"Third Hokage, I just want to know now, why did Naruto not get the respect he deserved and the quality of his life after I died?!"

Minato Namikaze looked directly at Hiruzen Sarutobi and asked.

At this moment, after listening to his words, everyone present looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Upon hearing this, Hiruzen Sarutobi's skinny face froze slightly. , the thoughts in his mind were running wildly, and he even regretted coming here.

Now that things have already happened, there is no point in regretting it.

"Monkey, Minato is asking you something, please explain quickly."Senju Tobirama looked at his students and urged him.

Hearing the teacher's urging, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt cold sweat on his forehead and nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, yes, I will explain it right now!"

After saying that, he quickly looked at Namikaze Minato

"Minato, this is what happened."

"Naruto has nine tails in his body, and everyone in Konoha Village is afraid of him."

"Therefore, in order to give Naruto a stable living environment, I deliberately asked people in the village not to mention the Nine-Tails Rebellion."

When Namikaze Minato heard the other party's explanation, he twitched the corner of his mouth and continued to ask:"A stable living environment? Does your so-called stability mean that my son will suffer the cold eyes of the villagers and a meager subsidy? Sometimes there is even no money for food, and a child of how old is allowed to go fishing in the river to satisfy his hunger?"

"Is this possible? Hearing this, Qianshou Feijian stared at the students and asked in a deep voice.

"me me me......"Sarutobi Hiruzen felt the teacher's serious gaze, his mouth trembled, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

"What am I? Don't be hesitant, you have to give Minato an explanation today!"Senju Tobirama's seriousness became a little more serious again.

Namikaze Minato sacrificed his life for Konoha, but his descendants did not get the respect and treatment they deserved. This is a serious dereliction of duty by Sarutobi Hiruzen!

As the second generation Hokage , his student made such a serious mistake, he must educate his students well! He must also give an explanation to Namikaze Minato!

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen's body was shaking, and he didn't dare to breathe.

"Teacher, this is indeed the case."Sarutobi Hiruzen was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

In fact, he did know that Uzumaki Naruto had no money to go fishing.

After all, there were people from ANBU watching next to Uzumaki Naruto. If there was any trouble, people from ANBU would They will all report to him.

Everyone present had different expressions on their faces when they heard Sarutobi Hiruzen admit it.

Namikaze Minato's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. As for Senju Hashirama, his expression was not good either.

There was no expression on his face. However, Uchiha Madara on the side said with ridicule:"Minato died for Konoha, but the previous Hokage didn't want to give the son of the hero the best conditions, but let it go. , not motivated at all"

"Haha, is this the way the Hokage of Konoha does things? It's really sad."

"Yes, it is indeed very sad!"Uchiha Izuna also laughed.

Everyone listened to the ridicule of the two Uchiha brothers and looked at each other.

Uchiha Madara didn't care about everyone's gaze, but raised his eyebrows and asked:"how? Did I say something wrong?"

Everyone's faces froze when they heard this, and they did not refute each other's words.

Uchiha Madara crossed his arms over his chest and said slowly:"If Minato is my tribe, if he died for Uchiha, his descendants will definitely Will be cared for by the Uchiha clan!"

"After all, my Uchiha clan is full of love!"

"......"Senju Hashirama's mouth twitched sharply.

Good guy!

On the one hand, he belittled Konoha, and on the other hand, he promoted Uchiha.

High is really high!

"Madara, now we are dealing with monkeys, so don’t get involved with Uchiha."

"Yes, what I said is true."Uchiha Madara curled his lips.

Soon, everyone's eyes continued to focus on Sarutobi Hiruzen.

At this time, Namikaze Minato asked again:"There is one more thing I want to know." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"whats the matter?"Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"The house Naruto lives in now seems to be rented, right?" Namikaze Minato asked.

"yes......Yes......"Sarutobi Hiruzen hesitated for a moment, but when he saw the teacher looking at him seriously, he nodded and answered.

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

Then, he continued to ask:"I'm curious. Kushina and I had a house at the beginning, so why didn't we give it to Naruto? Instead, let my son rent a house to live in?" It

's ridiculous for him to think about it now.

He sacrificed his life for Konoha.

What was the result?

Is it in exchange for Naruto living on subsistence allowance and having to catch fish to eat when he has no money?

Or in exchange, let Naruto take the subsistence allowance and then use the money to rent a house?

And what about the house he left for Naruto?

At this moment, Namikaze Minato was laughing at himself in his heart.

I blame myself very much!

I was still too young back then!

Now that I have been resurrected by my boss, my heart is filled with gratitude.

If the boss hadn't resurrected him, he might not have known that his son was still suffering!

Now he wants to get back what he lost for his son.

The silver that he had not been compensated for since he was a child, and the property he left to Naruto!!

You can’t miss a penny of these things!

"Minato, the house you left for Naruto......"Sarutobi Hiruzen was hesitating, as if he was holding back his excrement and peeing.

Seeing this, Senju Tobirama on the side said with a serious expression:"Sorry, mother-in-law, please explain quickly."

Hearing the teacher's urging again, Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't dare to breathe 140, and nodded like garlic.

"Minato, the house you left for Naruto has been confiscated......."

"confiscation......"Namikaze Minato's face twitched fiercely.

Sarutobi Hiruzen secretly regretted seeing the other party's dark face.

When Minato Namikaze died, he, Danzo Shimura, Koharu Koharu, and Mito Monen all discussed the house.

During the discussion, he also proposed to give it to Naruto.

But Danzo Shimura strongly opposed it.

Said that Naruto couldn't live in the Fourth Hokage's house.

If Uzumaki Naruto lived in the Fourth Hokage's house, Kyuubi might go berserk because he remembered that he was sealed by the Fourth Hokage.

Koharu and Mito Kadeni moved to bed. When they heard Shimura Danzo's suggestion, they both agreed very much.

In the end, the result of their discussion was confiscation

"Whoops!"Namikaze Minato let out a long breath. He looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said,"Sandai, my son has suffered so much, what do you think we can do to make up for it?"

After he finished speaking, Senju Hashirama, as the first Hokage, said:"Monkey, as the Hokage, you have indeed gone too far in this matter. You must give an account to the Minato family today!"

Namikaze Minato was deeply moved when he saw both the First Hokage and the Second Hokage speaking for him. On the other hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen was sweating profusely, with sweat pouring down from his head.

"First-generation adults, please rest assured!"

"I will definitely give Minato a satisfactory explanation!".

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