Agricultural products sales office.

In the office corridor.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara are racing against each other

"I'll get to the office first!"

Senju Hashirama said.

"I got there first!"

Uchiha Madara was not content to lag behind, and also said something.

Looking at the two of them chasing each other, it was very similar to the students in the school days, whoever arrived in the classroom first would win.

Sometimes, a man's happiness is So simple.

Soon -

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara held the door handle together, and they stepped into the office almost at the same time.

"Ah Ban, I stepped into the office with my left foot first, I won."

Senju Hashirama said with a grin.

"Yep, I was obviously the one who stepped into the office with my left foot first, so I am the one who wins."

Uchiha Madara curled his lips and said unconvinced.

In the office, Chiba, who was sitting on the boss's chair, saw this and warned:"Don't argue, the two of them got here before you."

After hearing this, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara looked towards the sofa in the office.

On the sofa there was a���With two people.

Senju Tobirama, Namikaze Minato.

Seeing this, Senju Hashirama scratched his head and asked:"Tobirama, Minato, you guys arrived so quickly?"

"The art of flying thunder."Qianju Tobijian replied proudly.

"I see. Senju Hashirama nodded, smacked his tongue and said,"This ninjutsu is really good, save yourself the trouble of running away.""

While everyone was chatting, Zabuza and others rushed to the office one after another.

When Chiba saw that all the employees had arrived, he waved

"Everyone, sit down on the sofa, we are about to have a meeting."

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

Fortunately, the space in the office is large enough, and the sofa is spacious enough.

Everyone has an empty seat, and it doesn't feel crowded.

After a while, everyone sat in their seats.

By Senjuzhu be the first to ask questions

"Boss, what is the content of this meeting?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone present fell on Qianye.

Feeling the curious eyes of everyone, Qianye showed a serious face and said:"This meeting has one theme, research and development of new projects!"

"Developing a new project?"When everyone heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and then they started muttering.

"Everyone, be quiet."Qianye saw everyone whispering and waving.

Soon, the office fell into silence again.

Qianye glanced at everyone and said with a smile:

"I have already thought about this new research and development project."

"Now summer has arrived"

"Our store must develop items that can help people relieve themselves from the heat. Everyone present heard this, and their eyes lit up.

Senju Hashirama was the first to ask:"Boss, what is this project to relieve the heat and cool down?""

"Open a dessert shop to sell ice cream, iced milk tea, and other items."Qianye replied.

Everyone expressed doubts after hearing this.

"ice cream? Iced milk tea? What's this?" Senju Hashirama scratched his head, looking confused.

Then he tilted his head and looked at Uchiha Madara and asked,"Do you know?"

"How would I know."Uchiha Madara shook his head

"I am not sure as well." Senju Tobirama expressed confusion.

As for Uchiha Izuna, he also shook his head. Namikaze Minato scratched his head and said:"I have only heard of popsicles, not ice cream or iced milk tea."

"I have only heard of popsicles, but this is the first time I have heard of ice cream and milk tea."Zabuza also echoed.

"This is also the first time I've heard of it."Shiro said in agreement.

After listening to everyone's words, Chiba was not surprised.

First of all -

Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Izuna. (Read the cool novels and go to Fei Lu Novel Network!)

These four people were all from the Warring States Period.

At that time, the ninja world was in chaos, and even Popsicle was not even born yet.

Even if he became the Fourth Hokage, he would still be there. But at that time, Konoha Village had just been built, and it was already good to be able to produce popsicles.

As for Zabuza and Haku , they were hunted by Kirigakure Village ninjas all year round, so it was a blessing to be able to guarantee that they would not be hunted to death.

This is the first time everyone has heard of Chiba

’s right hand.

"This is an introduction to ice cream and milk tea. You will understand after reading it."

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

Each of them picked up a book and started reading.

After a while, everyone understood

"This is what ice cream looks like."Senju Hashirama looked at the ice cream pattern on the book and grinned,"But it looks delicious."

Uchiha Madara pointed at the picture, his eyes shining, and said:"The iced milk tea above looks very good too."

"Don’t worry, everyone will be able to taste it when our dessert shop opens."Qianye said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up and they were extremely excited.

Judging from the pictures alone, whether it was ice cream or milk tea, each one looked very good.

For a moment, everyone was talking Very greedy

"`Boss, what should we do now?"

Senju Hashirama said excitedly.

Now he can't wait to taste ice cream and milk tea.

"Yes, as long as the boss says, we will do it!"

Uchiha nodded and said with a smile.

Chiba was very satisfied to see everyone looking so motivated.

"I will design the drawings of the dessert shop later."

"At that time, the big pillars will be used to build the house according to the specifications on the drawing."

"No problem, everything depends on the boss."Senju Hashirama nodded repeatedly and answered with a smile.

"Boss, what do I do?"At this time, Uchiha Madara asked curiously

"Abara, Tobirama, Izuna, after the ice cream shop is set up, you go and decorate it." Chiba replied

"OK"(Well done) Uchiha Madara heard his mission and nodded directly in agreement.

"Um."Qianju Tobijian nodded and replied.

"Good boss."Uchiha Izuna nodded and replied.

Immediately, Chiba's eyes focused on Zabuza and Bai

"There are twenty acres of black soil in the field. You just need to plant fruits."

"As for the types of fruits, I will list them for you later."

Zabuza heard this and nodded in response.

"Please rest assured, boss, leave the fruit growing to Bai and me."

"Well, it’s on us."Bai nodded seriously.

"Okay, the meeting is over, you go back and get ready."Chiba waved his hand and said casually.

Immediately, everyone left the office one after another.

When they walked out of the office, they were all discussing the content of this meeting.

But everyone's faces showed excitement and anticipation. color!......

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