"Big pillar, give you the drawing."

Chiba walked out of the office.

He was holding an envelope in his hand.

Inside the envelope was the architectural drawings of the"dessert shop".

Senju Hashirama, who had been waiting in the hall for a long time, heard Chiba's words and hurried away. He walked over.

He took the drawing and said with a grin:"Boss, then I'm going to build a house."

"Let's go."Qianye nodded.

"???"Senju Hashirama was stunned for a moment, scratched his head and asked,"Boss, are you also going to build a dessert shop house with me?"

"Yes, I have to guide you to look at the architectural drawings, and then you will understand how to build it."Qianye nodded and said.

When Senju Hashirama heard this, he twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely.

Hearing what the boss meant,......

Can’t you understand the drawings?

I was actually underestimated by my boss!

The more he thought about it, the more Senju Hashirama felt he had to prove himself to his boss.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and said with a serious face:"Boss, you'd better go back to the office and rest. Leave the house construction to me.""

"I still have to guide you about the drawings."Chiba shook his head and refused.

Senju Hashirama shook his head and waved again.

"Boss, don't worry, it's just a construction drawing, can I still not understand it?"

"Are you sure you can understand?"Chiba frowned slightly.

Questioned by the boss again, Senju Hashirama twitched the corners of his mouth, patted his chest, and nodded heavily.

"Boss, I understand!"

Qianye saw that the other party insisted that he did not need 573 to direct and look at the drawings.

In the end, he nodded.

"That's fine. If you encounter a problem that you don't understand, you can go to the office and consult me."

"Don't worry, you don't have to bother your boss for guidance."Senju Hashirama grinned.

Looking at him, he looked full of confidence.

He didn't take the drawings seriously at all.

"Okay, then the place where you build your house can be built next to the agricultural products sales place."Chiba didn't insist. He reminded him casually and walked towards the office.

Now that the architectural drawings are finished, he still has to make a list of fruits to grow.

Watching his boss leave, Senju Hashirama looked at the envelope in his hand. Bag, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly

"It’s just building a house. Isn’t it easy to just look at the drawings?"

No longer thinking about it, he walked towards Uchiha Madara

"Come on, come with us to build a house"

"Don't go."Uchiha Madara shook his head and decisively refused.

"Ah Ban, your refusal is too fast."Senju Hashirama's face twitched

"You go build a house, what do you ask me to do? Uchiha Madara rolled his eyes and said,"I'm too lazy to go.""

"Ah Ban, just go with me."Senju Hashirama pulled the opponent's arm, quite coquettishly.

"If you don’t go, go yourself."Uchiha Madara shook his head and continued to refuse.

"Ah Ban, don’t refuse!" Senju Hashirama was rejected again. He pulled the opponent's arm harder and said with a bitter face:"Little Banban~(acaa)~~Just go with me, okay?~~~"

Hearing such disgusting words, Uchiha Madara felt a chill go down his spine and his whole body became hairy.

He couldn't help but shudder, and finally, he sighed helplessly

"Oh, I really can’t stand you anymore"

"Okay, I'll build a house with you"

"Really, I have to go with you for everything."

"How could I be so unlucky and how could I have anything to do with you?"

"Did the two of us have some bad fate in the past life?"

"What did I owe you in my previous life?!"

The more he sighed, the more Madara Uchiha felt that as long as he was with Senju Hashirama, he would inexplicably feel like he was living in dire straits.

"Hey hey hey, come on and follow me." Senju Hashirama grinned, and directly pulled it out of the door. He opened the envelope and took out the"dessert shop" construction drawings.

After seeing the contents of the drawings, Senju Hashirama was stunned on the spot, with a look of confusion on his face. force!

"this......What is this stuff?"

At this moment, he was completely confused.

The drawings in front of him were all vertical and horizontal lines, as well as some iconic symbols, and he couldn't understand them at all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The drawings he imagined were not After drawing the house, you just need to build it according to the drawing?

But the reality is completely different from what you imagined.

Isn't the gap too big?

"Aban, can you understand?"

