Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 612: wonderful feeling

For several days in a row, Feng Huo came to the holy tree early every day, and then played with the Thunder Shield to stimulate the cell activity of his hands, and then crossed his legs to feel the natural energy, absorb the natural energy, refine the magic chakra, and then integrate it into the right eye , Supplement the pupil power of the kaleidoscope.

As a trace of the celestial chakra merged into the kaleidoscope, Feng Huo found that his eyesight was excellent, and he was about to say goodbye to high-degree glasses.

This gave Fenghuo great confidence.

The kaleidoscope of his left eye has lost its light and is completely scrapped. Fenghuo thought about burying it, setting up a small monument, and writing a few epitaphs, but he was reluctant after all, and he also took chances...in case it can be rescued Woolen cloth?

And with the appearance of Xianshu Chakra, Fenghuo's mind couldn't help becoming active.

On this day, he took off the left eye he bought from the black market, and then transplanted the kaleidoscope that had lost its light, and then went to the holy tree to refine the magic chakra.

I don't know if it's because of being too excited, but this refinement was not smooth, and it took more than half an hour to succeed. Therefore, except for the slight stiffness of the hands due to the stimulation of the cell activity by the lightning shield, the rest of the body The parts were covered with a layer of stone dust.

Feng Huo took out his crotch again, feeling wonderful.

Afterwards, he moved around for a long time and took a big pee before confirming that his body had completely recovered.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with his body, Feng Huo sat cross-legged and began to integrate a trace of celestial chakra into his left eye.

The left eye has lost its light, and the eye pupil looks dull, as if made of silicone, but with the injection of the celestial chakra, streaks of blood appear in the eye pupil instantly, densely packed and soon covering the entire white of the eye, instantly, violently Pain shot out wave after wave like arrows, and Feng Huo felt like he had turned into a straw boat, welcoming Cao An's countless arrows.


Sealing the fire kept sucking in cold air, one mouthful after another, this sour...

The two Taki Shinobi Anbe felt guilty when they saw the weird and distorted expression on Feng Huo's face.

"What the **** is Master Fenghuo doing...?"

"Is he... ill?"

The two looked at each other, speechless.

At this time, although Feng Huo was suffering from Wan Bo's severe pain, he was still quite happy in his heart, at least it worked, didn't it?

Soon, all the magic chakra that took more than half an hour to refine was exhausted.

The pain in the left eye also gradually stopped.

Feng Huo covered his right eye for the first time, and looked at things with his left eye. His vision was dark.

Not absolute darkness, but grayness!

Feng Huo was overjoyed, the celestial chakra was indeed miraculous.

He immediately settled down in the sacred tree, either moving his body or refining the magic chakra every day, and pouring it into the kaleidoscope of his left eye.

As time went by, the vision in the left eye gradually recovered and gradually caught up with the right eye.

But the only thing that makes Fenghuo tangled up is that it still takes half an hour to refine chakra, and petrification is always there.

For this reason, Fenghuo asked the shadow clones to develop the Leidun body with all their strength. In addition to the two-legged version, there is also a brain version, a body version, and... er, a 'crotch' version?

In short, one cannot be missing.

After Orochimaru joined the Akatsuki organization, he got the ring 'Kong', which he wore on the little finger of his left hand, and formed a team with the 'Jade' Red Sand Scorpion!

This makes the scorpion very dissatisfied!

He already hated Orochimaru very much. This snake charmer is weak and thick-skinned. What qualifications does he have to form a team with him?

Facing the sarcasm of the red sand scorpion, Orochimaru is steady, after all, he is an old driver, how could he be angry because of this prejudice?

Wouldn't it be better to kill him after getting Sharingan or Reincarnation?

Orochimaru kept his countenance secretively, lurking behind Xiaohou, while collecting information, he set out several missions with Xie to earn high profits.

After entering Akatsuki, he already knew the ultimate goal of Akatsuki's organization, which was to collect the Nine Tailed Beasts, and then 'manufacture' the strongest 'war machine' in the ninja world, to annihilate the Five Great Nations, the Five Great Hidden Villages, and even other small ninja villages. Slaughter all over again, and finally create a peaceful new world in the shattering!

Facing this ambitious goal, Orochimaru snorted. He didn't believe that the Akatsuki organization could collect the nine tailed beasts from the five hidden villages. From his point of view, the Akatsuki organization couldn't deal with just one Konoha. Fighting in the ninja world?

But he is deep in the city, so he won't show it.

On this day, he and Scorpion were called by Tiandao Payne.

"Hey, I'm very busy. Don't keep throwing some messy tasks for me to do. Let Orochimaru do this kind of thing alone." Scorpion said dissatisfied when he saw Tiandao Payne.

Orochimaru said with a smile: "You hide in the puppet all day, isn't it because you are afraid of seeing strangers?"

"You bastard, you have the guts to say it again!" Scorpion said angrily, and the tail spike behind Fei Liuhu also swayed in the air.

"Enough." Tiandao Payne snorted coldly, "This is not a place for you to quarrel!"

"Yes, yes." Orochimaru was as good as he was, his eyes turned around, and he looked around quickly, but unfortunately, this time he still didn't see Uchiha Itachi.

It's really worrying.

"Then what is the task of calling us here this time?" Orochimaru asked ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ to meet the new companion. "Tiandao Payne said, "Tangren village rebels, Fei Duan, it's up to the two of you to welcome him back, no matter what means you use!" "

"Understood." Orochimaru nodded in response.

"A new companion?" Scorpion called out immediately, "Pain, wait for that person named Hiduan to come in, let me form a team with him, I don't want to act with Orochimaru anymore!"

Tiandao Payne thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, then, let Jue follow you too. Orochimaru, you will form a team with Jue in the future, let's cultivate a tacit understanding first."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slightly, his cold light flickered slightly, and said: "I have no objection."

"Hmph." Scorpion snorted coldly, no matter how you look at Orochimaru, it's not pleasing to the eye.

Jue's avatars are everywhere, and not long after Tiandao Payne finished speaking, Jue appeared.

"Fei Duan will be handed over to you three." Tiandao Payne said.

"Understood." Jue smiled and said, "By the way, the other two ninjas you asked me to pay attention to also have clues."

"Say." Tiandao Payne said.

"Didara of Yanyin Village has been captured by Uchiha Fuhuo. They left Konoha some time ago, and their whereabouts are unknown for the time being." Judao, "In addition, the rebellious Ninja Kakuto of Takinobu Village recently appeared in the fire village. In the southeastern part of the country, he seems to have taken on a few hiring tasks to make money, he is the most diligent ninja I have ever seen, in terms of making money, hehe."

Tiandao Payne pondered for a while, and then said directly: "I will personally greet Katodu. As for Didara, inform Itachi and Kisame to continue to track down his whereabouts."


If there are many clones, running errands and sending messages, it is best to leave it to him.

Orochimaru squinted his eyes and finally heard Itachi's information.

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