at this time.

Nara Shikaku, Yamazaka Kaiichi, and Akimichi Choza.

When the three of them saw the two giants in front of them, their faces gradually darkened.

They all looked confused.

I have purchased a VIP card worth 600,000 silver taels, so why does the other party look dissatisfied?

"First Hokage, is there anything we didn't do well? Nara Shikaku scratched his head and asked.

Senju Hashirama listened to his words and rolled his eyes.

But soon, he let out a long sigh.

"I'm very happy that you can buy the Zijin VIP card, but there are still some flaws."

"???"Nara Shikaku asked in confusion:"A fly in the ointment?"

"yes."Senju Hashirama nodded,"You didn't buy the card from me. This is very imperfect."

"So what do we do? Do you want to buy it again?"Nara Shikaku twitched the corner of his mouth and asked.

To be honest, if the other party really wanted them to buy it again, he really couldn't refuse.

Who asked him to be the god of ninja, Senju Hashirama!

Think of it. Here, Nara Shikaku felt a twinge of pain. If it came to that, it would be hard for him to get money from his family. It would be very difficult for him.

Seeing the bitter expression on the other person's face, he waved his hand.

"Damn it, I’ve already bought it, why would I ask you to buy it again?"

Hearing this, Nara Shikaku finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't need to continue to buy VIP cards.

At this time, Senju Hashirama looked at everyone, waved his hands and said:"You can continue to enjoy the cold drinks, I won't disturb you."

As he said this, he tilted his head and greeted Madara Uchiha next to him.

"Aban, let’s do it"

"Um."Uchiha Madara nodded.

Originally, he was thinking about selling VIP cards to increase sales.

Now everything is a fantasy. At the front desk,

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara looked listless.

Especially Senju Hashirama. During this time, he was wailing feebly.

"Alas, after working for a long time, it all came true."

Qianye looked at the other party's bitter look and said:"Actually, when Bai was selling VIP cards, he was also selling them in a daze."

"Confused......"Senju Hashirama's mouth twitched sharply.

Bai did sell it in a daze.

But how much effort I and A-Ban put in behind the scenes!

Thinking about it now, Senju Hashirama felt heartbroken.

Heartache is heartache.

He won't go looking for trouble from Bai, he can only admit that he is unlucky.

As for Uchiha Madara on the side, he was also helpless.

He did not notify Bai in advance and did not let Bai know that Nara Shikaku and his party were the ones he sold VIP cards to.

Bai sold the VIP card without knowing anything.

For this, it was impossible for him to blame Bai.

Senju Hashirama sighed again

"Alas, now that Bai has sold three purple gold VIP cards at once, which totals 1.8 million silver taels, it seems that there is no suspense about becoming the sales champion.

Chiba patted Senju Hashirama's shoulder and said with a smile:"Stop sighing. We still have many customers in the store. If you ask them to sell VIP cards, you might be able to catch up with Shiro's performance.""

"Can you catch up?"Senju Hashirama didn't quite believe it.

"You'll know if you try. If you try, you might still have a chance to catch up. If you don't try, you won't even have a chance."Chiba encouraged him.

After hearing the boss's encouragement, Senju Hashirama thought for a moment, and it was indeed true.

Soon, he changed his previous decadence, and his eyes were full of motivation.

"I see!"

At this moment,

Uchiha Madara suddenly turned around and left.

Seeing this, Senju Hashirama asked doubtfully:"Why did you leave without saying a word? Are we going to give up competing for the sales championship? Hearing this

, Uchiha Madara tilted his head and replied:"What are you still doing? Take the time to increase sales!""

Senju Hashirama bared his teeth and hurriedly followed.

The two started selling!

A week passed quickly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Today is Chiba's day to liquidate the sales performance of its employees.

This week, everyone has been working hard to sell VIP cards, especially

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

In order to catch up with Shiro's sales, the two of them have been selling like crazy.

When they saw that the sales were about to catch up with Bai's, something shocking happened.

Bai's appearance was so sweet that it attracted the attention of many customers.

, purchasing the Zijin VIP card boldly.

And when Bai went to sell the VIP card, it was easier for customers to choose to buy it.

0 Asking for flowers.

Faced with this phenomenon, Uchiha Madara and others were speechless..

Sure enough!

Good-looking people are more popular in any place!

In the office, there is a blind box as a reward for being a sales champion.

Chiba looked at the employees sitting on the sofa and said with a smile:"Without further talk, let's announce the sales results now.


"First place: Bai, sold 12 million silver taels."

Everyone listened to the boss's report and all gasped.

"Damn it! This is too exaggerated!"

Senju Hashirama said in astonishment with his eyes wide open.

It was the first time that Bai was being noticed by many big shots, and he was actually a little embarrassed.

"that......I'm lucky too......"

"lucky......"Senju Hashirama was shocked when he heard this!

Your sales have reached an astonishing 12 million silver taels, and you still claim it was a fluke?

Thinking of this, he shook his head and sighed.

Sure enough, people are more irritating than others.

This sentence is absolutely correct!

Chiba continued to report

"Second place: Senju Hashirama, sold 5.3 million silver taels"

"Hehe, am I awesome?" Senju Hashirama listened to the boss reporting his sales amount, raised his eyebrows directly at Madara Uchiha, and said proudly

"Tsk, there’s nothing to be proud of."Uchiha Madara curled his lips and was very unhappy.

In fact, he was also helpless. He didn't like to smile.

But every time when he was selling to customers, when a smile appeared on his face, because he smiled too much, he always laughed. The other person was scared to death.

At this point, his sales were definitely not as high as those of Senju Hashirama. At this time, Chiba continued to report the sales figures.

"The third place, Namikaze Minato, sold 4.5 million silver taels."

Minato Namikaze listened to his boss reporting his sales results with a bright smile on his face.

His sales can reach such a high level thanks to his smile like a"little sun".

Every time he sells VIP cards, he can Putting customers at ease.

Meanwhile, Chiba continues to report sales.

"fourth place......".....righteous..

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