Chunin assessment area.

A motorcade was approaching.

Four electric vehicles opened the road ahead.

Mobile food trucks followed.

This motorcade immediately attracted the attention of the ninjas who came to participate in the Chunin Examination. not far away.

Two men and one woman looked towards the convoy.

The leading boy was carrying a sand gourd on his back, with the word"love" written on his forehead.

This person is Gaara from Sunagakure Village!

The man with purple makeup on his face next to him is the puppet master of Sunagakure, Kankuro!

As for the other girl with a big fan, her name is Temari!

"this......What's this? Iron knot?"Kankuro squinted his eyes and looked at the motorcade driving on the road, with a confused look on his face.

Temari on the side frowned slightly when she heard the words, and couldn't understand anything after looking for a long time.

Then she shook her head

"Not sure, but it looks pretty good."

Gaara listened to the conversation between the two, his eyes filled with indifference.

"Kankuro, Temari, stop looking. This is none of our business. Don’t forget what is the purpose of our coming here?

Hearing this, Kankuro thought for a while and said,"Gaara, let's observe first. What if we can find something?""

Temari on the side also nodded in agreement.

"That's right, after all, we have never seen these moving iron shells in front of us. Maybe they have something to do with the top management of Konoha?"

Gaara listened to the words of the two people, with a trace of thought on his indifferent face.

In the end, he remained silent.

Kankuro and Temari breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

They had been thinking about Gaara's character. Not clear.

It can be said that

Gaara can kill others just because of a word.

Of course, he may also ignore it.

Now Gaara's silence also acquiesces to the words of the two people.

The three of them continued to look towards the convoy.

On the other side, a man wearing glasses looked at the convoy in front, his eyes flickered for a moment, but he quickly recovered and pushed up his glasses as usual. Frame, muttering under his breath

"this......What exactly is this?"

"When did Konoha have such a strange thing?"

"Could it be a secret weapon secretly developed by Konoha's top brass?" Soon

, this thought was extinguished by him.

If it was really a secret weapon developed, it would be impossible to expose it to the public.

After wondering for a while, he secretly remembered everything he saw in his heart.

At the same time, after the convoy drove for a certain distance, it found a gathering place and stopped.

"Boss, how is this place?"

After Senju Hashirama stopped the car, he got out of the car and came to the mobile food truck.

"This location is good, and the flow of people is okay."

Chiba looked at the flow of people around him through the car window and nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Uchiha Izuna and Shiro in the car, and said:"Open for business!

Uchiha Izuna:"Understood!"

Bai:"Okay boss!""

At this time, Zabuza in the main cab had also stopped the vehicle.

He pressed the compartment expansion button.

The next moment!

The rear compartment baffle, which was originally covered, began to push up as the hydraulic machine worked. Get up.

After a while, the car's baffle formed a sunshade, and four words were written on the sunshade!

"Desserts and cold drinks!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this point, everything in the carriage was exposed to the public's view.

Only then did everyone on the street see clearly the true face of the mysterious iron lump!

Not far away.

Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari were all stunned when they saw the billboard.......He actually sells desserts and cold drinks......."

"Yes, I thought it had something to do with the higher-ups in Konoha, but it seems I was overthinking it." Temari nodded.

At this time, Gaara took a deep breath, and his face, which was already cold, became even colder.

He tilted his head and looked at the two people beside him, and said coldly:"Just now I told you there was nothing interesting to see, but you refused to listen. Now you know what it is, right?"

Kankuro's body tensed up when he heard the other party's cold tone, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead for no reason.

"Gaara, we are also careful to ensure that there will be no changes in the plan."

"Yes, we are planning for that too!" Temari hurriedly explained, in order to stabilize Gaara's impetuous mood.

Facing the two people's explanations, Gaara asked:"So now you find that there is no problem?"

"No."Kankuro shook his head and waved. On the side, Temari looked at the sign of the food truck. Although she wanted to buy desserts and cold drinks to try, she finally calmed down.

0Flowers requested0

"Gaara, let's go, hurry up and register for the Chunin Exam."

When Gaara heard this, he didn't answer, but turned around and left.

As for Kankuro and Temari, they quickly followed.

On the other side,

Kabuto Yakushi looked at the sign on the food cart and twitched the corners of his mouth fiercely.

Before, he I was still thinking about whether it might be Konoha's secret weapon.

It seemed that I was really overthinking it.

"It turned out to be a vendor selling desserts and cold drinks. I really thought too much."

Yakushi Kabuto shook his head and chuckled.

It was right when he thought about it.

Now is the Chuunin exam.

This is a huge customer flow. It is very normal for small vendors to come to sell things to make money.

Then he lost interest and signed up for Chunin. Walking to the venue.

At this moment, when people on the street saw the real face, many people were attracted by the words"dessert and cold drink".

You know, it's summer.

If you can have a cold drink, that's it. It was so cool!

For a while, many ninjas who came to take the exam walked towards the food cart with a smile on their faces.

"Izuna, Shiro, it’s your turn next.

Uchiha Izuna nodded heavily and said seriously:"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely work hard to do my job well!""

"Boss, me too!"Haku said in agreement.

Chiba was very satisfied when he saw the employees' attitude towards working so seriously.

Then, he looked at Zabuza aside and said,"There are quite a few customers coming to buy. Go and organize them. discipline."

After getting the boss's explanation, Zabuza thought about it and said,"Boss, what if a guest doesn't listen to my instructions?"

Just after he finished speaking, Uchiha Madara suggested:"This is not easy. Pull those who don't obey the command into the alley and teach them a lesson, so that the troublemakers know what it means. society!"

"......"Chiba twitched the corner of his mouth and said seriously:"Don't be so violent. If the other party dares to cause trouble, you should be reasonable first. If he still makes trouble, beat him. I will not allow a troublemaker to affect our business."

After getting the boss , With permission, Zabuza nodded heavily.

"Come on! force!".

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