Chapter 71 The research on the life-saving seal Xuanzi Seal was successful.

Shengshu positions himself as a thug and doesn’t think about anything else at all.

In fact, he no longer even had dreams and aspirations for the position of Hokage.

Mainly because of the Third Generation’s operations and methods, he became somewhat disillusioned with the position of Hokage.

The position of Hokage seemed not as beautiful and simple as he imagined.

It seems like you are in trouble every moment.

It’s simply mind-numbing!

Besides, Chigen has shown his intelligence, and he will definitely become Hokage in the future, and even unify the ninja world.

It’s not easy for me to compete with Qian Xuan!

He generously gave it to Qian Xuan.

It would be great if I help you and work with Qian Xuan to create a peaceful and prosperous age.

“Therefore, you are not suitable to be the clan leader!”

Uzumaki Mito shook his head in a funny way:”The dilemma facing the Senju clan has not disappeared, it has just been temporarily postponed!”

“If we want to change the situation of Qianju, let Qianju turn danger into safety and rise again, we really need a powerful patriarch with both strength and brains.;”

“And Qianxuan is what I think is the most suitable candidate!”

“Whether it’s Tsunade or Naoki, you are not suitable.;”

“Therefore, leave this heavy responsibility to Qian Xuan, just do your best and be good to yourself.”

As for Qian Xuan becoming the future clan leader, Uzumaki Mito will communicate with the senior leaders of the clan to confirm this matter.

“Uh-huh! You are right!”

Naoki and Tsunade listened and nodded in unison.

They didn’t feel sorry at all, but were relieved.

It felt great not to have to bear this responsibility.

Then, Uzumaki Mito looked at Sengendao again: Xuan, since you will be the leader of the Senju clan in the future, and since you want to control Konoha and unify the ninja world in the future, you will definitely need power and more help.;”

“Therefore, I want to help you cultivate some Thousand Hand Clan in advance;”

“I want to select a few more talented people within the Thousand Hands clan to practice the secret technique of Xingyiquan. Is it possible?”

“This can also be regarded as improving your prestige within your clan and laying the foundation for you to become the clan leader in the future.;”

“Of course, the person you choose must have your consent and approval, and there will also be a confidentiality contract.”

“What do you think? It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to, no one can force you!”

If you want to become a clan leader, what can you do if you don’t show convincing strength and ability?

How can you do it if you can’t bring benefits to the clan?

In the end, benefits are the key.

“no problem!

Qian Xuan immediately nodded in agreement:”Even if you don’t say it, I still have this plan!””

“Sarutobi, Shimura and the other three generations as well as the family behind Danzo are all working hard to develop in secret. If I want to seize power and position in the future, it will definitely not work without cultivating my own power in advance.”

It is definitely not enough to rely on one’s own strength.

The development of a village cannot rely solely on the bravery of one person.”

“Just agree! Then leave this matter to me!”

“Once the people are selected, I’m calling you to plant a seal of confidentiality on them to ensure that the secret technique will not be leaked.”

Uzumaki Mito nodded with satisfaction.

This step of keeping secret is necessary.

“Then it’s up to you, Grandma Mito!”

Chigen said with a slight smile on his face.

It would be great if Uzumaki Mito is willing to bring control.

He can also be lazy.

In fact, it’s not just Naoki who doesn’t like trouble, Chigen doesn’t like it either!

Therefore, in order to make it easier for him in the future, he must learn to decentralize power and pay attention to cultivating talents, and Minato is one of them.


After teaching Tsunade and others Xingyiquan and having dinner at Uzumaki Mito, Qianxuan returned to his home.

Entering the bedroom, he sat down cross-legged and said silently in his mind:”System! Receive all the remaining rewards.”

The next moment, a large amount of information about Dugu Nine Swords, Wanmei Sword Technique, and Thunder Breathing Technique continued to pour into his mind. middle.

Qian Xuan quickly digested and absorbed it with all his strength.

Verify the swordsmanship information with your own swordsmanship, absorb the essence, and help your swordsmanship grow.

As for the Thunder Breathing Technique, Qian Xuanze considered whether this thing could be combined with the breathing in Xingyi Fist?

“Or, fuse with the secret technique of thunder escape cell activation? Develop a stronger amplified attack mode?”

Qianxuan thought in his mind.

He felt that this idea had a clue.

Of course, there is also a set of sword skills in the Thunder Breathing Method, which he also absorbed and prepared to integrate into his own swordsmanship.

A few minutes later, Qianxuan finished digesting it. With this information, a shadow clone was left in the bedroom, and the main body entered the small world.

Then, three of them were separated to practice the Dugu Nine Swords, Wanmei Sword Technique, and Thunder Breathing Technique.

The remaining one is practicing to study the changes in the nature of ninjutsu; he is starting to practice the Zifu Divine Refining Technique and Xingyiquan.

As for the Yin and Yang Qi Refining Technique?

