Chapter 72 [Zanpakuto Shallow Attack] [Grandmaster Level Formation Inheritance]】

“where! These are what I should do! That’s what I want to do too! Qian

Xuan smiled and shook his head.

At this time, the system prompt sounded in Qian Xuan’s mind.:

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the treasure collection”Sealing Technique of Ghoul Seal”, reward: Spirit +50, Zanpakutō Shallow Strike ×1】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collection”Sealing Technique Four Symbols Seal”, reward: Spirit +20, money 100,000 taels】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collectible”Sealing Technique Bagua Seal”, reward: Spirit +30, money 100,000 taels】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the treasure collection”Sealing Technique Four Red (Six) Yang Formation”. Reward: Spirit +50, Grandmaster Level Formation Inheritance】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collection”Sealing Technique Four Purple Flame Array”, reward: Spirit +30, inheritance of primary spirit gathering array】


“Huh? Zanpakutō? Is it worthy of the reward brought by sealing away the corpses? The sealing technique for summoning ghosts and gods actually gives a Death God’s exclusive Zanpakutō, which is awesome!”

Seeing this reward, Qianxuan was very happy.

With this Zanpakutō, he not only can add another method to improve his strength; the key is that the Zanpakutō can attack the spirit body on its own.

This is natural It also includes the God of Death, the Six Paths Sage in the Pure Land of the Underworld, and even the people reincarnated in the Pure Land.

The Zanpakutō can be regarded as a special attack on these targets.

“In addition, the grandmaster-level formation inheritance and the elementary spirit-gathering formation are also good things!”

“With this, combined with the sealing technique, I can create and improve more formations and sealing techniques, making me more powerful in this regard!”

Qian Xuan thought again.

He would never ignore the power of formations and sealing techniques.

In addition, there are so many spiritual rewards, Qian Xuan is overjoyed.

“Although the spiritual power of the Zifu Divine Refining Technique has been improved very quickly, who would think that the spiritual power is too high?”

“With these rewards, my mental strength will skyrocket and my time to practice Qi will be shortened.”

Qianxuan thought to himself

“correct! Grandma Mito, Sister Tsunade, there is something else I need to discuss with you in advance!”

At this time, Qianxuan turned around and said:”I heard from Grandpa Makuma that the village is about to send troops to the Kingdom of Rain. Is this true?”


Uzumaki Mito and Tsunade listened and nodded in unison;”That’s true! It’s probably just a few days!”

“how? Do you have any thoughts on this matter?”

Tsunade was a little curious.


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”This time, according to my understanding, the Third Generation will not use the villages to recruit ninjas. They will definitely try to recruit some people from various ninja clans.”;”

“In order to weaken the power of the major ninja clans;”

“What I mean is that when the time comes, we from the Thousand Hands Clan should also send a few people there! To avoid being criticized by Sandai and others;”

“Just send all the ninjas!”

“It would be best to arrange them all under your command, Sister Tsunade, to prevent them from being tricked to death! Don’t know yet!”

“In addition, I am also planning to plant Xuanzi marks on these people to protect their lives. What do you think?”

This kind of thing must be discussed with Tsunade and Uzumaki Mito in advance.


Tsunade and Uzumaki Mito looked at each other in surprise.

Uzumaki Mito said:”Okay! Just do as you say! You have thought this through very carefully!”

“With this life-saving mark, it can also ensure the safety of the tribesmen participating in the war.;”

“If you don’t tell me, I might not be ready to let my people join the war!”

“In this way, when we want to re-establish our clan afterwards, the monkeys will inevitably make a fuss about this matter and damage and ruin the reputation of my Thousand Hands clan.”

“This is best now!”

After saying that, Uzumaki Mito looked at Sengen with increasingly satisfied and soft eyes.

This child always walks in front of others!

Only such a person can become the leader of the Senju clan. Only then can we truly lead the Thousand Hands Clan to rise again

“What you said is true that the old man can do things! Then do as you say!”

“When the time comes, I will bring these people under my command!”

Tsunade also nodded.

Ever since the filter of the third generation in her eyes was completely shattered, Tsunade has seen the true nature of the third generation.

She will never have any naive thoughts about the third generation again.

“As long as you don’t have any objections!”

Qian Xuan felt reassured after hearing this.

Next, he chatted with the two of them for a while before leaving.

As soon as he returned home, Qian Xuan came to the bedroom, opened the sealing barrier, and left a shadow clone in the bedroom. The body enters the small world retreat room

“system! Receive award!”

The next moment, countless streams of information and waves of warmth continued to pour into his sea of consciousness.

At the same time, Qianxuan also sensed that there was an extra Zanpakuto in his sea of spirits.

This thing seemed to be able to combine physical objects and spiritual power. Switching between the two states at will.

