
"Still have to dance......"

After listening to Chiba's words, Uchiha Madara looked shocked and a little unbelievable.

I am a tough guy.

I used to be a man with a dark style!

Nowadays, even if you adopt a cute style, you still need to dance.

This was hard for him to accept for a while.

Chiba saw Uchiha Madara's eyes widening and said with a smile:"Yes, not only do you have to dance, but you also have to sing."

"Sing......"Uchiha Madara didn't know how to describe his current mood.

At this time, Senju Hashirama on the side said with a smile:"Madara, now that you are wearing a puppet suit, are you still afraid of singing and dancing?"

When Uchiha Madara heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched.

It wasn't that he was scared, but that it made people blush.

Seeing the other party, Senju Hashirama did not answer. He narrowed his eyes and continued:"Aban, we are responsible for publicity. Whether the boss can make a lot of money depends entirely on our publicity. Do you want the boss to Are we disappointed?"

"Of course not"���Chiha Madara shook his head directly and said with a serious face.

"That’s okay." Senju Hashirama shrugged and said:"Since you don't want the boss to disappoint us, then follow the boss's instructions and do a good job in publicity."

Listening to these words, Uchiha Madara took a deep breath and made up his mind.

He must not let his boss down!

After a brief inner struggle, he nodded heavily

"bring it on! Let's continue training!"

"This is so good."Senju Hashirama grinned.

Chiba looked at Uchiha Madara who looked like he was willing to die generously, and grinned.

"Training begins!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the ice cream magic wand.

"Take this ice cream wand."

"good."Senju Hashirama nodded and picked it up without hesitation.

Uchiha Madara hesitated for a moment and picked it up too.

When Chiba saw the two employees holding the props, he plugged in the TV and then Put the video image into the TV.

As the video tape rotates, a dancer wearing a pineapple and gourd puppet appears on the screen of the TV.

Soon, the prelude of music sounds from the TV.

Not long after, a sweet singing voice sounded

【you love me, i love you】

【Pineapple gourd sweet honey】

【you love me, i love you】

【Pineapple gourd sweet honey】

【You love me, I love you】

【Pineapple gourd is sweet. 】

While the song was playing, the dancers in the video kept dancing.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara listened to the song and watched the dance, both of them were stunned.

"hiss! Senju Hashirama took a deep breath, clapped his tongue, and said,"My first impression of this song and the dance was that it was so brainwashing!" But it sounds exciting"

"It's really exciting."Uchiha Madara nodded in agreement.

Chiba listened to the two people's comments and said with a smile:"Just practice as you see on the TV."

"Although it was very brainwashing, I still felt a little ashamed. Uchiha Madara said with a grin.

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama waved his hand and said,"Harm, there is nothing to be ashamed of.""

As he said that, he took the lead in imitating the dance on the TV. The expression on his face not only showed no shame, but also seemed extremely excited.

"Ah Ban, come and dance with me too. It’s really fun."

"Fun?"Uchiha Madara's face twitched violently when he thought that he was about to dance in such a shameful and cute style.

Now he didn't feel any fun at all.

"Stop the ink stains and dance with me quickly. You will have to take this step sooner or later." Senju Hashirama saw Uchiha Madara stunned and couldn't help but urge him.

Uchiha Madara gritted his teeth and felt fierce in his heart when he thought of making a contribution to the boss.

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Isn't it just singing and dancing? There is nothing to be afraid of!

After feeling secretly in his heart, he started to follow the instructions on the TV.

When Chiba saw that the training of the two was on track, he nodded with satisfaction and looked at Uchiha Izumi.

Nai and Shiro looked over.

Now that things are done, it's their turn to train them.

During this time, Uchiha Izuna and Shiro were very serious about making desserts and cold drinks.

As well as their serious work attitude, they are progressing very quickly.

(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara are also studying very hard.

After two days of studying with the TV, he was able to easily perform beautiful dances and sing brainwashing and exciting promotional songs.

After the two of them finished studying, they went out to promote the show.

When they first started doing promotions, Madara Uchiha still felt ashamed..

But when he thought that no one could recognize him in a puppet suit, the shame in his heart weakened.

As for Senju Hashirama, he even felt very excited after asking for flowers!

The two of them wore puppet costumes, holding an ice cream magic wand in their left hand and a leaflet in their right hand, and went around Konoha Village to promote it.

Not only that, the two of them wore cute puppet costumes to promote things.

Promotional efficiency.

It is also particularly easy to recruit girls to watch.

The speed of distributing flyers can also be greatly improved.

Fireworks and firecrackers have been placed at the entrance of the dessert shop, and the red carpet has been laid out early.

At the door.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara stood at the door early, putting on their puppet costumes, preparing for the opening ceremony of the dessert shop.

Uchiha Izuna and Shiro were already waiting at their work stations.

Opening the door to welcome the first business, Senju Tobirama, Namikaze Minato, and Zabuza served as waiters.

"Boss, how long will it take before our dessert shop opens?"

Qianju Hashirama asked with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Qianye looked at the clock on the wall and said,"There's still half an hour left."

"So long."Qianju Hashirama was a little impatient.

Qianye waved his hand and signaled:"Don't be anxious, just wait."

Senju Hashirama nodded.

On another street, four girls walked towards the agricultural products sales.

The one walking at the front was a blond girl wearing smart clothes.

Ino Yamanaka held the dessert shop leaflet in her hand, with a small face. Showing excitement

"Dessert shop, the name of this shop makes me feel good"

"Don't know how it tastes?"

At this time, Tiantian, who was wearing a pink Chinese-style short-breasted top and two buns on her head, looked expectant on her pink face.

"Judging from the pictures of the desserts on the flyer, they look delicious."

Then, she tilted her head and looked at Hinata Hinata and Hanabi Hinata, and asked curiously

"What do you think? Hinata

Hanabi nodded her little head and said excitedly:"Hmm, I have never seen the dessert styles in this picture, but every one of them looks delicious.""

Hinata Hinata also nodded.

"Well, it must taste delicious!"

Yamaka Ino, who was walking at the front, waved to the three girls behind him.

"The dessert shop will be opening soon, and the first ten customers will receive a half-price discount!"

"Let's go faster".....earth..

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