There is not much natural energy in the small world, and it will take time to recover if it is absorbed. They all went to the outside world to practice yin and yang.

In the morning, Chigen created a shadow clone and went with Minato and Kushina to receive Sakumo’s guidance. Others.

The days passed like this, and every day, Qianxuan lived a fulfilling life.

During this period, Uzumaki Mito also communicated with the senior officials of Senju, and then selected ten people to accept Qianxuan’s contract.

Then, Xingyiquan was taught to them, and the supply of body-building pills to them was increased in the hope that they could improve their strength as soon as possible.


In Qianxuan’s home.

On this day, the old man and Uncle Tiemu came here to meet with Qianxuan.

“Thank you very much for the family affairs! Qianxuan! With this Xingyiquan, the family’s strength will be improved faster.”

As soon as he came over, Uncle Tiemu smiled and said to Qianxuan.

Of course, Tiemu and the old man Makuma were not included in the selection this time.

But Qianxuan also taught Xingyiquan to the two of them in private.

After all, this The two of them can be regarded as their relatives, and they are also his die-hard supporters in the Thousand Hands clan.

Of course, there must be no shortage of confidentiality contracts.

“where! Uncle Tiemu, what you said is obvious, right?

Qianxuan listened and shook his head with a smile:”I am also a member of Qianju!””

“Besides, I will be the leader of the Thousand Hands Clan in the future! Isn’t this what we should do?”

“The stronger my family is, the more support I can get, and the things I will do in the future will go more smoothly.”

Anyway, he is cultivating talents for himself.

These people have signed a contract and cannot escape his control. He has simply won the pot, okay?

“That’s true!”

Tiemu smiled after hearing this, and then gave a thumbs up to Qianxuan:”You are still awesome! To actually be able to get Mito-sama, Tsunade is the support of the rope tree;”

“In this way, as long as you can show enough strength and skill in the future, and gain enough fame, becoming the clan leader will be easy!”

“It’s not that simple!”

At this time, the old man said:”If you want to become a clan leader, you must be able to withstand the pressure from the three generations and raise the banner of Thousand Hands again.;”

“Otherwise, the Thousand Hands clan cannot truly have a clan leader!”

“Otherwise, we will only alarm the three generations of them and frighten others. This is different from what we planned before.”

“So, it’s better to play it safe!”

“It just so happens that the village is currently discussing the matter of sending troops to the Kingdom of Rain.;”

“It seems that what you said, Qianxuan, is that a new ninja war is really coming!”

“This is both a crisis and an opportunity;”

“You must make a name for yourself in this process and gain enough prestige and achievements, you understand?”

It is about re-establishing the clan and must be taken seriously.


Qian Xuan listened and nodded affirmatively:”I understand!” This is what I thought too!”

“Moreover, I estimate that once I become completely famous and show most of my strength, it will be time for the Third Generation and others to sit still!”

“When the time comes, they will probably suppress me and try to control me;”

“By then, it will be time for me to become the leader of the Thousand Hands Clan and re-establish the Thousand Hands banner!”

At that time, the three generations will no longer be able to do anything to themselves.


At this time, Qian Xuan said again:”Talking about the war with the Kingdom of Rain;”

“When the time comes, Sandai and the others will definitely ask all races to send additional troops.;”

“We, the Thousand Hands Clan, are afraid that we cannot be an exception, so as not to fall into the wrong trap and be ostracized.;”

“Therefore, Grandpa, you can prepare in advance;”

“When the time comes, we can just send a few Jonin there! No other people will be photographed! They still need time to grow;”

“Anyway, everyone knows that there are only a few of us now, and with a few jounin, we can get through it!”

“Of course, when the time comes, try to let these jonins sent out follow Sister Tsunade! To prevent the three of them from playing dirty tricks.”

Of course, this is not enough.

Qianxuan is also planning to add a life-saving insurance to these people and everyone around them.

This is the life-saving seal mark that he is researching during this period.

The progress is good so far, and it is estimated that there will be more Within a month, it will be completely created and perfected, and it will come in handy when the time comes.

“OK! Just do as you say! I will arrange all these!”

“Your next main task is to practice hard!”

The old man nodded during the scene. While he was pleased, he didn’t forget to hold back.

He just liked to discuss things with Qian Xuan.

This kid considers everything thoroughly.

He covers everything.

“I see!

Qian Xuan also smiled and nodded.

“So let’s stop here today… let’s go!”

“good! Grandpa, Uncle Tiemu, please walk slowly”


After the seven-day holiday, Qianxuan and the others received the mission to leave the village again and started their mission trip again.

Afterwards, they spent the rest of their time in a rhythm of task one, rest one task, and one task after another.

Gradually, I accumulated a lot of tasks and practical experience.

Of course, I did not forget to practice every day during this period.

The strength has also risen rapidly again.

Wait more than a month.

The realm of Qianxuan Guoshu has been raised to the peak of transformation realm.

As long as you continue to accumulate some energy and blood and improve your understanding, you will be able to enter Dan Jin.