Qianxuan didn’t care about the Zanpakutō for the time being, but he was familiar with it, and he devoted part of his mind to digesting the information while using his full power to absorb the information that came out.

After half an hour , he fully used his mental power.

“Enough mental strength! Zifu, open!!!”

When more than half of the rewarded spiritual power was absorbed, Qianxuan felt that he had accumulated enough spiritual power; he immediately opened up the Zifu upper dantian method according to the Zifu divine refining method, and suddenly used highly concentrated mental power.

Perhaps because Qian Xuan’s accumulation was very strong, the result was very smooth and he succeeded in one go.


Qian Xuan’s sea of consciousness seemed to explode directly, and then under Qian Xuan’s guidance and control, it turned into Zifu, and began to expand rapidly.

At the same time, the remaining spiritual power that had not been absorbed was also rapidly absorbed in the process. Digestion.

The digestion was completed in a short time.

Gradually, Qianxuan’s Zifu’s Dantian gradually stabilized.

When it was completely formed, Qianxuan’s Zifu was more than ten times larger than the original sea of consciousness. The sea of consciousness is more mysterious and has more potential.

At least, the so-called sea of consciousness in the past could not store chakra, but the current Zifu can.


After completing the breakthrough and stabilizing his mental state, Qian Xuan stopped practicing, opened his eyes, took a long breath, and a thick smile appeared on his face:”Haha! Finally, the Purple Mansion was successfully opened!”

“From now on, the accumulation and growth of mental power will be on the right track!”

“In addition, the knowledge of formations is indeed mysterious! Although the low-level part has a lot in common with the sealing technique, in terms of advanced levels, there is no comparison between the two!”

That’s the end of the top level of sealing techniques.

But above this, there are master-level and grandmaster-level formations.

If the corresponding formations can be arranged, even if it is possible to trap Chaoying, Six Paths, or even beings above the Six Paths, It’s all easy.

Unfortunately, this inheritance is actually full of rune knowledge and the mysteries of the world, and there is no corresponding formation that

Qianxuan needs to create himself or wait for system rewards.

“Fortunately, there is a basic spirit gathering array as a base. Based on this, combined with the sealing technique, you should be able to create many formations! Qian

Xuan thought to himself.

He planned to create another shadow clone in the future to study formations and sealing techniques.

He would try to create a large number of formations as soon as possible.

“In addition, this Zanpakutō seems to require a large amount of mental energy to be warmed and nurtured, and the sword spirit can be nurtured before it can be first solved or even solved!”

“It seems that it is no longer available for the time being! I can only take time to input some mental energy every day to warm up!”

After Qianxuan summoned the Zanpakutō into his hand, he got this information and murmured with some disappointment.

“However, you can put these aside for now!”

Because, Qianxuan made a surprising discovery.

That is, after he made a mental breakthrough and successfully opened up the Purple Mansion, his mental state also broke through, and he was able to achieve a state of mind as still as water, with no thoughts and no thoughts, and harmony between heaven and man. One.

This means that Qian Xuan can officially go to the Shigu Forest to practice immortal skills.

Although, with the Yin Yang Qi Jue,

Qian Xuan wants to let himself practice the spiritual power devouring magic. Chakra, in order to improve the quality of chakra conversion, it is also convenient to conceal the existence of spiritual power.

It is not so abrupt, and it is easy to explain.

“Tomorrow and the day after are off! I just happened to go there, and I think it shouldn’t take much time!”

Qianxuan immediately made up his mind.

During dinner time, he said hello to Kushina and Minato.

“ha? You said you have met the requirements for practicing immortality? Doesn’t that mean that your state of mind has reached the standard?”

“How can this be? How on earth do you do that?”

Kushina and Minato listened with shock and confusion on their faces.

Qianxuan smiled and spread his hands and said:”I have been practicing genjutsu recently, and my mental power has been unexpectedly improved, and my mood has also followed.���broken!”

“correct! When I was studying illusion recently, I created a meditation method that can temper and strengthen mental power. I will teach it to you now!”

“It may also help you improve your mental strength and simultaneously enhance your strength.”

As he said that, Qian Xuan raised his hand and pointed it at the center of the two people’s eyebrows. Suddenly, two streams of light disappeared into their minds.

Suddenly, the two people felt a chill between their eyebrows, and then, a meditation method appeared in their minds.


Kushina and Minato were directly stunned by Qianxuan’s magical method:”What method are you using? How can you still transmit information to us out of thin air?”


Qian Xuan smiled slightly and said:”This is just an application of spiritual power after it is strong enough to a certain extent!””

“When you become mentally stronger and can release and retract freely, you will also be able to master this technique!”

“Not worth mentioning! Not worth mentioning!”

Seeing Qianxuan’s pretentious appearance, Kushina and Minato couldn’t help but roll their eyes.

