Chapter 73: Mastering Immortal Mode, Is There Genetic Contamination?


From the very beginning, Qian Xuan felt the violence of natural energy and the conflict between the three.

He did not force the three to merge. He just maintained the unity of heaven and man, let everything take its course, and quietly completed the guidance.


Suddenly, the process became smoother. The natural energy merged peacefully with Qianxuan’s physical energy and spiritual energy, and a new energy was born, which was the celestial chakra.

With this opening, Qianxuan also remembered Got this feeling

“It turns out that the need for the unity of heaven and man is because during the process of integration, spiritual energy cannot have subjective consciousness and distracting thoughts.”

“Otherwise, it will arouse the resistance of natural energy and trigger a natural energy riot.;”

“And when you enter the state of mind of unity between man and nature, your mental power will become as still as still water, very peaceful.”

Qian Xuan suddenly discovered the real secret of immortal mode cultivation.

After mastering this, and Qian Xuan can enter the state of unity of heaven and man at any time, everything became smoother.

A large amount of natural energy was absorbed by Qian Xuan Fusion into senjutsu chakra


After a while, most of the spiritual power in Qianxuan’s body was converted into chakra and natural energy merged into fairy chakra.

Red eye shadow appeared on the corners of his eyebrows.

Qianxuan stopped absorbing natural energy and opened his eyes. Eye

“Um? Are you successful now? Incredible!”

“This is even faster than Xiao Hashirama back then!”

“Xiao Qianxuan, you are so awesome!”

Slug Immortal also discovered that Qian Xuan’s cultivation was successful, and he was very surprised.

This was the first time he succeeded, and he directly cultivated into the perfect Immortal mode.

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

“hehe! yes! Success! Thanks also to Immortal Slug! If it weren’t for your help, it wouldn’t be so smooth! Qianxuan smiled and thanked

“where! where!”

After hearing this, Immortal Slug shook his tentacles, shook his head and said,”I actually didn’t do anything! At most, it helps you guide part of the natural energy, and you seem to be able to do this easily!”

“Whether you can succeed in cultivation has nothing to do with me!”

“It seems that you did study the magic of immortality well before you went back!”

The Slug Immortal is quite happy to have another excellent contractor in the Shiggy Bone Forest.

In this way, when he meets the old toad in Miaomu Mountain and the smelly snake in Ryudi Cave in the future, he will be able to show off.

Even if she is She has a relatively peaceful personality, but as a female, comparison is inevitable.


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”Not only did I study for a long time, I also found ways to improve my state of mind.”;”

“Now it seems that my efforts were not in vain!”

As he said that, Qianxuan stood up, mobilized the magic chakra to wrap his fist, and waved his fist


The air exploded directly

“This power has increased many times!”

“Additionally, my resilience has increased a lot! Qianxuan murmured as he sensed the changes in his body.

At the same time, he still had something to say, that is, in this immortal mode, his cells had some slug characteristics.

“Is this considered genetic contamination?”

“Not permanent though! But if you maintain this fairy mode for a long time, that may not be the case!”

“If not, it will gradually turn into a demon and eventually turn into a real slug.”

When he thought of this, Qianxuan couldn’t help but shuddered and exited the immortal mode directly.

This was not the result he wanted.

He likes to become stronger, but this does not mean that he wants to become other creatures

“It is indeed a demon cultivator’s method!”

Qian Xuan sighed in his heart.

In fact, even if a normal person learns the immortal mode, because he cannot maintain the immortal mode for a long time, as long as he does not use this trick too frequently, he will not be demonized.

But Qian Xuan does not He is not an ordinary person!

He has felt before that he can maintain the immortal mode for a long time, so there is a problem!

“Um! The natural energy here is filled with the scent of the Slug Immortal, as if it is not polluted.;”

“This is probably one of the reasons;”

“In addition, when Immortal Slug helped me enter the transformation state of cultivation, a liquid flowed out from it and adhered to my body surface.;”

“And there is a special substance integrated into my body. Combined with the magical cultivation method of this Shiky Bone Forest, my magical chakra automatically takes on the characteristics of a slug.……

“If I knew about this substance, could I still cultivate into this immortal mode?”

“Will the immortal mode doll continue to have the characteristics of a slug after it is completed?”

“Or is it possible that even the cultivation methods of immortality need to be adjusted to avoid such demonization?”

Qian Xuan thought a lot in his heart, and he really wanted to verify it now.

But he couldn’t see clearly what the attitude of Immortal Slug would be if he knew these thoughts of his.

In addition, he was far from Immortal Slug now. Opponent, Qianxuan decided to play it safe and wait until he returns to experiment again.

“Um? Is this the end? It shouldn’t be! I can feel you can still maintain it!”

