at this time.

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Gaara in front of him who looked excited and bloodthirsty, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Just now, he felt keenly that the other person looked at him as if he were looking at prey.

After thinking about this, he secretly became vigilant in his heart.

I saw Sasuke Uchiha put his right hand into his ninja bag and took out several kunai.

Without saying a word, he directly launched an offensive.

The arm jerked.

Several kunai were thrown fiercely.

Gaara looked at the attacking kunai, his face expressionless, still cold.

Facing the incoming kunai, he didn't even think about it. He raised his left hand and caught it accurately.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Sasuke was not surprised at all, but instead showed a strange arc at the corner of his mouth.

Gaara saw his opponent's expression and his expression became concentrated.

The next moment, he immediately realized something was wrong.

He discovered that the kunai he just caught in his hand had a detonating talisman tied to its tail.

"not good!"

My eyes suddenly stared.

In an instant, the detonating talisman exploded.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Several explosions sounded one after another.

The smoke was so thick that it was hard to open your eyes.

In the audience, many villagers saw this scene and their eyes widened, as if they wanted to see through the smoke.

"what happened? Was Gaara ever defeated?"

"I don’t know. The smoke is too big and I can’t see clearly."

"The battle was so exciting at the beginning, but I wonder what will happen next?"


In the audience, all the villagers were chattering.

For a moment, the whole scene seemed chaotic. at the same time.

At the back of the auditorium.

Eight people are sitting here.

Haku, Chiba, Zabuza, Namikaze Minato, Senju Tobirama, Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Izuna.

After they finished selling the desserts, they entered the Chunin Exam auditorium to watch the competition.

Coincidentally, as soon as they came to see where the competition was going, they happened to watch the most exciting battle in the entire Chunin Exam.

The battle between Uchiha Sasuke and Gaara!

At this time, Uchiha Madara looked in the direction of Gaara who was full of smoke, narrowed his eyes, and said slowly:"This Gaara boy is not simple, especially since he has a tanuki in his body, it is much more interesting now."

"One tail?......"When Senju Hashirama heard this, he also narrowed his eyes and muttered. Then, he looked at Uchiha Sasuke,"Madara, if Gaara kid goes berserk, Sasuke will be in danger."

Right there. Just now, he had an obvious gap.

The one-tailed beast inside Gaara was very restless and had a vague tendency to go berserk.

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara crossed his arms, looked at the younger generation of the Uchiha family, pondered for a while, and then said:

"It's just a tailed beast, handling it is no different than handling an ant."

"As a member of my Uchiha, Sasuke has also been taught by me for such a long time."

"What if one tail really goes berserk and Sasuke can't defeat it?......"

"After the Chuunin Exam is over, as the ancestor of Uchiha, I have to educate Sasuke properly."

"After all, as a member of my Uchiha, he was defeated by Ichibi"

"Wouldn't this bring shame to the Uchiha clan?"

When he said this, Uchiha Madara looked like he wanted to beat Uchiha Sasuke.

It can be seen that the"education" he said was absolutely cruel!

Senju Hashirama listened to Uchiha Madara's answer, Thinking about it, that's indeed what happened.

To him, the one-tailed beast seemed really weak.

"Ah Ban, according to what you said"

"If Sasuke couldn't defeat the rampaging one-tailed beast, he really didn't train hard and he really deserved to be beaten."

Zabuza, Shiro and others on the side were all speechless when they heard the two singing and singing.

How strong is Uchiha Madara?

That is on the same level as the God of Ninja, Senju Hashirama! (Read the Baoshuang novel, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course he can easily control a tailed beast, and it is simply impossible for

Sasuke Uchiha, who is only twelve years old, to control a tailed beast at the same time!. On the playing field. Uchiha Sasuke looked at the smoke in front of him, with no relaxed expression on his face. At this moment, he suddenly felt an unkind look on him, but he soon noticed it. The unkind gaze gave him a very familiar feeling. Immediately, he raised his head and looked towards the audience , his eyes suddenly froze and his body couldn't help but tremble. Asking for flowers


"He actually came to follow my game!"

At this moment, he was very excited.

After all, not everyone can have this kind of treatment from the attention of the Uchiha ancestor.

But when he felt the unkind look in his ancestor's eyes, the excitement in his heart just now It turned into fear in an instant.

When he looked at his ancestor, he clearly felt the meaning in his eyes. He must win this Chuunin exam!

He must give face to the Uchiha clan if he loses the game! The clan is in disgrace.

After the game, they will face caring education from their ancestors!

As for this"care education", Uchiha Sasuke's body trembled and his spine stopped looking at his ancestors. On the smoke in front of him.

At the same time, Uchiha Sasuke had already made up his mind.

He couldn't lose the game no matter what!

At the same time, as the smoke from the explosion dissipated. Everyone looked over.

They all wanted to see if Gaara was okay. When the smoke completely dissipated, everyone saw the real situation after Gaara suffered an explosion. The villagers in the audience all looked shocked, and then they started talking in a very noisy manner.

"How is this possible? No harm was done!"

"Yes, Gaara from Sunagakure Village is so powerful!"

"Can Sasuke win against Gaara?"

"I don’t know, but Sasuke’s expression just now was not weak either."


However, on the playing field.

Gaara's cheeks were cracked.

Then, grains of sand slid down his face.

This is the sand armor that withstands the explosive impact of the detonating talisman and protects his body.

At this moment, Gaara looked at the sand falling from his face, his pupils shrank, and his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Uchiha Sasuke directly in front of him, his eyes widened and his face showed excitement.

"Yes, yes, that’s it!"

"The stronger you act, the more I want to kill you!"

"Sasuke! Hopefully your blood will make me feel even more excited!".....people..

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