As the game begins.

The atmosphere in the entire arena became serious.

"Dazhu, when I fought with you in the Valley of the End, you attacked me sneakily and took advantage of my waist. This time I must avenge the hatred of that year!"

Uchiha Madara said with a serious face.

"Hehe, I did it that time for the sake of peace in the ninja world. You can't blame me."Senju Hashirama grinned, looking a little aggrieved.

Uchiha Madara curled his lips.

"I don't care about that."

Immediately afterwards, he put on his boxing gloves directly and got into a fighting posture.

"Besides, I can't just let it go when your brother beats up Izuna."

"???"Senju Hashirama was stunned for a moment, scratched his head, and said aggrievedly:"Isn't that right? Why are you taking it out on me when Tobirama beats Izuna?"-?"

"I don't care, who makes you Tobirama's eldest brother?"Uchiha Madara shrugged, with an attitude of"I will take care of you."

"What kind of logic is this?"The corners of Senju Hashirama's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

"Stop the ink stain and put on the condom quickly, I'm already horny and thirsty."Uchiha Madara stared at Senju Hashirama with unscrupulous eyes, urging him excitedly.

Senju Hashirama didn't even have any ink marks, so he put on his gloves and said with a confident smile:"Hey, Madara, you are definitely going to lose.! I have learned the true teachings of that master!"

"Pine cone phlegm shaking lightning five consecutive whips!!"

"What the hell?!"Uchiha Madara was slightly startled, and then, unable to hold back, he sneered,"Pfft! Pinecone phlegm shaking lightning five consecutive whips?!"

"Big Pillar, the name of this move is so interesting. Are you sure you want to fight me with this?"

"Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

Senju Hashirama saw the other party laughing at him, his face twitched fiercely, and he grinned and said:"Aban, you can be proud now, I will see how you are defeated in my hands later."

"Defeat at your hands? Uchiha Madara shook his head and said:"As for the name of your weird move, haven't you heard that the weirder the move, the faster you lose?""

Uchiha Madara was still murmuring in his heart.

How powerful is the master Senju Hashirama mentioned in his mouth?

Unexpectedly, he laughed out loud when he heard the name of the move.

Before, he thought Senju Hashirama was I learned some incredible boxing skills in the past, but now it seems like, tsk tsk.......

"Don't believe it, do you? Okay, I'll see how arrogant you are in a moment!"Senju Hashirama didn't talk nonsense and quickly got into a fighting stance.

Seeing this, Uchiha Madara put away his mockery and showed a serious face.

For him, ridicule is ridicule.

But Senju Hashirama's strength is still there, This can't be faked.

If he capsizes in the ditch, wouldn't it be a shame to take him back to his grandma's house?

Senju Hashirama grinned when he saw Uchiha Madara's serious attitude towards fighting. It's time to start."

After saying that, I saw his body suddenly twitching without warning. It looked like a sudden illness.

Everyone present saw this scene, their eyes widened and they were stunned.

Under the ring

"What the hell is Dazhu doing? Is this doing something?"At the negotiation table, Chiba was stunned and a little confused.

"this......Is this the top boxing skill that Big Brother talks about? No matter how you look at it, it looks like a sudden illness?"The corners of Qianju Feijian's mouth twitched slightly, not knowing why.

"What happened to Hashirama? Could it be that you were intimidated by your elder brother?"Uchiha Izuna scratched his head, confused.

"You must not laugh, you must hold it in, otherwise the first generation of adults will get angry and kill us both!"Zabuza held his mouth with both hands, trying not to make any small noises.

"Mr. Zabuza, I......I can't hold it in anymore......"Bai Qing covered her pink mouth and couldn't help laughing.

In the arena.

Uchiha Madara was stunned by the twitching Senju Hashirama in front of him.

"Dazhu, is there nothing wrong with your health?"

Senju Hashirama, who was trembling all over, heard this, his face trembled, he rolled his eyes and said:"Aban, didn't you see that I was exerting my power?!"

"To exert power? I didn't see it."Uchiha Madara shook his head and said:"I only saw you suddenly getting sick in front of me."

"Tsk, you don’t understand the power of my boxing skills."Senju Hashirama curled his lips and said seriously:"I am exerting my power, preparing to shoot the pine cone phlegm shaking lightning whip!"

"I really want to see how you type it out."Uchiha Madara narrowed his eyes and said with interest.

Senju Hashirama saw the other party's interested look and smiled proudly.

"If you want to hit the lightning whip, you must truly relax your whole body."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As he spoke, he touched his right shoulder

"You see, my joints are relaxed now, but the tendons and membranes around the joints need to be raised appropriately."

"It should be loose here, it should be tight here."

"There is tightness among the looseness, and there is looseness among the tightness."

"The upper part of the body closes and the lower part opens, and the lower part closes and the upper part opens."

Uchiha Madara saw the opponent's reasoning and said in surprise:"How about you show me a show?"

"Hehe, you can’t wait to witness the top moves I’ve learned, right?"Senju Hashirama grinned.

"......"Uchiha Madara hesitated for a moment, nodded and said:"Uh......Yes, I want to see"

"That's OK. Senju Hashirama nodded and said excitedly:"Then I will show you a slow motion demonstration.""

0 Asking for Flowers

Immediately, he opened his arms and his body twitched slowly. His whole body was shaking like an electric shock.

"you......Ah this......"Uchiha Madara looked at the other party's slow demonstration and was truly speechless.

What is this performance about?!

"Are you shocked?"When Senju Hashirama saw the other party's mouth open in surprise, he smiled proudly and said,"Come on, I'll show you a quick version again."

Without waiting for Uchiha Madara's reply, his body began to shake at a high frequency, his arms opened and closed, and his legs began to tremble.

Soon, Senju Hashirama completed the demonstration

"Did you see, my whole body is exerting force, the upper body is opening and closing, the middle part is opening and closing, the lower body is opening and closing"

"Not only that, I also have to use the three-dimensional integrated Hunyuan Jin to hit the pinecone phlegm shaking lightning five consecutive whips!"

At this moment, Uchiha Madara took a deep breath, and his heart was filled with shock.

He never expected that the top boxing skills Senju Hashirama mentioned in his mouth were actually such ghost-like movements.

Then he asked doubtfully :"Dazhu, didn't you just say five lightning whips? Why didn’t I see the five consecutive whips?"

"Hehe, it seems you are very interested."Senju Hashirama smiled excitedly.

For him, the more curious Uchiha Madara was, the more proud and proud he felt.

He had finally mastered the"Pinecone Phlegm Shaking Lightning Five-Continuous Whip!""No matter what, it's going to cause a stir, isn't it?

"Well......I'm really interested......"Uchiha Madara spoke directly without conscience.

Speak the truth.

Senju Hashirama's Lightning Whip alone in the early stage is shocking.

Uchiha Madara thought.

I'm afraid the follow-up will be even more shocking, right?

Regarding this - he actually had some expectations.

"Sure enough, just as I expected, as soon as you saw me using the learned tricks, you wanted to learn from me, right? Senju

Hashirama asked proudly.

"should......That should be considered right?"Uchiha Madara continued to answer without conscience.

"Okay, let me first let you experience the powerful power of the Five Continuous Whips, lest you be unconvinced after I use this move to kill you instantly."Senju Hashirama spread his hands and said helplessly.

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely.


If Senju Hashirama really used"Pine cone phlegm shaking lightning five consecutive whips!""After defeating himself, he felt that he was really giving in!

And he promised that he would not be dissatisfied!

"Come on, show me the five lightning whips and open my eyes.".....Man..

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