"Look, everyone, there is a super big pineapple house ahead!"

"The dessert shop is right there"

"Let's get there quickly."

Yamaka Ino, who was walking at the front, pointed to the pineapple head in front of him, with excitement on his little face.

The girls nodded.

As they got closer and closer to the dessert shop, everyone felt more and more that something was wrong.

"Isn't this the pineapple house? Is this Calabash House?"

"But it doesn’t feel like it?"

I look at the buildings nearby every day and I can't make an accurate judgment.

After all, the building in front of me is a gourd? But it has the characteristics of a pineapple.

Is it a pineapple? But it also has the characteristics of a gourd.

For a moment, the four buildings The girls were a little confused. They were confused and rushed to the entrance of the dessert shop.

When Hinata Hanabi and Hinata saw Chiba at the entrance, their eyes lit up.

"Sister, am I right? As expected, the dessert shop was opened by Brother Chiba." Hinata Hanabi said excitedly towards her sister, her little face looked very happy.

Seeing her sister's happy look, Hinata Hinata nodded her little head

"Well, it is indeed a dessert shop opened by Chiba’s brother."

Actually - when the two girls learned that a dessert shop was opened next to the agricultural products sales place, they thought that it might be opened by Renye.

Now their thoughts have been confirmed.

"Hanabi and Hinata, do you know each other?"Yamanaka Ino listened to the conversation of his friends next to him, tilted his head and asked curiously

"Well, of course I did."Hyuga Hanabi nodded repeatedly and said with a smile:"He is the owner of the agricultural products sales place. Our Hyuga clan's vegetables are wholesaled from here."

"So this is ah."Yamanaka Ino finally understood.

She really didn't know anything about the Hyuga clan's wholesale vegetables. After all, she was not from the Hyuga clan.

Seeing the other party's surprised look, Hinata Hanabi said mysteriously:"Tell me secretly. The vegetables grown by you, Brother Chiba, are delicious, and the vegetables are very rich in nutrients. The richness is unimaginable!"

"Hard to imagine? Yamanaka Ino asked in surprise, this time her curiosity was completely aroused.

Hinata Hanabi first looked at her sister next to her, and then waved her hand, indicating that the other party would listen.

Yamanaka Ino was curious and half Squatting down,

Hinata Hanabi pointed at her sister's body and said,"Recently, I have noticed that my sister's physical condition has changed a lot compared to before."

"If you don't believe it, you can take a closer look."

After hearing this, Yamanaka Ino stared at Hinata Hinata.

Being stared at by the other party, Hinata took a step back, and her little face became rosy.

"well......Ino, what are you looking at me for?......"

Yamanaka Ino's eyes were like a hawk, looking at them carefully.

But soon, her eyes widened

"Eh! It seems really different from before, it seems much bigger than before!"

"Hee hee hee, am I right?" Hinata Hanabi asked with a smile.

"Well, that’s right."Yamanaka Ino nodded repeatedly.

"What......What's so much bigger than before?" Hinata Hinata blushed and had questions on her head.

"That's it!"Yanaka Ino raised her eyebrows lightly, pointed, and smiled mischievously.

Hinata Hinata lowered her head and looked at herself. The next moment, she understood something. Her little face, which was originally red, was now even more rosy. Holding hands, talking sweetly

"Oops, so shameful......"

Yamanaka Ino saw that the other person was shy and couldn't express himself clearly, so she immediately stopped paying attention.

To prevent shy Hinata from fainting.

But she had already made up her mind.

I must buy vegetables here from now on. What if it can cure my worries about airports?

The more I thought about it, the more excited I became. at the same time.

Tenten listened to the whispered conversation between Ino Yamanaka and Hanabi Hinata, and saw Hinata Hinata with a red face.

She already had a clear understanding in her mind.

However, Tiantian is still very confident in himself.

At least it won't be an airport, right?

To have confidence is to have confidence.

But she still felt that she could buy vegetables from the agricultural product sales place and try them.

After all - who would think they are not old enough?......(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At the same time.

Chiba standing in front of the dessert shop.

When he saw the four girls coming towards him, a smile appeared on his face.

Especially when I saw the changes in Hinata Hinata's body, I was surprised.

Oh ho, isn't this right?

I remember Hinata’s figure in the original novel wasn’t as bulging as it is now, right?

After a brief moment of surprise, Chiba suddenly thought of the comment slogans prompted by the system when unlocking the land.

One of the comment slogans said that cultivating crops from the land upgraded in the system can maximize the business value of the crops. The highest, and it can also bring unexpected effects to the body.

Looking back now, the unexpected effect is indeed remarkable!

After Qianye clicked his tongue for a while, he turned his head and looked at the clock on the wall.

When he saw the time on the wall clock, he said to the employees:"This opening ceremony is about to begin, everyone, get ready."

Senju Hashirama, who had been impatient for a long time, nodded excitedly after hearing the boss's words. Said:"Boss, we are ready!"

"Um."Qianye nodded.

Soon, he came to the place where the fireworks exploded and took out a lighter from his arms.


Pull the lighter, and the flame rises slowly.

Chiba aims at the fuse of the fireworks explosion.

"Tsk! Tsk!"

The fuse was lit.

Qianye evacuated quickly.

A few seconds later.

There were sounds of firecrackers and fireworks.

"Bang bang bang bang......"

"Crackling! Crackling!"

At the same time.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara looked at each other and nodded together.

Then, the two of them started dancing.

Not only that.

While the two were dancing, they also started singing.

"you love me, i love you"

"Pineapple gourd sweet honey"

"you love me, i love you"

"Pineapple gourd sweet honey"

"You love me, I love you"

"Pineapple gourd sweet honey"


With the sound of fireworks, firecrackers, and two singing and dancing contestants at the door.

For a time, this street became lively.

The villagers passing by were attracted one after another. not only.

There were also a large number of villagers rushing towards the dessert shop with leaflets in hand.

At this moment, a large number of villagers gathered at the entrance of the dessert shop.

Qianye looked at the villagers who were constantly gathering, with a smile on his face.

These people are not just villagers.

Still walking banknotes!......

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