Outside the breeding farm.

Six people came towards me.

The person at the front was the owner of the agricultural product sales office.


Ten minutes ago.

Chiba just got up.

At that time, he still felt very strange.

In the past, when I got up in the morning, I could hear the quarrel between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara as soon as possible.

But this morning I couldn't hear it.

Later, when the employees gathered, he still didn't see Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

Ever since - he released his perception.

The final target was locked in the pig pen.

At that time, Chiba still felt strange.

What were the two of them doing in the pig pen this early in the morning?

Then he was confused and rushed towards the breeding farm.

At this moment, Chiba came to the door of the breeding farm and opened the door directly.

The next moment, a cold wind blew in the face.

The temperature of this cold wind is only about 16 degrees!

This shows that more than a dozen large super-cooling air conditioners in the farm house have been turned on.

The purpose of installing air conditioners is very simple.

In the summer, people can't stand the high temperature, and livestock can't stand it even more.

That’s why air conditioners are installed to cool livestock.

In addition, installing air conditioners has another purpose.

Prevent the indoor temperature from being too high, which can easily breed bacteria and cause swine fever.

If the pig gets sick.

Then the gain outweighs the loss.

For this, more than a dozen large air conditioners must be purchased.

At this moment, Qianye felt the cold wind and his expression condensed.

Immediately, he said to Bai beside him:"The indoor temperature is so low, why don't you go check and see if there is anything abnormal about the little piglet?"

"OK"Shiro nodded.

After giving the instructions, Chiba looked directly at Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara not far away.

When he found these two people standing in the pig pen, he was stunned at first, and then asked curiously Said:"You are......."

"Boss, we......We are here to inspect the condition of the piglets in the pig pen."Senju Hashirama rolled his eyes and said quickly.

Uchiha Madara on the side echoed:"Yes, the little piggy here is in pretty good condition."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Bai, who had left, hurried over.

"Boss, boss, I just went to check and there were more than a dozen little piglets lying on the ground, and they looked very lethargic. They must be sick, right?"

After hearing the report, Chiba was not surprised. Instead, he looked like he knew everything.

It was exactly what he thought.

With the air conditioning temperature set so low, the piglet's physical resistance is not very strong, so it would be surprising if he didn't get sick.

Chiba nodded Then he looked at Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara again, and asked with a dark face:"Tell me, what happened when you came to the pig pen? Why turn on the air conditioning temperature so low?"

Senju Hashirama shrank when he saw his boss's dark face.

Then, he poked Madara Uchiha next to him.

"Ah Ban, the boss is asking you something, answer it quickly."

Uchiha Madara twitched his face and glared at Senju Hashirama.

What a good guy, the big pillar is really bad.

When something bad happens, you have to explain it to the boss. It's too bad!

Although Uchiha Madara is very good He was unhappy, but he still explained:"Boss, I drank too much yesterday evening and drank too much. But I vaguely remember that Dazhu and I went to pee."

"Pee......"Chiba was speechless for a while.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Senju Hashirama and asked:"Dazhuma, how much do you remember?"

Faced with the boss's question, Senju Hashirama grinned. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I also stopped drinking, but I remember when I was peeing with Ah Ban, I thought about who could pee farther away.......later......"

When Uchiha Madara heard this, a lot of memories flooded into his mind instantly.

Obviously, he thought of some things that he published yesterday evening.

Immediately, he directly picked up the conversation and said:"Later, I peed farther than the big pillar and successfully crushed him."

"Nonsense! Senju Hashirama's face trembled, and he immediately retorted,"Obviously I pee further than you, right?" I won"

"Yep, it's obviously me."Uchiha Madara glared and corrected him directly.

When Chiba saw the two of them bickering over who peeed farther, he rolled his eyes and spoke to stop the two arguing.

"Don't be too serious about this topic"

"I just want to know now, why do you come to the pig pen to pee?"

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama shook his head, indicating that he was not clear.

He drank the fragment and really couldn't remember.

As for Uchiha Madara, he just thought of something and replied:"Boss, I am competing with the big pillar. After urinating, I wanted to find a place to sleep, and then I ran into the pig pen in a daze."

"Oh, yes, yes, I remember!"Senju Hashirama suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said:"I remember......We drank too much vodka last night and our whole bodies were very hot, so we turned on the air conditioner to the lowest setting, and then we both slept in the pig pen all night......."

"`......Did sleep all night......"Uchiha Madara spread his hands helplessly.

However, when they reached this point, they both stopped talking.

As for getting fucked by a pig in the morning?

They all know it in their hearts.

If you say this...

That is simply embarrassing!

At this time, Chiba heard this and finally understood the general situation.

These two guys got drunk and slept in a pig pen. They are really talented!

Regarding this, he called him bullshit!

"Boss, you just said in vain that the little piggy was not in good condition. Could it be that the air conditioner caused him to fall ill?"Senju Hashirama asked with a grin on his face.

"What do you think?"When mentioning this matter, Qianye felt angry.

"What should we (Li Haozhao) do?"Senju Hashirama said bitterly.

He knew it in his heart.

If the air conditioner hadn't turned on such a low temperature yesterday evening, the little piggy wouldn't have gotten sick today.

"How about letting the medical ninja treat the little piggy?"At this time, Uchiha Madara made a suggestion.

Everyone nodded after hearing the words.

"Medical ninjas can even treat people, but what about treating pigs?....There shouldn't be any problem, right?"Nende Hashirama clicked his tongue and made a guess.

Chiba listened to the conversation between the two and said:"To treat the pigs, you have to find a veterinarian, but the illness of the piglets really reminded me that we really need it in the farm. A veterinarian will do."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

"Who will the boss find to be the veterinarian?"Qianju Hashirama asked curiously.

After Qianye rubbed his chin and thought for a while, he pondered for a moment and spit out three words.


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