Slug Immortal didn’t know what Qian Xuan was thinking at this time. Seeing that he suddenly terminated the Immortal Mode, he asked in confusion

“Uh… I just had some distracting thoughts in my mind, and I couldn’t hold them in for a while!”

Qian Xuan touched the back of his head and smiled, then clapped his hands and entered the immortal mode instantly.

Then, looking at the slug immortal, he said:”However, I have completely mastered the immortal mode, and it seems that there is no need for further practice!”


Slug Immortal was shocked when he saw it:”It seems that I have underestimated you! You are much more powerful than Xiaozhujian! I have never seen such a powerful contractor like you!”

“You really don’t need to continue practicing now!”

At this time, Immortal Slug felt a little numb in his heart!

Is this really something that humans can do?

Just learn it directly and master it to the most perfect level?

It feels a little unacceptable.

But, this is it. fact


At this time, Qian Xuan asked again:”Slug Immortal! I heard that the immortal arts in Miaomu Mountain and Longdi Cave also have matching immortal arts. So, does our Shiggou Forest also have similar immortal arts?”


After hearing this, Immortal Slug shook his head and said,”This really doesn’t exist!” Because I am not good at fighting!”

“Since I’m too big, I don’t bother to study any magical techniques, since I won’t be able to use them anyway!”

“So, if you are currently learning other magic techniques, you may be disappointed!”

“Of course, the so-called senjutsu is just borrowing the characteristics of senjutsu chakra, integrating it into ninjutsu, and using it!”

“In essence, it is still the use of magical chakra;”

“With the learning ability you have shown, I think you can directly study the magic you need.”

It’s body is too big, and it doesn’t move very much. In addition, its recovery power is super strong, so there is really no need to do any magic.

It’s all fancy and has no meaning to it.

“Is that so?

Qian Xuan looked a little pity after hearing this, but still nodded:”It seems that this is the only way!””

“Now that the immortal mode has been cultivated, if there is nothing else to do, I will say goodbye to the Slug Immortal!”

“Konoha is facing a war recently! I have to go back and prepare too!”

Having learned everything that needs to be learned, there is no need to stay here.

If the natural energy here is not polluted, he would not mind using this place as an excellent training place for Yin and Yang Qi exercises.

Well! It is to ensure that he can It is absolutely safe to defeat the Slug Immortal.

But now, this seems to be unnecessary.

Unless he can develop a formation to remove this pollution, or he can ensure that this pollution cannot affect him. Choose to make this place a holy place for Qi training, as your own training place

“That’s fine! Then walk slowly, you are welcome to come again!”

Slug Immortal didn’t try to persuade him to stay, and immediately said goodbye to Qian Xuan.


Qianxuan did not ask the Slug Immortal to help him use the reverse channeling technique this time. Instead, he directly used the Flying Thunder God technique to connect the coordinates of his home and returned home directly across space.

“This…this is Konoha’s space-time ninjutsu? Unexpectedly, Xiao Qianxuan actually mastered this technique? It’s really awesome!”

Slug Immortal was a little surprised when he saw the way Qian Xuan disappeared.

But that was all.

Qian Xuan, on his side, directly used Flying Thunder God to return home, and suddenly raised his brows:”It really worked! It seems that my flying thunder god technique has made great progress again!”

“It’s good to be able to transcend the psychic world and the ninja world! make persistent efforts!”

The corners of Qian Xuan’s mouth curled up slightly, obviously he was quite satisfied with the result.

“It would be perfect if one day we could complete teleportation without relying on spatial coordinates!”

“That is the real magical power of teleportation!

Qian Xuan even thought longingly.

Then, Qian Xuan shook his head:”Now is not the time to think about these things, let’s solve the trouble in the body first!””

“First, absorb the magic chakra from Shigu Forest with spiritual power and acquire the characteristics.”

Thinking like this, Qianxuan thought and converted most of the spiritual power in his body into chakra; he immediately clapped his hands and entered the sage mode directly.

Then, he used the yin and yang Qi training technique to control the spiritual power to start The process of absorbing the magic chakra in the body was smooth, and there were no accidents.

However, the absorption was not fast, and it took a full day to complete, because although the natural energy in the magic chakra was absorbed. It is fused, but not refined.

This takes time, but even so, it is easier than using the method to absorb the natural energy from the outside and refining it directly.

“Oops! The spiritual power has increased a lot! It seems to be the cause of these natural energies!”

After devouring it, Qian Xuan felt that his spiritual power had increased for almost three days, and his face was slightly happy.

“This is a good way to speed up your cultivation!”

Qianxuan touched his chin and thought about it.

He felt that in the future, he could convert most of the spiritual power in his body into ordinary chakra like before; then, enter the immortal mode, and then use his spiritual power to swallow these magical chakras into Spiritual power.

