Seven days later.

During these seven days, the employees of the agricultural product sales office were busy in the fields and at the gourmet store.

Fortunately, all farmland is agriculturally mechanized, and there is no need to use a hoe to dig the ground.

Everyone only needs to sit on the tractor and hold the steering wheel to handle farm matters.

As for the dessert shop.

Because dessert shops are more expensive than outside.

When it first opened, many villagers came to buy desserts and delicacies.

But as time went by, the villagers' pockets could no longer support their consumption.

Therefore, passenger flow has also decreased.

Of course, there are also many people who are not short of money.

Because desserts are so delicious, those who are not short of money completely fall in love with them.

These rich people come to spend every day.

And the level of consumption is not low.

Although there were fewer villagers coming to buy desserts, the overall income for the day still barely met Chiba's expectations.

It's just that this barely met expected income requirement is not very satisfactory to Chiba.

In the office.

Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama and many other employees were all sitting on the sofa.

All their eyes were focused on Chiba, who was sitting on the boss's chair.

None of the guys at Big 870 spoke, but waited quietly for the boss to speak. five minutes later.

Chiba sorted out the thoughts in his mind, looked at the employees, and said with a serious face:"The question to be discussed in today's meeting is very simple, it is about the sales of dessert shops."

"Over the past week, the daily sales of our dessert shop have been pitifully small, only about one million silver taels, which is simply too little."

When everyone heard this, the corners of their mouths twitched.

Especially Zabuza.

When he used to pay people to do things, he didn't have that much income.

Now, they heard that the boss was not satisfied with his income of one million silver taels a day..

This made him extremely depressed!

Sure enough, he had narrowed his horizons before!

After Zabuza's brief depression, he continued to focus on his boss.

At this time, Senju Hashirama scratched his head and asked curiously. :"Boss, how can we increase our profits?"

Qianye heard someone raising the key point, with a smile on his face

"As for the plan, I have basically thought about it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked puzzled.

Seeing this, Chiba said with a smile:"Since we can get a VIP exclusive card!"

Everyone present was stunned.

"VIP exclusive card? Senju Hashirama scratched his head in confusion and asked,"Boss, what is this?""

"Yes, I heard once that there is such a thing as VIP."Uchiha Madara also said something.

Seeing the curious look of the employees, Chiba waved his right hand.

There were three more colors of cards in his hand.

Gold card, black card, purple gold card

"This is......VIP exclusive card?"

Senju Hashirama pointed at the three cards and asked curiously.

"good."Qianye nodded and explained with a smile:

"The golden card belongs to ordinary VIP customers, which can give customers a 10% discount and can only eat desserts on the first floor."

"The black card is a high-level VIP customer, which can give customers a 20% discount, but they can only eat desserts on the first floor."

"The Purple Gold Card, which belongs to the supreme VIP customers, can give customers a 30% discount. Not only that, it can also allow customers to go to the second floor of the dessert shop to eat desserts and experience the scenery on the second floor."

Everyone listened to the boss's explanation with their eyes wide open.

He is indeed a boss!

With a small VIP exclusive card, he can easily distinguish the identity of each customer.

At this time, Uchiha Madara He said:"Boss, how can I get this VIP exclusive card?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Of course you come to our store to buy it."Qianye said with a smile:"As for the price?......"

When he said this, he grinned

"A golden VIP card can be purchased for only 100,000 silver taels, and it can be used permanently."

(acfa)"The black VIP card is not very expensive, only 300,000 silver taels, and it can be used permanently."

"As for the Zijin VIP Card, it only costs 600,000 silver taels, but it is not permanent and can only be used for one month."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the boss's last words.

"Damn it! Six hundred thousand silver taels can only last a month! this......No one is buying this, right?"Senju Hashirama's eyes widened and he couldn't help but ask questions.

"Yes, this is too expensive, right? Uchiha Madara also followed up and asked,"Besides, this still has a time limit, so it's not as good as the first two VIP exclusive cards. At least it has permanent use rights.""

"Not bad, I also think the first two are more profitable! better!"Uchiha Izuna very much agreed with his elder brother's words.

As for Senju Tobirama, he was rubbing his chin and thinking. After a while, his pupils shrank suddenly.

A terrible possibility came to mind!

Then, he was horrified. Looking at Chiba sitting on the boss's chair in front of him

"Unexpectedly, the boss thought so far! So profound!"

Everyone was puzzled when they heard Qian Shu Feijian suddenly speak, and also said incomprehensible words.

"Tobirama, do you agree with the price of the Zijin VIP exclusive card? And time constraints?"Senju Hashirama asked with a frown.

"Well, I totally agree!" Qianshou Tobirama said with a serious face.

"oh? So tell me about it?"Qianye became interested and asked.

Qianju Tobirama nodded and looked around at everyone.

Then, he put his eyes on the Zijin VIP card and said:"Haven't you thought about the key points?"

"key point?" Senju Hashirama scratched his head and became even more confused,"Tobirama, please stop beating around the bush and explain it directly."

"Brother, haven't you ever thought about it?......Will the person who can buy the Zijin VIP Card be a person who is short of money?" Qianshou Feijian narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Ah this......"Senju Hashirama was stunned when he heard this.

It's not just him.

Everyone was stunned.

Soon, everyone reacted instantly.

At this time, Senju Tobirama continued:

"Since someone can buy the Zijin VIP Card, then the other party must be a rich person!"

"The other party is a rich man, so do you think the other party will use the Zijin VIP card to gain face, or the ordinary VIP card to gain face?"

"Similarly, as a money person, naturally he will not care about the renewal of six hundred thousand silver taels."

Faced with Qian Shu Tojian's question, everyone present said in their hearts that the Zijin VIP Card has a face.

After all, this is a supreme VIP customer!

The treatment specifications they enjoy are different!

"Now you still think, is the boss setting the usage time of Zijin VIP card correctly?" Qianshou Tojian said with a smile.

Everyone listened to his words and gasped.......

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