
At this time, Senju Hashirama took a deep breath after listening to his brother's analysis.

"Tobirama, your analysis is correct.

Hearing this, Senshou Tobirama looked at Chiba and asked,"Boss, my analysis is correct, right?""

"good."Qianye nodded and said with a smile:

"Although Zijin VIP is a little more expensive, it can provide customers with different treatment-treatment"

"Moreover, don't underestimate people's desire for comparison. This is quite scary, especially the comparison among rich people is more intense."

After everyone heard this, they thought for a moment, and then they nodded one after another, agreeing with the boss's words.

At this moment, Uchiha Madara asked:"Boss, actually I still don't understand something."

"what is the problem?"Chiba gestured.

Uchiha Madara sorted out his thoughts and then said:

"Why are there no time limits for gold cards and black cards?"

"These two cards offer a 10% discount and a 20% discount."

"If customers come here to eat every day, just the difference in price before and after the discount will sooner or later make back the money spent on the VIP card."

"Once they get their money back, won’t customers keep buying desserts at preferential prices?"

"As time goes by, we’ll be at a loss!"

Everyone nodded after hearing Uchiha Madara's analysis.

"Well, I feel very shortchanged too."Uchiha Izuna nodded, very impressed by his elder brother's analysis.

Hearing this, Chiba shook his head and smiled lightly.

"Customers may think it’s a small profit, but I will never lose money."

"If customers think they are making a small profit and come to the dessert shop to enjoy desserts every day, we will only make more"

"Don’t you feel like you’re at a loss now?"

Everyone present heard the boss's explanation and all gasped.

The boss is really good at calculating!

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes!

At this time, Chiba looked at the employees with a serious look on his face.

"Now I have a task to give you."

As he spoke, three thick stacks of exclusive VIP cards appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Each thick stack of VIP cards corresponded to gold, black, and purple gold.

"Your task is very simple, just promote these three exclusive VIP cards."

"Come and get your card first."

Everyone lined up in an orderly manner. Everyone received three types of VIP exclusive cards, and ten cards of each type were received.

Senju Hashirama looked at the VIP exclusive cards in his hands, and then looked at them. Xiang Qianye rubbed his hands and said with a grin:"Boss, we have a hard time doing sales. Do we need to get some blind box rewards or something?""

Uchiha Madara's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded in agreement.

Both of them still remember the last time they opened vodka from the blind box.

Now thinking about the feeling of the strong drink, both of them couldn't help but be excited. It would be great if vodka was opened from the blind box again!

Chiba watched the two singing and nodded with a smile.

"No problem, as long as whoever of you can get the first place in sales performance will get the blind box reward"

"Number one in sales performance? Senju Hashirama asked curiously:"Boss, how should I be ranked first in performance?" Is it calculated based on the number of VIP exclusive cards sold?"

"This sales performance does not depend on the number of VIP cards, but is directly calculated based on the total sales amount. Whoever has more total sales will be the overall sales champion!" Chiba said casually.

The purpose of this calculation is very simple.

The performance of selling a purple gold card worth 600,000 yuan is the same as selling six gold cards.

Whoever sells more VIP cards will get the first performance.

Compare is the total sales. It’s simple and crude. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) When everyone heard the boss’s sales performance rules, they all made up their mind that they must become the sales champion!

"Hehe, the sales championship will definitely fall into my hands! Senju Hashirama said excitedly, with a look of confidence on his face.

Uchiha Madara on the side heard this, curled his lips, and said in a blow:"Hey, I should be the sales champion!""

"Aban, you'd better forget it." Senju Hashirama couldn't help but twitching his mouth when he heard the other party's blow, and shook his head,"Look at me, I look like a good guy, but you look like a fierce person, giving people the impression that you are everything. It's like everyone owes you money"

"Why did I become so fierce? Uchiha Madara's face darkened, and he said angrily:"I am full of character, do you understand that I am not angry but I am proud of myself?""

When he saw the other party, he still had to explain. Chiba curled his lips and said,"I don't care if you are very talented or not. Anyway, with your intimidating look, the sales champion is destined to miss you."

0request flowers 0

"Hasi hot mom! You are looking for a fight!!"Uchiha Madara clenched his fists and wanted to fight.

"Motor! Am I afraid of you?!"Senju Hashirama showed no fear at all and roared.

Everyone present looked at the two people who were suddenly about to fight, and each of them was speechless.

The two giants of the ninja world were talking about it, and they were about to start a fight. What?

At the same time, Qianye, who was sitting on the boss's chair, saw this, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he immediately stopped him.

"Dazhu, Ah Ban, you all stop!"

"Otherwise, you wouldn’t have to participate in this sale!" As soon as these words came out.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, who were about to fight, immediately stopped fighting further.

The two of them glared at each other, each of them dissatisfied with whom.

Chiba watched the two glare. With a look on his face, he said:"You all should stop for a moment, there is something I haven't said yet.

Senju Hashirama stopped glaring at Uchiha Madara and grinned:"What else does the boss have to do?""

Qianye saw the other party's curious look and said:

"Regarding the settlement of sales performance"

"Now you only have one week to sell VIP exclusive cards"

"When the time is up, I will calculate your sales performance"

"By then, it will be clear which of you is stronger and who is weaker."

"Dazhu, Ah Ban, it’s useless for you to talk here, you have to use your actions to speak for yourself.

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara nodded and said,"Yes.""

Now he is too lazy to argue with Senju Hashirama about who can win the title of sales champion.

Wouldn't it be better to slap Senju Hashirama in the face directly with facts?

However, Senju Hashirama, who has the same idea as him, also He secretly planned in his heart that he must win the title of sales champion and then despise Aban!

The two of them had the same idea and looked at each other with warlike eyes.

Don’t give in to anyone, keep a smile on your face.

Only with competition can you be motivated.

Work hard and strive to bring more benefits to me......three..

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