His spiritual power has also been raised to the seventh level of Qi training. When converted into chakra, it will skyrocket again…

In addition, during this period, his swordsmanship improved the fastest.

With Sakumo as a good teacher and friend, he often discussed with him, accepted his guidance, and coupled with Qianxuan’s understanding and qualifications, he made rapid progress.

Even Sakumo said that Qianxuan’s level of swordsmanship would probably surpass him in another year and a half.

This made him both happy and stressed out


On this day, in the small world

“Ha ha! Done! Finally, I successfully researched the life-saving seal mark!”

“This time, you can better ensure the safety of those around you and don’t have to worry about anything unexpected happening to them!”

Qianxuan looked at a”Xuan” sealing rune on the ninja beast in front of him. After trying to activate it successfully, he couldn’t help laughing.

He had been conceiving and researching the secret rune a few months ago.

In order to add a layer of life protection to those around him, he encountered many problems, but he solved them with his strong understanding.

Of course, he also consulted Uzumaki Mito on some sealing techniques. question.

Now, the life-saving seal is finally done.

This life-saving seal is derived from Qianxuan’s sealing technique and Flying Thunder God’s technique.

It is necessary to plant a special seal on the corresponding target and seal it into Qianxuan’s own. Chakra, and imprinted with a Flying Thunder God mark, will be automatically triggered when someone around him is in danger, and the Chakra in it will be transformed into Qianxuan’s shadow clone to respond. At the same time, Qianxuan’s body will be notified through the

Flying Thunder God mark.

Xuan’s main body can teleport over at any time through Flying Thunder God; in addition, if it is really critical and even the shadow clone cannot solve it, the mark will be fully activated automatically, and the target will be teleported directly to Qianxuan’s preset location without releasing the shadow clone. Space coordinates here

“If you want to preset the teleportation location, let it be set in the underground sealing enchantment space in my home!”

“Now, it’s time to take action!!”

With this thought, Qianxuan first found Kushina and Minato and told them the function of the Xuanzi mark.

“We still have to complete countless tasks, and there will always be times when we encounter danger.;”

“In addition, a new ninja war is about to begin!”

“This can be regarded as a life insurance for you! Come! Plant it for you!”

As he said that, Qianxuan was ready to take action.


Kushina and Minato naturally would not refuse. They both completely believed in Qianxuan.

Half an hour later,

Qianxuan successfully planted the mark of Xuanzi on the two of them.

“Tsk tsk! This thing is really brain-burning! Just the complexity of the sealing techniques inside makes my head spin! I really don’t know how you guys researched it in such a short period of time.”

Minato felt the Xuanzi mark on his chest and couldn’t help but clicked his tongue.

“Very complex indeed! This is already the top level of sealing technique!”

Kushina also observed carefully for a while, nodded in agreement, and then looked at Qianxuan with admiration.

Sure enough, Qianxuan is the most powerful! For a sealing technique of this level, let alone self-created , even if she has an existing society, she doesn’t know how long it will take

“correct! I will also learn the art of Flying Thunder God in the future. I will also learn such a profound sealing art, right?”

Minato suddenly asked again

“What are you thinking about?

After hearing this, Qianxuan couldn’t help but rolled his eyes and said:”Even if you want to learn this level of sealing technique, it depends on whether Grandma Mito teaches you or not!””

“The Flying Thunder God’s Technique does not require such advanced sealing techniques, it is almost enough to reach the intermediate level!”

“Of course, if you want to improve the Flying Thunder God Technique and increase the speed of the sealing technique, it is best to master the sealing technique to an advanced level.”

The sealing technique is closely related to the flying thunder god technique itself.

“receive! I will work hard in the future!”

Minato nodded solemnly.

Just make it difficult! Others who want to learn the sealing technique have not had the chance.

After that, Qianxuan went to find Tsunade and Uzumaki Mito

“Is this the life-saving sealing technique your boy has been studying during this period? Did you actually succeed? You can do it!”

Tsunade looked at the hidden sealing technique on her neck. After some observation and judgment, she knew that the seal was indeed effective. She looked at Qianxuan with a smile and teased.

“Very good indeed!”

At this time, Uzumaki Mito also nodded in appreciation and said to Qianxuan:”Your sealing technique has been mastered!”

“I don’t have much more to teach you! There are only a few top sealing techniques left!”

“I’ll teach you this time! I hope you can make good use of these top sealing techniques.”

With that said, Uzumaki Mito got up and entered the house. After a while, he took out a seal.���The scroll was handed to Qianxuan and said:


Qianxuan quickly took the scroll solemnly and said thanks:”Thank you, Grandma Mito!””

“hehe! One family does not speak the same language!”

Uzumaki Mito smiled and shook his head:”You are willing to work hard to create this life-saving sealing technique for the people around you, and you are willing to take over the burden of Senju, that is enough!”

In this way, she will be much more relaxed in the future and can truly take good care of herself in her old age.


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