous aura."

"Hmph!" Xie snorted coldly, "It seems that there is no way to convince him to join Akatsuki with words, since that's the case..."


A puff of white smoke dissipated, and the scorpion directly put Feiliuhu away, and then took out the three-generation Fengying puppet.

Orochimaru stepped aside consciously to give them room to fight.

"I'll beat you until you cry, and tear you apart, just wait and see, you blasphemer!"

As Fei Duan approached quickly, he chattered non-stop.

The corner of Scorpion's mouth twitched slightly: "Childish!"

Such a person really wants to be his companion?

Scorpion said it was unacceptable.

"Sand and iron attack!"

Xie Qing shouted, and a large amount of sand and iron instantly gathered in the air, turning into a sharp cone, and smashed towards Fei Duan in the air.

Fei Duan slashed across the body, and the three-section scythe slashed across the giant cone. Amidst the piercing sound of metal and iron clashing, a series of sparks were rubbed out and scattered in the air.

The giant cone fell to the ground, split into a dozen huge shurikens in an instant, roared and spun into the air, and then shot towards Fei Duan at a tricky angle.

Fei Duan cut a sand-iron shuriken aside with a sickle, and then... there were seven or eight wounds on his body in an instant!

A dozen sand-iron shurikens don't tell you anything. You level A, I shoot you one, you level A again, and I shoot you again. They all swarm up, and you repel a handful of sand-iron shurikens. Shuriken, then congratulations, waiting for you will be the siege of all the remaining sand and iron shuriken.

Fei Duan was so angry that he cursed: "You coquettish **** who plays a puppet, dare you fight me personally!"

Xie frowned tightly: "You bastard...couldn't you even be quiet for a while and fight well?"

While speaking, the sand iron shuriken in the air had cut seven or eight wounds on Fei Duan again!

These wounds were messy, **** and bloody, and some of them were even wounds on top of each other, with bones visible. After such a short time, the grass under Fei Duan's feet was already drenched with blood!

But Hidan didn't seem to realize it, he was still vigorously slashing the three-stage scythe, and after so many sand-iron shurikens, he finally succeeded in getting close to the third Kazekage puppet.

The scorpion's ten fingers moved slightly, and the sand and iron shuriken in the air suddenly turned into countless fine sand and iron, densely packed between the three generations of Kazekage puppets and Hidan.

"Sand and Iron Scatter!"

Fei Duan made a wrong step and circled against the sand-iron wall, wanting to attack from the other side.

Orochimaru next to him was watching the battle, the shadow under his feet suddenly moved, and Jue's figure slowly appeared.

"It seems that the battle is coming to an end." Juexi laughed.

"I didn't expect that there would be such an outstanding talent in Tangren Village." Orochimaru also smiled lightly, and then said loudly, "Although this guy is very talkative and has a funny personality, as long as he is well trained, he has the opportunity to be a Good pawn!"

When Hiduan heard this, he couldn't stand the grievance immediately, so he turned his head and stared fiercely at Orochimaru: "You bastard, who is the pawn, who is it?"

"You can't be distracted during the battle." Seeing that he was really fooled, Dashewan couldn't help but smile coldly.

In the next moment, countless sand and iron have wrapped Feiduan, and then compressed instantly, gathering towards the middle.


In an instant, countless grains of sand and iron squeezed into Fei Duan's body along the wound on his body, flowing along the meridians, and even pressed into the flesh and bones, causing him to cry out in pain, terrified.

Even with an immortal body, Fei Duan felt the threat of death in the face of such a perverted attack!

"Damn it, just give me even a trace of your blood, and I can kill you, **** it..."

Fei Duan gritted his teeth and persisted, but a large amount of sand and iron squeezed into his body, making his limbs heavy.

"Since you are immortal, you shouldn't care about this level of damage, right?" Scorpion smiled lightly, with an indescribably teasing tone.

"You bastard..." Fei Duan tightly grasped the three-segment scythe in his hand, but more and more sand and iron squeezed into his body, destroying his meridians, rubbing his muscles and bones, and soon, his hands As soon as it was loosened, the three-section scythe fell to the ground weakly.

He persisted for a few more breaths, and as more sand and iron squeezed into his body, Fei Duan finally collapsed on the ground, unable to move.

"Are you going to kill him?" Jue asked.

"No, he's still alive."

Under the moonlight, Orochimaru's eyes glowed, staring at Hidan on the ground with great interest.

To be able to survive such a perverted offensive is worthy of being immortal.

Fei Duan's body suddenly began to shake, and black iron sand and iron came out of his wounds, floating beside the three generations of Kazekage puppets.

"Then, you will be a member of Akatsuki from now on." Scorpion's voice came from behind the Three Kazekage Puppets.

Fei Duan clenched his teeth and snorted coldly, "I've already said that, I just want to be free to kill non-stop, so I won't join your Akatsuki."

"Unplanned indiscriminate killing will sooner or later be hunted down by the five hidden villages, and there will be no way out!" Orochimaru sneered again and again, then calmly took out a seal scroll, and said, "Also, although you It is an immortal body, but if it is sealed and unable to move, then it will no longer be possible to offer sacrifices to your beloved evil god."

Fei Duan's face changed slightly.

"Besides, I'm very interested in your immortal body. If you refuse, I can just dissect you and find out the reason why you are immortal!" Orochimaru continued to threaten.

Hidan stared at Orochimaru viciously.

Orochimaru is full of routines, and after the threat is lure, he continued: "However, as long as you join Akatsuki, you can act safely, and you don't have to worry about being wanted by the five hidden villages. The most important thing is... I won't do anything to you~www. wuxiamtl.com~Looking at the seal scroll in Orochimaru's hand, Hiduan struggled, obviously taken aback by what Orochimaru said.

Half the price, Orochimaru seemed to have lost his patience, and said coldly: "The time is almost up, you can tell us your answer now."

"emmmmm..." Fei Duan crossed his arms and struggled for a while, and finally sighed helplessly, "I see, join me, I just join Akatsuki, really."

"Very good, Hidan, you are welcome to join." Orochimaru showed a smile, "Please give me more advice in the future, hehehe."

Scorpion put away the three generations of Kazekage puppets. Although he didn't like Orochimaru, he had to admit that his threats were very effective.

"Tch! I didn't expect it to turn out like this!"

Fei Duan moved his limbs and stood up directly from the ground. The wound on his body was still spurting blood. Orochimaru, Xie, and Jue frowned, fearing that he would bleed out and die.

"Your injury..." Jue said.

"This injury is nothing, hum." Fei Duan said proudly.

"Anyway, let's deal with the wound first." Orochimaru's eyes lit up, "If you don't mind, I can help you."

Fei Duan's eyelids twitched: "No, I can do it myself, so I don't have to trouble you, a despicable villain, bastard!"

"Although your personality is terrible, you are very talented in judging people." Scorpion glanced at Orochimaru and smiled softly.

Orochimaru smiled indifferently: "Yes."

Jue came out to be a peacemaker: "Okay, okay, our mission has finally been successfully completed, and it's time to go back."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slowly: "Go back first, I still have things to deal with."

"Okay." Jue glanced at Orochimaru, nodded slightly, then turned and left with Xie and Hidan.

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