Dessert shop, front desk.

Bai told him about selling Zijin VIP cards.

I still feel dizzy even now.

I never understood how lucky I was that I had three big deals in one fell swoop.

"Boss, this is 1.8 million silver taels."

Bai excitedly handed over the three cash boxes in his hand.

Chiba listened to Bai's narration with a strange look in his eyes.

Especially when he heard that Bai was selling VIP cards to the three veteran pigs, deer, and butterflies, he couldn't help but smile. Shiro was able to sell three VIP cards so easily, thanks to Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

Shiro felt the strange look from Chiba when he looked at him, and then scratched his head. He scratched his head and asked curiously:"Boss?"

"Nothing, you did a good job."Chiba waved his hand and praised him by the way.

After being verbally praised by the boss, Bai's face showed a happy smile.

He was finally able to contribute to the boss.

"Then I'll work first"

"Go ahead."Qianye nodded.

Then, Bai was like a rabbit, jumping towards the kitchen where desserts are made.

Qianye looked at the three cash boxes in front of the front desk and secretly smacked his tongue.

"Bai, just reaping the benefits in a daze. If Ah Ban and Dazhu were to find out, I wonder what they would think?"

Just as he finished speaking, two people came towards him from outside the door.

They were Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

But now they were wet.

Chiba looked at the two people walking over. The man was slightly startled and asked curiously:"Aren't you competing to urinate? Why do you still have it all over your body?"

Suddenly, he thought of something and quickly covered his nose.

"You guys shouldn't be against each other, right?"

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara listened to the boss's words, their faces twitching crazily.

Uchiha Madara repeatedly explained:"Boss, things are not what you think."

"Yeah, it's not like that. Senju Hashirama said in agreement:"After I finished the game with Abambi, I just went to take a bath in the stream.""

"bath?"Chiba was a little confused. Do you need to wet your clothes when taking a bath?

But soon, a strange smell emanated from Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

After Chiba smelled the smell, pinch nose quickly

"Are you sure you use water to bathe? Not something else?"

The explanation was questioned, Senju Hashirama grinned and said:"Uh......Well, after Aban and I had a peeing competition, we fought and fell into a small peeing stream......."

Listening to his explanation, Qianye shook his head.

These two are really talented!

Then, he pinched his nose and waved his hand

"You two should go take a shower quickly, the smell is too strong!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama nodded awkwardly and left.

Ten minutes later,

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama changed into clean clothes and returned to the lobby of the dessert shop.

"Ah Ban, do you smell the smell of urine on me?"

Senju Hashirama asked as he tugged on his collar.

"Just stay here and die. Why don't you smell the smell of urine on me?"Uchiha Madara rolled his eyes and said.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Senju Hashirama approaching and sniffing

"You don't smell like piss, now it's your turn"

"you......"Uchiha Madara was really fooled by the opponent's series of operations.

In the end, he could only smell Senju Hashirama's body. When he found that there was no peculiar smell, he shook his head and said:"No more."

After hearing the other party's answer, Senju Hashirama waved excitedly."Let's hurry up and sell the VIP cards. Lujiu and the others have been waiting there for a long time."

After saying that, he walked quickly.

Before taking a shower, they saw Nara Shikaku and others.

Now that I have taken a shower, I can get down to business.

Uchiha Madara looked at the excited Senju Hashirama and reminded him

"Dazhu, I won the previous competition." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I know, you win, you sell two Zijin VIP cards, and I sell one."Senju Hashirama waved his hand and said casually. (acfb)

At the same time.

In front of a big table.

Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Haiichi, and Akimichi Dingza.

The three of them looked at the two great ninjas who were walking quickly. Man.

At this time, Nara Shikaku said to his two friends:"Haiichi, Dingza, we have a big surprise for them."

"Yes, what kind of shocked expression would they have if they saw that we had already purchased VIP cards? Yamanaka Haiichi said excitedly.

Now he has imagined the shocked expressions of the two giants of the ninja world! He is very excited just thinking about it!

Soon, Ren Tehuashira and Chiha Madara came to the table.

There were expressions on their faces. It was a smile.

As for Nara Shikaku and others,

Nara Shikaku took the lead and said:"The First Hokage, I have some good news for you!"

"oh? What good news?"Senju Hashirama was a little surprised and a little curious.

As for Uchiha Madara on the side, he was also a little curious.

What is the good news?

At this time, Nara Shikaku looked at his two friends and nodded.

Yamanaka Haiichi , Akimichi Dingzao nodded together.

Then, the three of them took out the purple and gold VIP cards and said with a smile:"Did you see it? This is the surprise we prepared!"

As soon as the Zijin VIP card was taken out, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama saw this. Their eyes widened and they rubbed their eyes at the same time, wondering if they were being deceived.

"without......That’s right! It’s our store’s Zijin VIP card!"Senju Hashirama's eyes were almost staring straight, with an expression of disbelief.

At this moment, the two of them felt cold in their hearts.

Nara Shikaku and others looked at the two giants of the ninja world in front of them who were surprised. They looked shocked and very satisfied.

They had been waiting for this moment for a long time!

"Are you happy to see the surprise we prepared?"Haiichi Yamanaka said with a grin.

Senju Hashirama listened to the other party's questions, and the corners of his mouth twitched crazily.

"I was just shocked, not happy at all!"

Nara Shikaku:"???"

Yamanaka Haiichi:"???"

Autumn Road Dingzuo:"???"

The three of them were stunned and confused when they heard each other's answers.

I have already purchased a VIP card, so why not be surprised?

"hiss! Uchiha Madara took a deep breath, glared at the three people in front of him with a dark face and asked,"Where did you get the VIP cards in your hands?""

Nara Shikaku was the first to notice something was wrong.

His body shook violently and quickly replied:"We bought it from a little girl."

"Little girl?"Uchiha Madara had a question mark on his face.

Is there a little girl in the dessert shop?!

"What little girl? Senju Hashirama asked curiously.

Nara Shikaku saw the doubtful looks of the two big men and explained:"She is the little girl with fair and fair skin and tender pink skin.""

As soon as these words came out, Uchiha Madara immediately thought of who it was.


Senju Hashirama also nodded.

"Yes, it must be white!".

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