At this moment -

Uchiha Madara looked at the other party's extremely cautious appearance and narrowed his eyes slightly.

You can tell at a glance that he is planning something bad!

Suddenly, he looked at Chiba and asked Senju Hashirama:"Dazhu, what do you think the boss is holding? Is it the reward for the boxing championship?""

"award? Let me see!"Qianju Hashirama felt happy when he heard this, and quickly turned his head to look.

When he saw that Qianye was holding a small hammer, he twitched the corner of his mouth, turned around, and said angrily:"Aban, That's not a small hammer......"

However, before he finished speaking, he found that Madara Uchiha had disappeared in front of him.

"not good! Got fooled!"

He immediately noticed something was wrong.

When he was about to become alert, he found that it was too late.

At this moment, Senju Hashirama had noticed a person standing behind him.

At this moment, the hairs on his body stood up.

He He already thought about who was standing behind him.

It was Uchiha Madara! Just a few seconds ago,

Uchiha Madara quickly moved into his opponent's sight.

Staring at Senju Hashirama's back with radiance, he twitched the corner of his mouth in an arc. 02"Dazhu, you backstabbed me in the past and killed me. Now things have changed, and it's finally my turn to backstab you. Got it!"

After saying that, he took action immediately without waiting for Senju Hashirama to reply!

"Euler, Euler, Euler!"

I saw him directly raising his fist and stabbing Senju Hashirama in the back mercilessly.


One punch hit Senju Hashirama's waist directly.

"Ouch! My waist!!"

After Senju Hashirama suffered a heavy blow to his waist, his body flew upside down and fell directly out of the ring.

At this time, he was covering his waist with both hands, and his face was in great pain.

Looking at his painful look, he seemed to be wearing a Like a mask of pain

"Comfortable! So comfortable!"

Uchiha Madara saw the painful Senju Hashirama with a smile on his face.

The great revenge he suffered in the past has finally been avenged!

How can he not be happy?!

"Aban, you are planning a sneak attack! Don’t talk about martial ethics!"

Senju Hashirama covered his waist, his face as black as the bottom of a pot, and yelled

"Tsk, what about sneak attacks or not? That’s because you were careless. Do you blame me?"Uchiha Madara shrugged and said casually

"Ah Ban, I advise you to act like a rat! Don't be clever!" Senju Hashirama twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely, stared, and said viciously

"Mouse for this? Uchiha Madara curled his lips and said seriously:"Dazhu, there is nothing in the rules of this boxing championship that says you cannot sneak attack your opponent.""

"you......"Senju Hashirama bared his teeth, his face turned red, and he was speechless for a long time.

It is indeed not written in the rules of this competition that you cannot sneak attack your opponent.

The rules only state that both parties cannot use ninjutsu when boxing.

"how? Isn’t it time to refute what I said?"Uchiha Madara felt relieved when he saw the other party deflated again and again.

Then he turned his head and looked at Chiba.

"Boss, now that I have knocked the big pillar off the ring, then I win this game, right?"

At the referee's table.

Chiba took a deep breath after hearing this.

The arena match between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara just now really made him dumbfounded.

Especially when he saw the"Five Lightning Whips", he was even more confused. He felt that Senju Hashirama was very discerning.

He didn't learn so many powerful boxing techniques, but he chose to learn this type of boxing technique. However, when he used it in actual combat, he was immediately stunned by Uchiha Madara.

Then, he took a small hammer in his hand and struck the small copper bell.


The bell rang and Chiba began to report the game

"Madara, Hashirama, this is the end of the game between you two."

"The winner of this second round is Madara Uchiha!"

After the game was announced, Uchiha Izuna's joyful voice suddenly sounded.

"Brother is so awesome! Hashirama was killed in an instant!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As he spoke, the admiration in his eyes became even stronger!

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Izuna quickly came to the ring and hugged Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara stroked his brother's head and smiled proudly.

"Ou Doudou, big brother is awesome, right?"

"Well, that’s awesome!"

Uchiha Izuna nodded heavily and answered with great excitement.

On the other side,

Senju Hashirama looked at Senju Tobirama with a sad face.

"Tobirama, come and comfort big brother!"

"The eldest brother was sneak attacked by Ah Ban. The eldest brother is in so much pain!"

Hearing this, Qian Shu Feijian rolled his eyes and shook his head in disdain.

"Brother, I told you a long time ago that that set of five lightning whips is unreliable, but you just refused to listen. Now you have not only lost the game, but you have also brought shame on the Thousand Hands clan."

"Those were all accidents......And I didn’t expect that boxing technique to stretch my hips so much."Senju Hashirama explained bitterly.

He also secretly regretted it in his heart.

He had known that the"Lightning Five Continuous Whip" that he had practiced for three days was useless.

I guess he had thrown it aside and stopped learning it.

Now he is beaten by Uchiha Madara. Not to mention the backstab, he also lost the game.

More importantly, he was laughed at.

At the same time, Chiba looked at everyone on the ring and spoke.

Said:"Now that the boxing championship competition is over, everyone come over, it's time for the awards ceremony.

" Everyone heard the words and walked towards the referee's seat.

When Chiba saw the contestants approaching, he waved his right hand.

The next moment, two boxes flashed in front of his table.

Uchiha Madara looked at the cooperation on the table , scratched his head and asked:"Boss, this 583 is

......Blind box?"

"Um."Chiba nodded.

Hearing the boss's answer, Uchiha Madara's face showed excitement.

In the last competition event, Senju Hashirama opened the blind box and got a van.

At that time, he could only There was envy on the side.

Now it was finally his turn to open the blind box.

Thinking of this, he smiled showily at Senju Hashirama.

"Big pillar, I can get this blind box thanks to you."

"Thanks to me?"Senju Hashirama was slightly startled.

"Yes, if you hadn't lost the game, I wouldn't have been able to get the blind box."Uchiha Madara explained with a smile.

"What you are saying is so irritating!" Senju Hashirama's nose was almost crooked in anger, and he said with a dark face:"Stop inking, and look at the blind box!"

"I would like to see if the blind box you drive is better than my van?!"

"That's definitely better than your van."Uchiha Madara smiled confidently.

Senju Hashirama curled his lips.

"Yep, sometimes don’t talk too much, be careful when extreme happiness can lead to sadness!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara twitched the corner of his mouth and glared.

Then, his eyes were on the blind box.

(PS: Chapter 116 is banned and cannot be read. The author has revised it and is being submitted for review. Sorry.! o(╥﹏╥)o).

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