It’s strange that it’s not worth mentioning.

If it’s so simple, why haven’t anyone else mastered this before ? This method?

However, the two did not continue to ask, because Qianxuan had many secrets.

As one of the closest people to him, it was not only rude but also easy to hurt. The feelings between each other; furthermore, Qianxuan would tell them directly if he could.

If he didn’t say it, it meant that it was not the time for them to know yet.

“Thanks! Qianxuan!”

“With this, my mental strength can also be improved quickly! Practicing illusions will become much easier in the future.;”

“In addition, the amount of chakra may also be increased a lot!”

Minato thanked him sincerely and didn’t say anything more!

Anyway, he will be fooling around with Qianxuan from now on, but Qianxuan will just follow suit. Why do you think so much?

Work hard to become stronger, and try to help Qianxuan in the future. Got it

“Thank you, Brother Qianxuan!”

Kushina winked at Qianxuan playfully, and ran directly into Qianxuan’s arms.

The disgusting look made Minato roll his eyes.

“correct! Qianxuan! When we practice this meditation method, can we also improve our state of mind and meet the requirements for practicing immortality?”

Kushina suddenly realized something. She raised her head and looked at Qianxuan and asked expectantly.

After hearing this, Minato reacted suddenly and looked at Qianxuan expectantly.

Although, he did not contract Shigulin The Slug Clan, but he has already contracted with the Miaomu Mountain Clan!

He even asked Teacher Jiraiya and Shima Sennin if they could learn it, but Minato agreed.

The state of mind is not up to standard, and the chance of success is not very high; even if he can succeed, it will probably take many years of practice.

In addition, Minato is still too young, and his chakra level is not up to standard yet, so he has not started practicing Miao yet. Mushan’s Immortal Technique.

Before, he had been worried about his state of mind.

Now, if this meditation method can solve this problem, then.���It couldn’t be better.

He can spend a few years practicing meditation to improve his mental power and state of mind; when his body grows up and his chakra content reaches the standard, he can officially practice immortality.

Simply perfect

“Of course it is possible!

Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”However, you have to wait until you have mastered the meditation method to perfection, and then I will teach you how to make a breakthrough again.”;”

“At that time, your state of mind can be raised to the level required for practicing immortality.”

That’s right!

In fact, this so-called meditation method is just a primary spiritual cultivation method created by Qianxuan based on the Zifu Divine Refining Method and the Yin Seal.

Although it can continuously strengthen spiritual power, there is a limit.

In addition, There is no way to open up the Zifu

“Is that so? That’s enough!”

After hearing this, Kushina and Minato didn’t feel disappointed at all, but instead felt even happier.

It sure works!

“Qianxuan, you are really amazing! If you can even do this kind of thing, what else can’t you do?”

Kushina looked at Qianxuan affectionately and said in admiration.

Minato looked even more convinced and admired.


Early the next morning, Qiangen said goodbye to Kushina and the others, and directly used his psychic technique to channel the slugs.

Then, he asked Slug to channel him to Shigu Forest, and successfully came to Shigu Forest again and met the Slug Immortal himself.

And requested:”Slug Immortal! I am ready to start practicing immortality now. Please allow me and help me!””


Immortal Slug heard this and was slightly surprised:”Are you sure you have thought about it?” There will be certain dangers! Even if I’m here to help you”


Qian Xuan nodded resolutely:”I ask myself that I am completely prepared!” I am confident that I will learn it! Please help me, Slug Immortal”


Slug Immortal did not refuse, and immediately separated a slug from his body, climbed onto Qianxuan and said:”Sit down cross-legged, start trying to absorb natural energy, and fuse and refine the magic chakra!”

“I will help you guide the absorption of natural energy, and when the natural energy in your body is excessive and out of control, help you discharge the natural energy.;”

“As for how to successfully integrate and refine celestial chakra, you can only rely on yourself!”


Qian Xuan nodded:”Then let’s start!””

Immediately Qianxuan sat down cross-legged, directly entered the realm of unity between heaven and man, and began to try to absorb natural energy.

This step, even without the help of Immortal Slug, can be done easily with Qianxuan’s immortal body and elemental perception talent. Not to mention

, he also practiced Yin Yang Qi Jue, which also involves drawing Qi into the body and absorbing natural energy.

However, Qianxuan can feel that the natural energy concentration here in Shigu Forest is ten times that of Konoha. Above.

So, in the next moment, he successfully guided a ray of natural energy into his body.

Then, with the help of Slug Immortal, a large amount of natural energy began to flow into his body.

This time, he did not force it. The Yin and Yang Qi Jue refines these natural energies; instead, it converts enough chakra with spiritual power, and then controls the chakra and natural energy to start fusion according to the ratio of 1:1:1


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