Bai stared at the three people in front of him in disbelief, and asked in astonishment:"Do you really want to buy the purple gold VIP card? This is worth 600,000 silver taels!"

Nara Shikaku looked at the shocked look of the other party and smiled. Nod

"We have all the money ready."

As he spoke, he directly held the money box in his hand.

Bai looked at the money box and took a deep breath.

He never expected that as soon as he came out to deliver cold drinks, a customer would come to buy the highest-level VIP card.

For a moment, He was extremely excited!

What a great luck!

Bai quickly recovered from the excitement and quickly took out three purple gold VIP cards from his arms.


Shikaku Nara, Haiichi Yamanaka, and Choza Akimichi.

After the three saw the VIP cards, each of them held a VIP card.

"Is this the Zijin VIP Card? It doesn’t look like anything special."

Haiichi Yamanaka took the purple gold VIP card and stared at it without seeing any clue.

At this time, Nara Shikaku on the side shook his head and said:"Haiichi, this VIP card is not important, but what we spend money to buy is Interpersonal relationships, but also interpersonal relationships with the first Hokage and Madara, this is very important!!"

Yan Zhonghai nodded.


At this time, Bai said:"You also took the VIP card, and the money......"

Hearing the other party mention paying money, Yamanaka Haiichi and Akimichi Choza happily handed over the money box.

Bai looked at the two cash boxes handed over with a happy smile on his face.

He stretched out his jade-white arms and grabbed the money box with his little hands.

Immediately afterwards, Shiro looked at Nara Shikaku again, tilted his head and said with a smile:"Bring the cash box."

Hearing this, Nara Shikaku's face twitched hard, and his eyes revealed heartache.

In order to get 600,000 silver taels from home, what a painful price I paid!!

Only he himself can understand this!

Now the money hasn't warmed up yet, but 600,000 silver taels have to be delivered.

He was really reluctant to let go!

"??~?"Shiro looked at Nara Shikaku with a look of pain on his face, and asked with confusion,"What are you doing?"......"

"I......I just want to say goodbye to 600,000 silver taels."Nara Shikaku replied with a bitter face.

Hearing this, Bai understood that the other party was reluctant to pay, and twitched the corner of his mouth. He handed over the Zijin VIP card.

How can you do it if you don't want to pay?

Thinking of this, Bai grabbed it directly The money box in Nara Shikaku's hand said with a smile:"Don't be too sad. This money will have to be handed over sooner or later. The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. Leave it to me.""

As he spoke, his hand holding the cash box became stronger.

When Nara Shikaku saw that the cash box was about to let go, he hurriedly said:"I think it's good to be in pain for a long time."

"Being in constant pain is not good at all. Bai shook his head and tightened his grip on the cash box again,"Bring it to you!""

Nara Shikaku took the money box out of his hand and looked at the money box in the other person's hand, his face twitching and a look of pain.

Shiro held the money box in his arms and said with a smile:"I wish you a happy meal."

After saying that, he walked directly towards Chiba.

After all, I have made a lot of contributions, and I must report it to the boss.

At the same time, next to the stream one kilometer away from the dessert shop.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara Station together

"Aban, the scenery here is nice, with transparency from north to south and small streams. It is the best place for our duel!"Senju Hashirama's face showed excitement.

Especially thinking about the next"urinate" competition made his blood boil with excitement!

Uchiha nodded and said:"We have found the venue, let's start the competition."

"Um."Senju Hashirama grinned.

They saw their hands on their pants, and there was a sound of"rustling".

The two of them were ready!

Uchiha Madara glanced lightly, and the corners of his mouth curved. , sneered. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"you......Is it too short?"

While speaking, he even gestured with his hands.

Senju Hashirama's face turned red when he heard this, and he said angrily,"Hey, you still have the nerve to criticize me? Isn’t it the same for you yourself?"

Uchiha Madara twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely and rolled his eyes.

"Let the game begin!"

The two of them were ready and opened the gate to release the water at the same time!

Senju Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara's amount of water and his eyes widened.

"Damn it!! Ah Ban, why do you have so much urine? And it spreads so far!"

Uchiha Madara smiled proudly when he saw the other person's surprised look.

"When I came, I drank a lot of water. It had been brewing for so long, so I must have peeed a lot!"

"Moreover, we have competed in the past to see who can pee the furthest, and I always lost to you before."

"After that, in order to win, I practiced secretly in private, and now it finally comes in handy!"

Uchiha Madara became even more proud when he saw that he had the upper hand in peeing.

Knowing the reason, Senju Hashirama stared.

"You are so despicable!!"

"Don't worry about it, we didn't say we couldn't prepare in advance during the competition!"Uchiha Madara felt particularly happy when he saw the other party deflated.

"'I don't care, you cheated! This game doesn’t count!"

Senju Hashirama didn't have a lot of water in reserve, and he soon lost the urge to urinate. His urine output was seriously insufficient, but it was still a little bit.

He was very unconvinced.

Seeing that he won easily, Uchiha Madara laughed and said,"Big Zhuzi, I have already won, you have to admit defeat."

"You shameless!"Senju Hashirama's face turned dark and he was very unhappy.

"How did I cheat? You didn't prepare yourself in advance, but you blame me?"Uchiha Madara curled his lips and said contemptuously

"I......"Senju Hashirama's nose was almost twisted with anger.

He knew it in his heart.

Uchiha Madara was indeed right.

This time I was not prepared enough and lost the game.

But he was very unhappy in his heart!

Damn Aban! hateful! hateful! hateful!

Just as he was cursing in his heart, his eyes suddenly lit up

"Ah Ban, you forced me to do this!"

After that, he peed the last drop and came directly behind Uchiha Madara

(Money is good) But when Uchiha Madara faced the sudden scene, his body suddenly became alert.

The originally comfortable urge to urinate was temporarily suspended.

Feeling the feeling of being forced to urinate, Uchiha Madara was furious and roared:"Big Pillar, I told you a long time ago, don't suddenly stand behind me when I'm peeing, that will make me pee." Don't come out!"

"Hehe, who told you to be a swindler?"Senju Hashirama grinned.

"......"Uchiha Madara was really speechless, and then he raised his fist and shouted:"Hashi hot mom! You are looking for a fight!"

Senju Hashirama saw the fist coming towards him and was not afraid.


After the two yelled, they started fighting together.

Because they were standing next to the stream, they didn't pay attention to their surroundings during the fight.

The two stepped on the muddy ground, their feet slipped, and they both fell into the water. The couple both returned home..

The flow of the stream is not very fast, and the fusion of urine and water is intoxicating!......

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