In this way, wouldn’t the speed of my Qi training increase three times out of thin air?

“After that, I can try it. If it works, then I can practice Qi faster in the future. Qian

Xuan thought to himself.

This can be regarded as a way of cheating.

“The next step is to cleanse the unknown power and measure the characteristics of the slug immortal in the body!”

Thinking like this, Qianxuan directly began to use all his strength to circulate the spiritual power throughout every muscle, blood, flesh, and even cell in his body.

During this process, Qianxuan could clearly feel that the spiritual power had indeed swallowed up an unknown energy;

This thing can be quietly integrated into every cell of Qianxuan.

In this way, no matter whether Qianxuan is in Shigu Forest or not, and whether he has the help of Slug Immortal, he can enter Shigu Forest Immortal mode at any time and possess Slug. Super restorative properties

“Sure enough… is the principle actually like this?”

“Doesn’t that mean that my cells have been”contaminated” to a certain extent since I started practicing Immortal Mode?”

“Immortal Slug may not have any ill intentions toward me!”

“This may itself be the drawback of humans borrowing the slug immortal to take the shortcut of immortal mode!”

“Fortunately, now I have solved this drawback!”

Thinking of this, Qian Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be great if it can be solved

“However, to avoid accidents, it is better not to go to Shigu Forest as much as possible in the future!”

“To prevent the slug fairy from discovering my changes”

“Huh? That’s not right either! I have absorbed this power, then my spiritual power has this characteristic;”

“I can definitely use my spiritual power to simulate this characteristic when I go to the Dewy Bone Forest to avoid being discovered!”

“In this way, no matter whether the Slug Immortal has ulterior motives for leaving this power in my body, or it is necessary for the Immortal mode, it has no ill intentions towards me, so that’s no problem!”

After thinking about this, Qianxuan felt even more relaxed.

“Next, in the experiment, when there are no slug characteristics in the cells in the body, if I practice the method in the Immortal Mode of Shigu Forest, can I still enter the Immortal Mode?”

“If so, will this immortal mode still have the characteristics of a slug?”

Thinking of this, Qianxuan converted most of the spiritual power in his body into chakra again, and clapped his hands


In an instant, he entered the sage mode again.

Then, he discovered that the nature of the celestial chakra had changed this time, and it no longer had such strong recovery power; but at the same time, the aggressiveness and intensity had been improved to a certain extent. promote

“Sure enough, the sage chakra without the fusion of slug characteristics directly turned into a purely human sage mode?”

He waved his hand and used Water Escape to create a water mirror; he found that the eyeshadow and facial makeup on his face were gone, which was no different from the fact that he had not entered the immortal mode.

If Qianxuan could not feel the immortal chakra in his body, he would have You should think that you have not entered the fairy mode!

“Let’s try the various amplification effects of the celestial chakra in this sage mode first!”

Thinking like this, Qian Xuan made a thought and went directly to the ninjutsu testing ground in the small world.

Then he started to cast various magic spells.

“Immortal Magic Water Dragon Bullet Technique!”

“Immortal magic earth flow wall!”

“Immortal Technique Wind Release Rasengan Shuriken!”

“Immortal magic palm magic!”


After more than ten minutes, he stopped the experiment.

Then, the human immortal mode was released.

Then, clap your hands and enter Shigulin Immortal Mode

“Immortal Magic Water Dragon Bullet Technique!”


“Immortal magic palm magic!”

Then, he tried all the previous magic techniques again.

Then he stopped.

Then, he muttered:”Well! In the human sage mode, both offensive ninjutsu and defensive ninjutsu are much more powerful than those in the wet bone forest sage mode.;”

“But in terms of medical ninjutsu, Shigulin Sage mode is 30% better than human Sage mode! Resilience is also 30% stronger.”

The gap is quite big!

“At present, the human immortal mode is better than average, and the wet bone forest immortal mode is better because of its greatly increased healing ability and recovery ability.”

“What about the sage modes in Mt. Miaomu and Ryūchi Cave?”

Because there is no reference, even using the memory of the past life to judge is not very accurate. Qianxuan plans to wait until he has obtained the magic chakra of the two and absorbed it before conducting the experiment.

“Therefore, there may not be much difference between the so-called immortal mode cultivation method of the Three Holy Lands?”

“What really caused the emergence of the Three Immortal Modes was the genetic power of the Three itself?”

Qian Xuan felt that his guess was probably true.

Because after stripping away the contamination of the slug immortal’s genetic power, he used the same method to enter the immortal mode, but the result was a different machine.

This undoubtedly proves this point.

“But yes, the so-called sage mode is just a person who uses his extraordinary talent and state of mind to integrate natural energy with his own chakra.;”

“This is not a mysterious method in itself.;”

“It’s just a special secret technique.”

It is far from being called a complete cultivation system.


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