Half a month later.

The heat is intense.

It is the most vigorous and vicious period of summer.

Agricultural products sales office.

In farmland.

At this moment, everyone was covered in sweat and looked listless.

"well! So hot! I have no interest in working at all!"

Senju Hashirama was like mud, slumped on the chair of the harvester, his expression looked very painful.

"Dazhu, please stop sighing, it's making me irritable."

Uchiha Madara, who was sitting next to him, felt very irritated as he listened to the other person's lamentation.

Then, he glared and said something unhappily.

"Ah Ban, there's no point in glaring at me, the weather is too hot."Senju Hashirama waved his hands feebly and said casually.

After hearing this, Madara Uchiha did not say anything to continue his fight, but nodded.

"Indeed, the weather is so hot now that I have no energy to work."

It's not just the two of them who think this way, everyone else thinks so.

Of course, there are two exceptions.

Zabuza and Haku. There is no sweat on their foreheads, but they look like they are enjoying themselves. It's just that there is no sweat on their foreheads.

, the two people's 02 looks are a bit imaginative.

Zabuza has been hugging Shiro, and the expression on his face looks very comfortable, while Shiro's face is red, his head is down, and the two of them are silent. The situation immediately attracted Senju Hashirama's attention.

"Abara, Abara, look at this hot day, Zabuza and Shiro are hugging each other, and I've been observing for a long time, they don't seem to feel the slightest bit of heat."

"Could it be that......Can two people hug each other to reduce the heat?"

After that, his eyes lit up, he opened his arms and rushed towards Uchiha Madara beside him.

Faced with the sudden bear hug, Uchiha Madara punched him almost as a conditioned reflex

"Ouch! Motor! Why did you hit me?!"

Senju Hashirama covered his stomach with both hands and roared.

"Do you still have the nerve to ask me why I hit you? Uchiha Madara's face darkened, and he said angrily:"You suddenly touched me, who would I hit if I didn't hit you?""

"......"Senju Hashirama rolled his eyes and said with a grin:"I think Zabuza and Haku hugged each other to cool down the heat, so I also want to hug you to see if it can cool down the heat."

"You'd better give me a punch when you come up."

Uchiha Madara saw the other person's angry look and replied speechlessly.

"Big pillar, what exactly is in your brain?"

"Zabuza and Haku are clearly showing off their affection, but how do you think they are hugging each other to cool down?"

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama scratched his head and immediately retorted.


"You said they were showing off their affection, but they didn't feel the heat?"

"How to explain this?"

After hearing Senju Hashirama's question, Uchiha Madara explained seriously.

"Dazhu, haven't you ever heard that two people in love are two heavens of ice and fire?"

"What? And this logic?"Senju Hashirama was stunned for a moment.

Then, he thought about his relationship with Uzumaki Mito, and then refuted


"When I fell in love with Mito, I only felt heat and pain"

"Don't you feel the cold?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara's eyes lit up, and his tone revealed the flavor of gossip.

"There's none?"

"So how do you fall in love?"

Looking at the other party's curious look, Senju Hashirama rubbed his chin, thought about it, shook his head and replied:"I forgot."

"......"Uchiha Madara was a little speechless, then he narrowed his eyes and asked again:"Then can you tell me something you can remember?"

"things to remember......"Senju Hashirama thought for a while, and his body suddenly shivered,"What I can remember is that when I made a mistake, Minato was like a tigress, punching and kicking me......."

Uchiha Madara was stunned for a moment, then he smiled happily.

"I didn’t expect that besides me, there is another person who can suppress you."

"Hey, you're an unmarried old virgin, and you still have the nerve to laugh at me."Senju Hashirama did not hesitate to attack him with words.

"you......"Uchiha Madara, who was in the midst of gloating over his misfortune, suddenly froze with a smile on his face, as if he had been stabbed at a painful point, his face turned as black as the bottom of a pot, and he let out a roar.

"Hasi hot mom! You are being unreasonable, why am I not married? Don’t you have some idea in your mind?"

As he spoke, there was a hint of resentment in his eyes.

"Hey hey hey, blame me, blame me. Senju Hashirama grinned and said with a smile:"You calm down first.""

Uchiha has stared at it, so that it eased the grievances.

Thousands of hands smashed the tongue between the thousands of hands and said," However, when I thought of the scene where the aquarium was violent, I really felt creepy and my back was cold. Scalp feels cold"

"Isn't that right? Uchiha Madara spread his hands and said,"I'm not wrong, people in love are as good as ice and fire.""

"Well, indeed."Senju Hashirama nodded in agreement.

Not far away,

Zabuza and Shiro saw the two giants constantly looking over at them.

For a moment, the two of them felt like they were all covered in hair.

"First-sama, Madara-sama, did I do something wrong?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zabuza couldn't help but ask.

He didn't understand what was going on, and felt very uneasy.

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama waved his hand and smiled. Said:"It's nothing, I just saw you two hugging each other to show your affection, and I sighed."

"young couple......"Her face was red and shy, and she wished she could find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"......"Zabuza twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely, and quickly explained:"The main reason why we hug each other is to relieve the heat. Shiro is an ice-type ninja, so holding me like this can help me catch some cool air.""

"What the hell? It's that simple?"Senju Hashirama was slightly startled.

"Yes, it's that simple."Zabuza nodded seriously.

At this time, Uchiha Madara's eyes lit up and he said,"You just said that Haku is an ice attribute ninja?"

"Um."Zabuza nodded.

"Then you didn't tell me earlier."Uchiha Madara rolled his eyes.

"Didn't you ask too?......"Zabuza shrank his neck and whispered back

"How dare you be so stubborn!" Uchiha Madara said angrily.

Zabuza couldn't help but tremble, feeling aggrieved.

Uchiha Madara looked at Shiro and said: 193"Use Ice Escape to make some ice water to relieve us from the heat."

"good."Bai nodded.

At the same time, in the office of the agricultural product sales office,

Chiba looked at the video projection in front of him.

When he saw Bai using ice escape to create ice water, he rubbed his chin and his thoughts were racing.

"In this summer, the weather is hot, and ice water is really good at relieving the heat."

"If we make a fuss about this, wouldn't it be able to increase the benefits?"

Thinking of this, Chiba's thoughts were running at high speed.

"ice cubes, ice water......"

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration appeared!

Chiba's eyes twinkled, and a smile appeared on his handsome face

"Got it!"

"Wouldn’t it be nice to have ice cream in this hot summer?!"

Without thinking too much, Chiba directly entered the chat group panel.

【Chat group】

【Chiba:"All members! Everyone put down their work and come to the office for a meeting!"】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (Hashirama):"Boss, is there anything important?"】

【Chiba:"What I'm talking about is rather complicated. You guys should come to the office for a meeting first.""】

【Konoha Dance King (Madara):"Go now!"】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (Hashirama):"Copy that!"】

【Master of Forbidden Arts (Tobirama):"Understood!"】

【Uchiha Izuna:"We'll be there soon!"】

【Namikaze Minato:"Understood!"】

【Zabuza:"Copy that!"】

【Bai:"Got it!"】......

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