
Everyone heard the boss mention this name again.

The last time they heard the name was the second level of the Chunin Examination a month ago, above the Forest of Death.

"Boss, last time I heard you say that Orochimaru was organizing a plan against Konoha. If he were to be the veterinarian at the breeding farm, would that work?"

Senju Hashirama said.

Seeing the other party's worried look, Chiba waved his hand and said:"These are all small things. If Orochimaru dares to do small things in the breeding farm, then it depends on how you and Abara teach them. Him"

"Teaching?......"Senju Hashirama narrowed his eyes, then grinned,"Hey, then I have to teach you a lesson."

To him.

Orochimaru dared to target Konoha, which made him a little unbearable.

Now that you have the boss's permission, why don't you take the opportunity to retaliate?

Thinking of this, his eyes flashed with an evil light.

On the side, Namikaze Minato saw the evil look in the eyes of the First Hokage, and secretly mourned for Orochimaru who had not yet met.

Orochimaru, just use rats as juice.

Being able to be beaten by the First Hokage might be a blessing, right?

Thinking of the scene of Orochimaru being beaten, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but shudder.

After everyone finished chatting, they began to prepare for going to the Chunin exam location to sell desserts.

Because Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara slept in a pig pen all night, their bodies were 303 contaminated with the smell of pigs.

The two hurriedly went to the bathroom to take a bath to remove the dirt on their bodies.

Chunin Examination Ground.

A large number of villagers have already surrounded this place.

What's even more exaggerated is that villagers from other villages also came to watch the chuunin competition.

It is enough to imagine that this chunin exam has a certain influence in the ninja world!

What's more, today's game will be the last one of the Chunin Exams, and no one who can participate in the game is weak!

It can be said that today's chuunin competition will be the most intense! The most exciting one!

A motorcade was approaching.

Four battery carts and one mobile food truck.

Everyone is wearing suits and sunglasses, looking very imposing.

Not long after, the convoy drove to an area with good traffic.

After the vehicle stopped, everyone quickly gathered and lined up.

Right in front of everyone stood the supreme commander.


At this time, Chiba looked at the people in front of him and said with a serious face:"Today is the last day of the Chuunin exams, and it is also the last day for us to make a lot of money (acbd), so!"

When he said this, he deliberately paused After a while, he continued:"So, we must cherish this precious opportunity to make money, and we must work hard to sell desserts!"

"To make you more energetic, I declare!"

"After the chuunin exams are over, I will take you to the hot spring pool for a nice bath to relieve your fatigue!"

As soon as these words came out, a group of employees cheered.

Senju Hashirama was the most excited.

He patted his chest and grinned.

"Don’t worry, boss, we will definitely work hard and strive to make more money!!"

"Well, let's get to work."Chiba nodded.

Then, everyone quickly got into work, looking very motivated, each sticking to their posts.

Uchiha Izuna and Shiro.

The two of them had a clear division of labor. One made desserts and the other made cold drinks.

Zabuza was responsible for managing the order of the villagers who came to buy desserts, while Chiba was responsible for collecting the bills and recording the bills.

The four of them rode small electric cars.

He wandered among the crowd and sold the desserts and cold drinks in the baskets.

As time passed, a few hours passed and all the villagers who came to watch the Chunin Exams entered the seats in the arena where there were still many people.

The crowded streets have become sparse now.

Chiba is sitting on the passenger seat of the mobile food cart , with four suitcases filled with money.

For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network) and he still held a large bundle of banknotes in his hand!

"Alas, it’s true, there’s so much money to be made that I can’t even hold it in one hand."

Qianye clicked his tongue, with an excited smile on his face.

Then he waved his hand again and sighed helplessly.

"Alas, my hands cramped when I was counting the money. I’m so tired."

"It seems that we will have to find a dedicated financial employee in the future."

As he spoke, he directly put the banknotes in his hand into the car cabinet.

Originally, he wanted to put it into the cash box, but later found that he couldn't put it in at all.

The cash box was already filled to the brim with banknotes, leaving little extra space. None.

He was helpless about this.

After stuffing the money into the car cabinet, he got out of the car.

"Boss, how are we doing? Senju Hashirama asked with a grin.

"Well, you did a great job. The sales of desserts this time were much higher than last time."Qianye nodded and said with a smile.

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

The hard work of selling desserts was finally paid off.

Seeing the happy smiles of the employees, Qianye waved and said:

"There's no business now, let's call it a day"

"Let's go to the Chuunin Examination Hall and watch the competition."

Although making money is over now, there is still one thing he has not forgotten.

That is to recruit Orochimaru as an employee to be a veterinarian in the breeding farm.

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

Chiba waved his right arm and directly The mobile food trucks and four electric cars were put into the system warehouse.

Everyone was not surprised when they saw this method. It was obvious that they were used to it. The game has entered the final round. As the referee, Shiranui Genma looked at Uchiha Sasuke who arrived in time to participate in the game, and then looked at Gaara who was not far away with a cold look. Said loudly:

"final round"

"Gaara VS Uchiha Sasuke!"

"The game officially begins!"

After saying that, he jumped up and jumped towards the referee's seat not far away.

Now - only Uchiha Sasuke and Gaara were left on the entire competition field.

Gaara looked at The bloodshot eyes of Sasuke Uchiha, who was opposing him, revealed cruelty. But if you look closely, there was also excitement in the cruelty.

This excitement was the desire for his opponent to compete with him and to kill! Opponent's excitement!


"I've finally waited for you!"

"quick......Come and fight me!"......

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