The next day, early morning.

In the dessert shop next to the produce sales place.

Four people stood side by side in the store hall.

Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna, and Shiro.

Chiba looked at the four people in front of him who were about to receive training, and said,"Izuna, Shiro, there are two books here. Take a look at them first."

As he spoke, two more books appeared out of thin air in his hand.

After Uchiha Izuna took the book, he looked at the name on it

"Dessert making guide."

Bai took another book

"Cold Drink Processing Guide"

"After you read this, you will be able to easily understand a lot of knowledge when I teach you how to make delicious food and cold drinks."Chiba explained.

After hearing this, both of them nodded in understanding.

Immediately, Uchiha Izuna and Shiro walked towards the chairs not far away and sat there to read books.

At this time, Senju Hashirama He grinned and said:"Boss, do A-Ban and I also need to study some books?"

"You don't need books."Qianye shook his head and replied with a smile.

"Oh ho! ��What do we use?"Senju Hashirama was a little surprised and a little curious.

"You guys use this."Chiba smiled mysteriously.

Under the curious and expectant gazes of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, six objects were conjured out of thin air.

610 TV, video tape, two sets of pineapple and gourd style puppet costumes, two sets of An ice cream style magic wand.

As for the pineapple gourd puppet suit, Chiba specially ordered it from the system.

Originally, he was going to use a snowman puppet suit, but who made his dessert shop look like a pineapple gourd puppet?

Therefore, he was forced to customize the pineapple gourd puppet suit from the system.

"Boss, this is......"

Senju Hashirama looked at the six items in front of him and couldn't help but speak.

"This is the pineapple and gourd puppet costume. You should put it on first."

Chiba pointed at the two sets of puppet costumes and gestured.

After hearing this, Uchiha Madara twitched the corner of his mouth and said seriously:"Boss......How could I, a macho man, wear such cute clothes?!"

Now he regrets it.

If he had known earlier, he would not have participated in the publicity.

"Ah Ban, this is not up to you."Qianye said with a smile:"As the saying goes, if you say it out, it is like water thrown out. Can you still take the water back?"

"Boss, I have the reincarnation eye, so I can really do it."Uchiha Madara said with a grin.

This sentence is not nonsense at all.

He only needs to use the suction power of Wanxiang Tianyin to easily suck the water back.

"Ah this......"Qianye twitched the corner of his mouth and waved his hand,"Don't try to embarrass me. You agreed to do the publicity yourself, and I didn't force you.""

"Hey hey hey."At this time, Senju Hashirama on the side grinned and said:"Aban, I think the puppet suit is not bad, just follow the boss."

"Do you have the nerve to talk about me? Why don't you wear it yourself?"Uchiha Madara stared when he saw that the other party was adding insult to injury.

You know, he has a dark style.

Now he is allowed to wear cute clothes and take a cute and sweet route. How can he accept it in his heart?

Senju Hashirama heard that Uchiha Madara questioned, waved his hand, and said:"These cute clothes are so beautiful, even if you don't tell me, I have to wear them."

As he spoke, he directly picked up the pineapple and gourd puppet suit, and even gestured back and forth to see if the clothes fit him.

Uchiha Madara was stunned when he saw this scene.

As expected of you!

Think about it!

Senju Pillar His thoughts were always out of place during the Warring States Period. It was still the same now. Chiba looked at Uchiha Madara, who was stunned, but he couldn't help it. You have no joke. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) It’s impossible for Uchiha Madara to be a person who doesn’t keep his word, right? Thinking of this, Chiba tilted his head and looked at Senju Hashirama and said:"Dazhu, go and persuade Banzi.


"no problem."Senju Hashirama nodded in reply, then came to Uchiha Madara with a serious look on his face.

"Banzi, listen to my advice, the water here is very shallow, you can control it"

"Isn’t it just to change the dark style of the past and take the cute route?"

"This is actually nothing, I don’t care."

(accf)"Be good, be obedient, and you can wear a puppet suit."

Listening to the other person's kind words, Madara Uchiha twitched the corner of his mouth and asked,"Are you sure it doesn't matter?"

"Very sure."Senju Hashirama shrugged indifferently.

"Okay, put it on and show me."Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows and said

"You will wear it after I put it on?"Senju Hashirama asked back, with a hint of provocation in his tone.

Uchiha Madara's eyelids trembled slightly, he took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Okay, if you wear it, I will wear it!"

"That's pretty much it."Senju Hashirama looked like his conspiracy had succeeded.

Looking at the pineapple and gourd puppet suit in his hand, he grinned, even a little excited.

Accompanied by a series of"rustling" sounds.

Senju Hashirama was very excited. He quickly put on the pineapple and gourd puppet suit, and then he grinned and asked,"How are you doing?" Does it look good?"

"Poof!"Uchiha Madara looked at the cute Senju Hashirama in front of him and couldn't help laughing. He nodded repeatedly,"Hahaha! Beautiful, very beautiful! Senju

Hashirama rolled his eyes and said,"Aban, don't laugh, you will have to wear it later.""

As soon as these words came out, Uchiha Madara, who was still smiling, suddenly turned into a smile.


"Stop being ink-stained and put on your clothes quickly." Senju Hashirama urged with gloating.

"urge......What are you urging me to do? Can’t I just wear it?......"Uchiha Madara said with a dark face.

Then, he reluctantly took the puppet suit in his hands, and slowly put the clothes on with a tortured expression.

Senju Hashirama watched the whole process with a gloating smile on his face.

I really don't care.

Anyway, I have been embarrassed more than once.

In particular, I remember the most humiliating time was during the first meeting of the five shadows, when I kowtowed to the other four shadows in public and gave them tailed beasts.

"Hehehe, not to mention, Ah Ban looks really good after putting on cute and sweet clothes."

Senju Hashirama clicked his tongue and admired

"Not bad indeed."Chiba nodded in agreement.

At the same time, he secretly sighed in his heart.

The person who can suppress Uchiha Madara must be his good friend!

Senju Hashirama!

"Now I'm wearing puppet clothes, are you satisfied?"Uchiha Madara glared at Senju Hashirama and said unhappily.

"Satisfied, quite satisfied."Senju Hashirama nodded with great satisfaction.

Then, he first looked at his own puppet clothes, and then at Uchiha Madara's clothes, grinned and said,"But, look at the clothes of the two of us, they are just like each other. Couple costumes"

"this......This is indeed similar......"Uchiha Madara's mouth twitched and he had to admit.

Chiba sighed when he saw that the conversation between the two was getting more and more off-topic.

Good guy, it’s so quick to start acknowledging couple clothes.

This situation is developing very quickly.

However, this was just a thought for him.

Then, Chiba looked at the two of them and said,"Now that we have changed into clothes, let's start practicing with the music and dance played on the TV."......

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