“Eh? Minato was stunned when he heard this, and asked with a puzzled look on his face:”Why?” This is obviously a good thing, right? It can greatly increase the strength of the students and increase the strength of the village in disguise!”

“If things go on like this, the village will definitely become stronger and stronger.

Qian Xuan nodded:”That’s right!” But in this world, things that are right will never be recognized!”

“Profit is the key!”

“If civilians can easily learn ninjutsu through ninja schools, then the advantage of the little ninja clan over civilians will disappear!”

“At the same time, this will lead to the rapid rise and growth of civilians, and ultimately the loss of the interests of the major ninja clans;”

“Do you think they might agree?”

“They even wish to hide their ninjutsu tightly and control it tightly.”

“If civilian ninjas want to acquire ninjutsu, they have to work hard to complete dangerous tasks;”

“Only by risking one’s life can one obtain the qualification to redeem Ninjutsu;”

“Only in this way can the ninja clan be seen as different!”

Of course, Qianxuan and Minato can actually be regarded as members of the Senju clan at this time.

Although they are not officially in name.

But since the Senju clan stopped their plan to integrate the clan members into the common people, they have secretly increased their treatment of these children. After intensive training, their identity has actually been recognized by the clan, and they have even been re-registered secretly.

When the time is right, they will be announced to the public, and the clan members will be reunited, and the name of Qianju will be erected.

“It’s actually like this…this….”

After Minato heard this, he felt like his outlook was shattered again.

However, he quickly calmed down and adapted.

Obviously, this was not the first time that Qian Xuan had his views shattered.

This is the effect Qianxuan wants!

If you want Minato to grow into a qualified helper in the future, you must educate and educate him from an early age to establish the correct outlook on life.

“Then why did some civilian ninjas object to it just now?”

“Aren’t they also born as civilians, shouldn’t they stand with civilian ninjas?”

Minato then asked in confusion.


Qian Xuan listened and smiled lightly:”This is human nature!””

“Think about it! Those civilian ninjas who worked hard and managed to redeem their ninjutsu through nearly nine deaths;”

“Now you tell him that everyone doesn’t have to work so hard and can learn these ninjutsu by going to a ninja school. Do you think they will be happy when they hear this news? Or is it opposition or even anger?”

I have been caught in the rain, so I always want to take away other people’s umbrellas. There are many people who pull others to get wet with them.

Moreover, this situation is very common.

On the contrary, I have been caught in the rain, so I want to There are only a small number of people who want to hold umbrellas for others because they don’t want others to get caught in the rain like themselves.

“this…It really is….Human nature!”

After Minato heard this, he frowned at first, but after thinking carefully about Qianxuan’s words, his brows gradually relaxed.

Obviously, he understood the reason.

“I took it for granted! In the final analysis, it is still a question of fairness and interests!”

Minato shook his head helplessly.

He would rather be the umbrella holder, but he can’t represent anyone.

He can only represent himself.

“Is there no way to change this situation?”

“I feel like this is really a good suggestion and will be beneficial to the strength of the village.”

Minato asked with some reluctance.

“Yes, I have!

Qianxuan chuckled and replied:”When you and I are strong enough and can decide Konoha with one word, we can just force it forward!””

“There will certainly be a lot of opposition at first;”

“But no one has ever said that every policy of those in power must be thoroughly convinced by everyone.”

“When you are strong enough and have enough say, you can naturally transform the world as you wish;”

“Of course, you can also use greater interests to win over most people and prompt them to agree to your reforms;”

“However, this will be more difficult and take longer”

“How you choose is up to you.”

After Minato heard this, he nodded with some understanding and began to think seriously.


At this moment, Kushina’s angry shouts came from the yard.

Immediately afterwards, Kushina ran into the living room.

At this time, Qianxuan had already prepared dinner, and motioned to Minato with his eyes to help carry it. While carrying several plates, he came to the living room and put the dishes down on the dining table. Then he walked over with a smile, reached out and touched Kushina’s head, pinched her bulging cheeks and said comfortingly:”Okay.! I was wrong today!”

