In front of the mobile food truck.

The place was already crowded with ninjas who came to take part in the Chunin Examination.

They all have only one purpose.

In this hot summer, drinking a cold drink is probably a good thing!

When the ninjas line up, some friction will naturally occur, or even queue jumping.

However, after Zabuza's careful"teaching", those who caused trouble deeply realized that they had made mistakes and shed tears of regret.

After that, no one dared to cause trouble again.

Due to the heavy flow of people, Uchiha Izuna and Shiro were unable to cope with it.

In the end -

Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, Namikaze Minato, Senju Tobirama.

The four of them joined in the process of making desserts and cold drinks.

It's just that the four of them are helping each other to do some simple processes.

The core part of making desserts and cold drinks still has to be left to Shiro and Uchi"590" Haizuna.

As for Chiba, he is not idle either and is responsible for collecting accounts.

For a time, everyone was very busy.

After everyone has been busy for a while, the originally crowded traffic has now become sparse.

After all, the ninjas who come here are all signing up for the Chuunin exam. Registration is about to end. If you don't sign up soon, you won't be able to apply.

"Wuhu! The peak of passenger flow is finally over." Senju Hashirama let out a long breath.

Although he was just helping to do some simple processes, he still felt very busy.

Senju Hashirama tilted his head and looked at Chiba, and said with a smile:"Boss, let's make a profit How much did it cost?"

Qianye heard this and lifted the two money boxes with both hands, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"I didn't make a lot of money, so I just filled these two boxes."

Everyone twitched their mouths when they saw this.

The two boxes were full of money, but it was not much in the boss's eyes.

So in the boss's eyes, how much money is too much?

At this moment.

It's never far away. An old man walked over.

It was Sarutobi Hiruzen who hurried over from the office like his butt was on fire.

In fact, he had already arrived here at that time. He was busy making money, so he didn't come forward to disturb them.

Now that the ninjas had all gone to register for the chunin exam, the crowd that had been crowded before had dispersed, and only then did Chiba and his group come forward. After Hirizan, Senju Tobirama was the first to say:"Monkey, if you don't deal with the Chuunin exams, what are you doing here?"

"Teacher, I want to tell Boss Chiba something."Sarutobi Hiruzen replied.

Chiba heard the other party looking for him and asked curiously:"What's the matter?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Sarutobi Hiruzen's skinny old face.

"Boss Chiba, if you come out for business next time, you can say hello to me in advance and I will arrange a location with the best terrain."

"In this way, you will make more money from doing business."

Chiba clicked his tongue in his heart as he listened to the other party's words.

This Sarutobi Hiruzen is quite good at being a man.

Then, he thought about it and said:"Just in time, isn't the second level of the Chunin Exam going to be held in the Forest of Death? ?"

"Yes."Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded.

"You go make arrangements and open an exclusive channel for us. Then we will go to the Death Forest to do business."Qianye said.

"Boss Chiba, the Death Forest is too dangerous and full of crises. Is it really okay to do business there?"Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but asked.

"how? Don’t you trust our professional team?"Chiba raised his eyebrows and asked.

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, and then he shook his head repeatedly

"Believe it, believe it so much!"

Yes, the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara are both here.

No matter how dangerous the Death Forest is, can these two giants still be in danger?

"I will go and open up an exclusive passage to the Forest of Death for you."Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

Just when he was about to leave, he was stopped again.

And the voice calling him was indeed Namikaze Minato! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Third Hokage, there is something I want to ask you."

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard the familiar voice, he was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted.

Although Namikaze Minato was wearing a suit and sunglasses, he still recognized who the other person was.

Moreover, Sarutobi Hiruzen Where did Kakashi learn about Namikaze Minato's resurrection?

When he first learned about it, Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked for a while before he recovered.

"Minato, what's going on?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked curious.

At this time, Namikaze Minato took a deep breath, looked at the old man in front of him with a serious face, and asked:"I only want an answer now0.."

"I died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion in order to seal the Nine-Tails. As my son, why didn't Naruto get good treatment?"

He has been keeping this matter in his heart.

Especially when he learned from Naruto's mouth the treatment he received from childhood.

That can only be described in two words!

"hard! Sad!"

No, no words can describe the grievances Naruto suffered from childhood!

Later, after Namikaze Minato learned about Naruto's living conditions, he even went to his son's house.

The house was in chaos. It was one thing, but what made him angry was why his son was only eating instant noodles.

At that time, Namikaze Minato also asked Naruto why he didn't eat instant noodles every day.


Who would have thought that this question got an even more unacceptable answer.

Naruto just smiled and said that he would sometimes go to the ramen restaurant!

Naruto even mentioned it gratefully.

He said that the Third Hokage came to support him every month, but the money he gave was not much, but it was better than having no money at all.

If the money he gave him was spent on ramen, he would have no choice but to use it.

Went to the river to fish and eat.

When Minato Namikaze heard what happened to his son, he was really angry!

At the same time, he blamed himself very much!


2 He blamed himself for not fulfilling his responsibilities as a father and not giving Naruto a happy childhood!

The anger in his heart was anger, and the self-blame was self-blame, but he didn't show it in front of Naruto.

Instead, he suppressed it deeply in his heart, waiting for the right time to burst out!

Now Sarutobi Hiruzen was in front of him, Namikaze Minato knew that the right time had come, and the anger that had been suppressed in his heart completely burst out!

Now it was just the right time to tell his son all these years in front of Senju Tobirama, in front of the first Hokage, and in front of everyone!

Let Sarutobi Hiruzen give him a satisfactory explanation!

At this moment, Namikaze Minato, who had always had a warm smile on his face, turned dark.

Come down, like a dark cloud!

He stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen, his eyes full of questioning!

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