"Ah Ban, you have to watch out."

Senju Hashirama said with a grin.

As he spoke, his body was twitching crazily like an epileptic patient.

His legs were shaking violently and his arms were swinging wildly.

"Five lightning whips!!"

With a low roar,

Senju Hashirama first opened his arms, then closed them together, and went back and forth like this five times.

"this......Is this the five lightning whips? Why didn't I understand?"

Uchiha Madara asked in astonishment with a look of disbelief on his face after reading the entire process.

"yes."Senju Hashirama nodded and smiled proudly,"How's it going? Are you scared?"

"Well......To be honest, if I hadn't been mentally prepared, I would have thought you were going crazy." Uchiha Madara replied

"......"Senju"610" Hashirama rolled his eyes and said,"Tsk, you are so crazy about gain and loss. Let me show you a slow motion."

Then, he waved his right hand in the air.

"Did you see that, I’m giving you a whip!"

After speaking, he waved his right arm again

"This is two whips!"

Immediately, Senju Hashirama continued to wave his arms.

"Three whips!"

When he reached this point, his whole body began to tremble violently again.

"This is four whips!"

Immediately afterwards, Ren's arms were opening and closing and his body was twitching.

"Five whips!

After finishing the five consecutive lightning whips, Senju Hashirama said with satisfaction:"Did you see the slow motion I did just now?" That's the five lightning whips"

"You don't look good."Uchiha Madara clicked his tongue and said

"Not so good?"Senju Hashirama curled his lips,"Tsk, I haven't used the three combat elements of receiving, transforming, and sending in the lightning whip yet."

"catch? change? hair? Uchiha Madara was stunned again and asked with interest:"How about you come and perform for me?""

"Hehe, you still want to trick me?"Senju Hashirama grinned,"Aban, if I finish using my lightning whip in front of you,"

"When we fight later, won't you be able to quickly catch my weakness?"

"Do you really think I am Tiehanhan?"

"......"Uchiha Madara was speechless.

He really didn't think about using the Lightning Five-Continuous Whip.

Just the kind of skill that makes your whole body twitch. honestly.

If you give him money to study, he won't even bother to study.

Uchiha Madara took a deep breath and said,"Okay, let's boxing"

"good."Senju Hashirama nodded.

For a moment, both of them were in fighting postures.

Senju Hashirama was still the same as before, his body was twitching as if he had epilepsy.

Uchiha Madara saw this, He directly raised his fist and hit his opponent in the chest. Facing the attack, Senju Hashirama didn't seem to be panicked and shouted:"Look at me receiving my hair!""

"I'll take it!!"

I saw him just about to stretch out his hand, preparing to catch the opponent's punch.

But in the end, Uchiha Madara's body twisted, and the punching arm changed its attack and hit Senju Hashirama's nose.


The sound of a fist hitting the bridge of Senju Hashirama's nose sounded.

Senju Hashirama's body retreated repeatedly, and finally none of them could stand still and fell directly to the ground.

Faced with the sudden scene, everyone in the audience fell silent instantly.

They Everyone was stunned

"this......Isn't this too fake? Knocked down with one punch?"Qianye looked at the scene on the ring and couldn't help but say

"I have long said that Big Brother's Five Lightning Whips are unreliable, but I didn't expect them to be so weak." Qianshou Feijian helplessly covered his forehead, quite speechless.

"Great! Nissan is awesome!!"Uchiha Izuna said excitedly, his eyes full of admiration. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zabuza and Shiro stared with their eyes wide open, a little in disbelief.

The legendary ninja God, how could Senju Hashirama be hit by a punch?

Although the two of them were very curious, they didn't dare to talk nonsense.


Madara looked at Senju Hashirama who was knocked down by his punch. With a hook, he said contemptuously:"Dazhu, is this the five lightning whips you call? Hair extensions?"

"Why are you so careless?"

Listening to the other party's contemptuous words, the corners of Senju Hashirama's mouth twitched fiercely, and he grinned and retorted:"Moda, don't be so arrogant, it was just a small accident, I haven't used my special move yet!"

"Didn't you have time to use the trick?"Uchiha Madara hooked his hand and said provocatively:"Come on, continue.".."

"Damn it, look how I kill you with five consecutive lightning whips!"Senju Hashirama said with a dark face and was very unhappy.

Then, he quickly got up and regained his footing. His body continued to tremble crazily.

"Look at my five lightning whips!!"

"A whip!!!"

With a roar, he took the lead in attacking Uchiha Madara. He swung his right hand towards the opponent's abdomen.

Uchiha Madara looked at the oncoming attack and shook his head slightly.

The methods used by the opponent in front of him were everywhere in front of him.

It is an understatement to say that it is full of flaws.

"Inch punch!"

Uchiha Madara suddenly exerted force with his right hand, extremely fast and extremely explosive.


Punched Senju Hashirama in the abdomen.

Feeling the heavy blow to the abdomen, Senju Hashirama's body fell back again and again.

Soon, he lost his footing and fell to the ground.

Uchiha Madara lowered his head and looked at Senju Hashirama who fell to the ground, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile:"Pine cone spit and lightning five consecutive whips? Claimed to be able to exert lightning speed? That's it?"

Thick ridicule, without any concealment.

Senju Hashirama only felt the pain of being slapped on the face.

Now he also began to doubt.

Is this five consecutive lightning whips?

Why is his crotch pulled so hard ? ?!

What happened to 1.5?!

Could it be that he didn’t perform well?

With doubts in his heart, Senju Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara and said,"Oh, I was careless just now."

"Careless? Uchiha spotted nodded and said:"Okay, let me continue to see your connection, transformation and hair.""

Senju Hashirama stood up slowly, his eyes full of determination.

He didn't believe it.

How could the"Pinecone Phlegm Shaking Lightning Five Continuous Whip" that he had practiced for three days be so weak?

The power of actual combat with others is really Is it too bad?

Uchiha Madara looked at Senju Hashirama who stood up again, waved and said:"You have to be careful, don't be knocked down by my punch again."

Senju Hashirama rolled his eyes.

"Come on, keep going!"......

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