“But I also explained it to you! I have something to do today and I can’t go there!”

Kushina still stared at Qianxuan angrily.

Obviously, she was not satisfied with this explanation.

Qianxuan said helplessly:”Is this good? Today I will teach you the art of shadow clone;”

“After that, you can use shadow clones to go to school just like me and Minato;”

“The main body can practice with me, how about it?”

This girl has become more and more clingy to him recently.

Qian Xuan has a headache and is happy.


After hearing this, Kushina ignored her anger, blinked her eyes, and asked with bright eyes:”Is this really okay? Wouldn’t it be good?”

This is actually a disguised form of skipping school, right?”

“sure! This is approved by Sister Tsunade!

Qian Xuan blinked and said quibly:”Anyway, as long as it is not exposed in front of classmates, the teacher will turn a blind eye even if he knows!””

“After all, this is what we do;”

“Moreover, it is enough for the shadow clone to go to school and learn everything that needs to be learned.”

He was very sure that his homeroom teacher Ichiro Kurokawa knew that he and Minato were using shadow clones.

Even if he couldn’t see through this with his elite chuunin strength, he would know after a little inquiry that he and Minato were hanging out every day.

The unabashed kind

“Then I’ll try it! You have to teach me well! Is that shadow clone technique difficult to learn?”

Kushina nodded eagerly, and then asked.

It can be seen that she has never been a peaceful person.

Everything before was just a disguise.

What she wants is actually the effect she has now.

“Not difficult! Much simpler than the sealing technique! With your talent and my guidance, you should be able to master it in a few hours!”

Qianxuan smiled and shook his head.

This is not a lie. Kushina’s understanding and talent are really strong.

The sealing technique is notoriously difficult to learn and master.

But Kushina can learn it very easily. , this is talent

“That’s good! That’s good! whee!”

“Wow!(╯▽╰)It smells so good~~ah! Qianxuan, you can also cook! I have decided that I will come to your place to eat every day from now on.”

Kushina was only now interested in smelling the food on the table, and then announced loudly.

Then, she looked at Qianxuan eagerly, with a look that seemed to say, if you refuse, I will cry for you.

“OK! It’s all up to you!”

He spread his hands humbly and helplessly, then pointed at Minato who had just come over and said,”However, Minato and I take turns every day, and it’s not me who does it every day!”

Minato would smile


After hearing this, Kushina glanced at Minato in surprise and complained:”I can’t tell!” Minato, you look like a girl, but you can actually cook, not bad! good!”


He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

I am really not suitable for Kushina!

Born to be aggressive.

Besides, what’s wrong with him? You are obviously a sunny and cheerful boy, okay?

This has been certified by many people.

During dinner,

“correct! Watergate! Kushina, I successfully refined a secret medicine today that can temper the body and continuously strengthen the body. It has the best effect when combined with physical training! More than ten times stronger than the medicated bath bag issued by the tribe;”

“Let’s give each of you one pill to try the effect first!”

“After that, when I refine more, I will give you some more!”

As he said that, Qianxuan pretended to take out a porcelain bottle from his arms, but actually took out a porcelain bottle from the small world; poured out 2 body-building pills from it, handed one pill to each of them, and then introduced in detail the best usage and Effect

“Huh? Is there such a powerful secret medicine? Or did you refine it yourself, Qianxuan? It must be very precious, right?”

Kushina held the secret medicine carefully and looked at Qianxuan with a face of emotion and admiration.

For a time, Qianxuan’s love for Gao Qianxuan in her heart expanded to the extreme, and it changed qualitatively.

“Thanks! Qianxuan!”

Minato also thanked Qianxuan with gratitude and emotion.

He felt that he owed Qianxuan more.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Qianxuan’s mind:

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the treasure collection”Uzumaki Kushina”. Reward: top-level Uzumaki human body*1, longevity pill (10-year version)*10】…

PS: It will be on the shelves soon, please order first! Collection, flowers, review!

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