Senju Hashirama handed over the blueprint. Madara

Uchiha took the blueprint, also looking confused.

"I can't understand it at all."

Hearing this, Qianjuzhujian let out a long sigh.

"What to do?"

"Hehehe, you deserve it! Uchiha Madara gloated,"Who made you swear in front of your boss?""

"Don’t I also want to be looked down upon by my boss?......"Senju Hashirama's face was a little ugly, and he looked aggrieved. Then he asked:"Abara, what should we do now?"

"What else can be done? I couldn't understand it either, so I had to go find the boss." Uchiha Madara replied

"Find the boss......"Senju Hashirama's mouth twitched, he shook his head and said:"I have promised in front of the boss before that I will be able to build the dessert shop. If I go to the boss now, wouldn't I be licking my face and being despised?......"

"......"Uchiha Madara was extremely speechless.

The current embarrassing situation was caused by Senju Hashirama himself!

Uchiha Madara rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then said:"If you don't want to go to the boss, then you can only force it.""

"forcibly made......"Senju Hashirama took a deep breath, nodded and said:"This is the only way for now."

"Let’s study the drawings first."Uchiha Madara pointed at the architectural drawings and said.

Senju Hashirama heard that the other party wanted to accompany him to study the architectural drawings. He felt happy and grinned:"Hey, hey, Madara is the best to me."

"Well, that goes without saying."Uchiha Madara twitched the corner of his mouth and said seriously.

Then, the two of them found a shady place and studied the drawings carefully.

"Ah Ban, you are looking at the drawings in circles. Why do you seem to have thought about pineapples so much?"

Senju Hashirama pointed at the content of the drawing, clicked his tongue, and said

"Pineapple? Uchiha Madara's face trembled, and he shook his head and said:"No, no, I think this drawing should be more like a gourd.""

"gourd? Right?" Senju Hashirama scratched his head, expressed his disapproval, pointed out his point of view, and explained seriously:"Look, there are dense spikes drawn on the top of this drawing. It must be pineapple."

"No, no, don’t you see that this is the shape of a gourd? Uchiha Madara shook his head and retorted,"The pineapple is in the shape of an O, and the gourd is in the shape of an 8.""

At the end of the sentence, he even gestured with his right finger.

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama asked:"According to you, what are the dense spikes on the top of the drawing?"

"Well......I don't know this." Uchiha Madara shook his head and replied

"Look, you can’t even tell, right? Senju Hashirama spread his hands and said,"In my opinion, the boss wants us to build a pineapple house.""

Uchiha Madara saw that the other party was still insisting on the"pineapple house" view, thought for a while, and said:"How about this, how about we just come up with a compromise plan?"

"A compromise? Senju Hashirama rubbed his chin and said,"That's okay, but what kind of compromise plan should we take?""

Uchiha Madara was also looking down at the drawings and thinking.

After a while, Senju Hashirama's eyes suddenly lit up as he was lost in thought, and he patted his thigh.

"Yes, I've thought of a compromise"

"What method? Madara Uchiha asked with a frown. Senju Hashirama saw the curious look on his face. He gestured for a pineapple with his left hand and a gourd with his right hand. He said excitedly:"Pineapple on the left and gourd on the right, combined together, wouldn't it be a pineapple and gourd house?""

"Pineapple Gourd House......"Uchiha Madara couldn't help but clicked his tongue and sighed,"I'm afraid the only person in the Ninja world who can come up with this name is you! You're so smart!"

"Just say what you want?"Senju Hashirama smiled quite proudly.

"Okay, let's build the dessert shop according to the compromise method."Uchiha Madara didn't object either.

"Hehehe, if the boss sees our art project, he will be so happy that he won't be able to sleep for three days and three nights?"Senju Hashirama said excitedly.

Now he has completely forgotten about the blueprint construction plan and focused entirely on the"Glass Gourd House" he is about to build.

Uchiha Madara on the side was silent when he heard the words.

He couldn't understand the drawings, so he could only follow what he thought in his mind.

At this time, Senju Hashirama, who was in excitement, shouted and started construction.

"Construction begins!"......

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