at the same time.

The center of Konoha Village.

In the living room of a building.

A middle-aged man with long yellow hair, wearing a Konoha Jounin vest and a red cloak.

This man is the captain of Konoha's analysis team.

Haiyi in the mountains.

At this time, Yamanaka Haiichi looked at the baby girl in front of him with a grimace, a smile that was even uglier than crying.

"Ino, my good daughter, just listen to your father, okay?"

"You've been going to that expensive dessert shop for a week. Can you just stop going this time?"

"Be good and obey!"

Yamanaka Ino looked at his father's bitter cheek, rolled his sapphire-like eyes slightly, nodded with a smile and said,"Okay, if I obey dad's words, then dad must also listen to me."

As soon as Yamanaka Hai saw that the female"Zero Two Zero" actually listened to him, his face showed surprise. He even couldn't believe that his ears heard it correctly?

Then, he couldn't help but confirm again.

"Ino, are you serious?"

"Are you sure what dad said?"

Hearing this, Yamanaka Ino nodded vigorously and said with a smile:"Of course, dad also has to listen to me."

After receiving the confirmation, Yamanaka Haiichi let out a long breath and felt very comfortable.

His precious daughter finally got the idea! She finally stopped eating in that kind of high-priced dessert shop.

Although his salary is very high, and The family buys flowers and is very rich, but no matter how rich they are , they can't afford such high expenses!

Every time my daughter goes to a dessert shop, it costs at least 5,000 silver taels. If it's a high-end consumption place, then he can still accept it!

But if it's like this every day!...

It wasn't just his wallet that couldn't take it.

My little heart can't stand it even more!

At this moment, Yamanaka Haiichi's face changed from the previous sad expression to a happy smile.

Looking at him, he looked like a child who had eaten jelly beans, extremely happy!

Yamanaka Hai nodded and agreed without even thinking about it.

"Okay, as long as you listen to your dad and don’t go to those expensive consumption places, your dad will definitely listen to you. Whatever you ask dad to do, dad will do it!"

Yanaka Ino looked at his father's happy look, his eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth curved.

"Dad, you said this yourself, listen to me on everything"

"Yes, I said it."Haiichi Yamanaka nodded with a smile.

Now that his precious daughter listened to him, he was so happy that it would be an overstatement to say that he was carried away.

However, he did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

Yamanaka Ino looked at him with a smile The happy dad said with a smile:"Dad, be obedient. I'm going to the dessert shop to spend some money.""

"OK, go ahead and spend it......"The happy Yamanaka Hai waved his hand and said with a smile.

But the next second, he suddenly choked on his own words

"Eh? its not right? Are you going to a dessert shop?!"

"Yeah. Yamanaka Ino replied with a smile.

"Right? Yamanaka Hai scratched his head and said,"Didn't you just agree to it?" You wanted to listen to me and not go to the dessert shop. Why have you changed your mind now?"

"I haven't changed my mind. Yamanaka Ino shook his head and smiled as if his plan had succeeded.

"Dad, a minute ago, you asked me not to go to the dessert shop, so I just nodded and stopped going."

"Did I listen to you?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well......Indeed."Yan Zhonghai nodded.

"That's right, isn't it? Yamanaka Ino said with a smile:"Since I have listened to you and not gone to the dessert shop, now you have to listen to me, so I will go to the dessert shop now.""

"this......Somewhat roundabout."Haiman Yamanaka was a little confused after hearing this. After sorting out his thoughts, he finally came to a conclusion.

He was tricked by his precious daughter.

After all, his daughter still wanted to go to the dessert shop.

"Ino, are the food in this dessert shop really so delicious?"

"You've been going there for a week, how come you're not tired of it?"

In this regard, Yamanaka Haiichi was a little speechless.

Seeing his father's helpless look, Yamanaka Ino explained excitedly:"I can't help it. There are dozens of types of desserts and cold drinks, and every The taste is amazing, I almost fall in love with it!"

The more she said it to the end, the more excited the expression on her face became.

When Yamanaka Hai saw this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. However, he was also curious in his heart.

The cold desserts in this dessert shop are really like his daughter's As you said, it’s so delicious!

Thinking about this,

Shanzhong Hai rolled his eyes and said,"Okay, I heard you praise the food in the dessert shop, so I just have nothing to do today. You go and taste it together."

Yanaka Ino felt bad when she saw that her father was going too.

Isn't he going to cause trouble?

Thinking of this, she shook her head and waved her hands repeatedly.

"It's enough for me to go alone, dad just stay at home"

"Moreover, I remember that Uncle Dingzuo and Uncle Lujiu wanted to have a party with you for dinner."

Hearing his daughter's rejection, Yamanaka Hai thought of a lot in an instant.

He had already guessed that his daughter thought he was going to the dessert shop to cause trouble.

Then he waved his hand and said with a smile:"Hey, Ding Zao and Shikaku are looking for her tonight. I'm eating, it's only noon now"

"This is it......"The corners of Yamanaka Ino's mouth twitched and she wanted to continue to find reasons not to let her father go to the dessert shop.

Yamanaka Kaiichi saw through his daughter's thoughts at a glance, narrowed his eyes, grinned and said:"Well, I'll go find Choza and Shikaku now, and tell me that there is no need to have a dinner party tonight, and we will go to dessert at noon instead. Having dinner together at a restaurant would kill two birds with one stone." 1.1

"......"Yamanaka Ino's eyes widened and he was speechless.

She really doesn't know how to answer her father.


Finally, she took a long breath and said helplessly:" Then......Oh well."

Haiichi Yamanaka was very satisfied when he saw his daughter defeated.

A daughter is a daughter after all.

How can she beat her father?

As the saying goes, the older is the best!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt in his heart. Proud.

Then, he smiled at Yamanaka Ino and said:"Let's go to find Shikaku and Dingza."

"Know it."Yanaka Ino sighed helplessly and had no choice but to nod in agreement.

After a while, the father and daughter locked the door and left the residence.......

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